Ambler School Entries

Hi Ambler Year 6,

Please post your poetry entries below. Remember to include your full name please.

We look forward to reading them.

32 thoughts on “Ambler School Entries

  1. The wonders of the UK

    Roaming around crowded streets,
    Looking for the best fruits to eat.
    Pomegranates, Pineapples and Mangoes fully stocked,
    Make my taste buds fill with flavours of lots.

    Culture and religion paint the streets with colour,
    Diverse beings thriving and growing with numbers,
    Magnificent restaurants supporting our races and nationalities.

    Schools built high and tall,
    Filling the halls with education and laws,
    Designed to make students creative and smart.

    This is what makes the UK so great.

    By samia :DDD

  2. My Home No More

    Town Houses,
    Hues of beige and brown,
    Never a moment you need to frown,
    Rolling Hills,
    Places everywhere to have great thrills,
    Bridges and castles,
    And amazing monuments too,
    And forests,
    And great big lakes.
    This was my home.
    But soon my home it would be no more.

    Walking through security,
    Sitting on a seat, waiting, waiting.
    Boarding, then squeezing to your seat,
    Doing up your seat belt,
    And how long the flights always felt,
    The bright blue seats and the rows of clouds,
    filled my eyes as I drifted into a dose as I always do.
    Hours went by when I picked up my bag from the floor,
    In Czech Republic I was no more.

    Tall buildings replace the trees,
    cities and people and rush hour.
    No where here has a flower,
    all I’d want is to be back home,
    But my home it is no more.

  3. The Place I Want To Be

    In Hong Kong,
    The bang of drums, a dragon roar,
    Family all around, food galore,
    A brilliant red, excitement at every store,
    These memories grow, more and more.

    In England,
    Beaches, forests and massive mountains,
    With friends, visiting museums with fountains,
    School with learning, as playful as kittens in the park,
    Fantastic fun all day until dark.

    Flying through books, speeding on horseback,
    Hugging my cats, playing tennis with a smack.
    Games with my friends, all these joys in a pack#
    Nothing these places lack
    The place I want to be.

  4. Home

    Where do i call home?
    that is the question.

    Is my home the colossal house in America,
    always full of laughter, joy and family.

    Or is my home the place I snore,
    munch and smile.

    Maybe my home is the place i flee to,
    to be educated,
    Ambler Primary.

    Sometimes i think my home is the place i was born,
    where it all started.

    What if my home is wherever my family is,
    so we’re all united?

    I feel my home is the Earth in general,
    the trees,
    the ground and skies.

    Although all of them could be my home,
    MY real home is anywhere I feel safe.
    Anywhere I feel I belong.
    Anywhere that makes my heart beat louder.
    Anywhere that makes ME feel like home.

    Rosie Rummer 6B
    Ambler Primary School

  5. What makes me, me

    Having some cwaffe at dunkin
    Funkin down the road finding the nearest CVS
    My home streets of bustling Harlem
    All the food smells so stinkin good

    The busy streets made me feel alive
    CVS always had remedies to heal
    Crazy rats stealing food
    People taking their cats for a walk
    Everyone knows each other

    I realise I am in London and i feel melancholy
    I wish I was back home with my family
    I need to see the bus streets again
    I can’t wait for the holidays and to celebrate
    I miss New York

  6. London,my home,
    where I am from,
    I have family in London,
    friends in London,
    the buildings are tall,
    they tower over you,

    I like gymnastics,
    flipping on the bars,
    balancing on the beam,
    also shopping and clothes,
    baking a cake
    or cooking,
    these are things I enjoy,
    this is what makes me happy and excited.

    Family matters as well,
    I have family in London,
    but also Liverpool and Austria,
    family is there they are kind and caring

    This is me.

    Clementine Allen 6B

  7. while climbing a wall I slip and fall,
    diving head first into a pool ,
    when I go to singing don’t know which song to choose,
    now that the day is done I can take off my shoes ,

    Each one of my friends is there till the end ,
    all disagree we somehow mend,
    The tow dog that I love can read my thoughts,
    so all of my worries are down to nought ,

    The humming bird drinks from the hibiscus flower,
    the steel pans plays louder than ever ,
    marvelous mangos make your mouth water,
    I could play in the grass for ever and ever,

  8. Meeting my friends in the park.
    Smiling and laughing all the time.
    Having fun until its dark.
    Go back home and talk online.

    One of my friends is turning eleven.
    She has a party with lots of games and plenty of food.
    Her birthday cake tastes like heaven.
    I go home and fall asleep.

  9. Me
    Waking up in sunlight filtered by trees,
    Opening the door to purrs and mews from two little furballs called kittens, brushing against my legs,
    Light flooding through windows,
    Clean rooms full of stuff,bookshelves layered,
    Park at my doorstep,then the call for food

    Delicious food, what will it be,
    Homemade pizza or flavoured noodles,
    Fresh Italian pasta for lunch, with a fresh smoothie,
    For dessert it will be many, many cakes,
    Later on adventures…

    Twirling and flipping at gymnastics,
    The sweet melodies of choir’s singing,
    Hanging and swinging on the climbing wall,
    Typing at Newsletter club,
    I love my life and I would never change it.

  10. My Turn For My Story
    By Nina

    Thinking back to the old, cramped flat,
    where our squishy armchairs sat
    and the creaky trampoline
    these are what I remember seeing
    then we bought two timid kittens
    memories of straw baskets they loved to sit in.

    Soon we left that old, cramped flat
    bringing with us boxes of this and that
    we were on a whole new street,
    but luckily the neighbours were really sweet!

    Now I am in year 6
    with loads of secondary schools to pick
    and that ends my turn,
    but there is more to learn!

  11. Wonderful Japan

    Strolling down the bustling streets of Tokyo
    Searching for somewhere to eat
    Tasty sushi, soft and sticky mochi,
    stringy ramen with crunchy seaweed
    or warm and comforting miso soup
    Where should I go?

    Going back to my kind and fun grandparents
    and my energetic cousins
    seeing my loving parents
    Soon we are leaving for dinner

    Walking past cherry blossoms as beautiful as a swan
    Looking up at elegant Mount Fuji
    and staring into the distance
    But then turning back and Japan was no more

  12. ME

    I wonder down a street,
    The smell of food is sweet,
    I am desperate for a drink,
    but I have no money,
    I am desperate for a drink,
    actually, no, i’m just trying to be funny,

    I sit in my bed,
    thinking of Minecraft in my head,
    playing football with my brother,
    Eating food from my Mother,

    Golf is a fun game to play,
    you’ll play well on a hot summer’s day,
    I love going to school,
    unless i get bullied about not being tall,

  13. Peaceful Devon

    Driving through the old devon lanes,
    where it often rains.
    On the old devon moors ,
    heather and gorse with towering tors,
    filled with small trickling brooks.

    Walking past crystal clear rills,
    with rocky outcrops and twisted trees,
    mystical skies and grazing cattle.

    But my home is back in London,
    where the aromas of the world wafted around my nose ,
    going round finsbury park,
    sailing round like Noah on his ark.

  14. Italy the place to be

    The place where I’m from
    has the most amazing food
    Pizza,the bubbling cheese
    crispy dough when you take your first bite
    you instantly want more and the sound of
    Spaghetti in the boiling water all you can
    hear in the kichen is bloop

  15. My favourite things to do :
    get lost in a book and read all day long,
    ride on my bicycle through the park ,
    while listening to the birds chirping in the trees.
    When i’m at home I play games with m family,
    everyone cheering and being happy.

    In the streets everywhere I look ,
    shops are bustling with people
    there are aromas of food from all around the world,
    mingling with the smell of petrol from the cars.

  16. I switch my playstation on
    check if my friends are online
    I put my fifa Disc
    in,and load it out
    I play 3 games
    Then go offline
    Watch a football match
    get raged all night[cause my team got harry magure]

  17. Everyday i love to draw characters from video games, i use colours pencils to draw, i use the colours red, blue, black, cyan, green, brown, orange and yellow. My favourite games to play are spider-man and rachet and clank When I play i feel happy and excited i like to play with my cousins my brothers and my friends. I live with my parents we go to our grandparents every friday and we eat dinner together. Right at the end is tottenham hotspurs my favourite football team and my favourite is the striker i have no favourite footballer.

  18. I go to a school , which is very
    tall it can touch the sky when I see
    it make me happy .
    This is me

    We all wear blue there are lot of people
    from different place , I am from pakistan
    and I love my country and my friends they are like my sister they both
    This is me

    Aisha-H 6B

  19. My Identity

    My cat is a tabby cat,
    leaping and jumping around is what she does,
    I have the love of dogs,
    but sadly don’t have one,
    my 4 fish being funny,
    I love my pets,
    That’s part of my identity.

    Cyprus,the country I call home,
    sandy beaches,salty seas,
    just make sure you beware of the bees,
    the language is Greek,
    There are lots of ways to earn a holiday,
    but learning the language is the greatest way,
    That’s part of my identity.

    My family are great,
    cousins have a lot of humour,
    but they will always spread a rumor,
    Mom and dad give me a smile,
    I love them more than a mile,
    That’s part of my identity

    -Eleni Demetrious

  20. Iraq, the birth of civilization,
    With the river Tigris snaking through,
    The banks are lined with coconut palms,
    In this place, my Mother was born.

    We travel across the world,
    Where the sound of drums fill the air.
    Citrus fruit growing on towering trees,
    When I taste these sweets,
    The citrus is like a water balloon,
    Exploding in my mouth.
    When I see the people wearing rainbows,
    My heart lifts.
    This is Jamaica, where my grandad was born.

    Taking the route,
    The Windrush took – back to England we go,
    From London – where I was born
    We escape to Norfolk,
    Calm and peaceful
    The fields run into golden, sandy, desolate beaches, then into the crystal clear sea.

    This is what makes me, me,
    And without these places,
    I will not be alive.

    By Phoenix Alexander Salman Fuller

  21. Im in my little cosy home.
    Helping my mum make lovley yummy food and ending up in a really good mood
    Before sleeping in my comfy bed reading my fravroute story

    I go to the playground outside my house.
    I can feel the warm breeze
    while cycling and scootering with my siblings

  22. Siblings can be annoying but caring too.Like when you’re feeling, lonely ,or blue they can come and cheer you up. Even if you’re feeling rubbish they could help you get back on to your feet .maybe not me but my other siblings.They can even come and keep you company to . And it make me want me to be kind to other people. I am so graetfull for them

    Angelique Kahnun

  23. My life

    The fresh taste of juicy blackberries
    picked straight from the bush
    cold cream singing the hot crumble
    and the ripe orange colour of a mango.

    The joyful feeling of unwrapping presents
    with family on birthdays and christmas,
    Easter the awakening of nature
    and when the plants are reborn.

    Hackney, London, England and family
    all mean one thing to me, home,
    when the community cares for one another
    sharing kindness.

    That is what my life means to me.

  24. ART
    This is what no one can change!
    Rainbows in the sky,
    Colours of art,
    When I look up into the sky I see a rainbow,
    “I think what a wonderful thing.”
    Colours of art, Well
    first things first,
    Art is great but with colour its even better.

    Colours can be in a art studio or streets
    selling for around £10.
    Painting,drawing,thotograther, dance too,
    Are art,
    They all make the word art.
    Rainbows are up in the sky looking beautiful having colors looking bright.

    Much more
    Make me feel happy like i want to jump and scream in joy.
    Rainbows in the sky,
    Colors of art.
    Is me no one can change that!

    Cici stiff

  25. My beautiful self

    My name is Grace,
    and what makes me, me
    is my identity!
    I’m full of kindness,
    and spreading love,
    drawing and skating is so much fun!

    Going to the countryside and the beach
    brings back so many memories!
    This one time i was in the sea,
    my donut floatie gave up on me,
    it popped and i got out immediately!

    This part is serious,
    It’s about my family
    and how much they do for me.
    There are many great people on this earth,
    but family always goes first!

    Coming from a kid theme parks can be scary
    even if it’s your first time going on a spooky ride,
    it can be hard,
    but when i tried i could say i tried hard!

  26. Italy the place to be

    The place where I’m from
    has the most amazing food
    Pizza,the bubbling cheese
    crispy dough when you take your first bite
    you instantly want more and the sound of
    Spaghetti in the boiling water all you can
    hear in the kichen is bloop
    bloop bloop

    People usually go to Italy for
    the famous buildings
    The Roman colisima is
    very old.It is big but it is parcly falling down and needs support
    The leaning tower of Piza is very tall and is on it’s side
    but you can take a picture like you helping it up .

    The weather is enjoyable in summer
    Jump in the pool and sit outside for lunch
    but in the winter you will freeze it starts to snow
    and you don’t want to go outside .

    Alessia kelway

  27. USA

    50 states in the USA
    all different but all the same
    but it won’t be a shame
    when you go to the USA

    suburban homes
    baseball roams
    as its what they say is
    the beautiful game

    on a plain to what I call home
    It’s London where football roams


    London, the place I call home,
    The South Bank is special to me,The merky River Thames shimmering in the sun,
    The smell of a fresh hot cross bun,
    The London Eye, tall and colossal,
    And the lovely golden sand sticking to my feet while my hair blows behind me in the breeze,

    My sense of humour is a part of me,
    how I laugh and what I find funny,
    The Simpsons makes me giggle,
    And my brother makes me jump out of my skin,
    Lisa’s jazz makes me smile,
    And Homer trying to run a mile,
    all of this means so much, because,
    It is a part of my identity,

    But most of all, my house, where my family is,
    where I sleep, where I eat, where I live,
    where I spend most of my time,
    The place that I love,
    The place I feel cozy,
    Where I call home.

    Lola, 6B

  29. Antigua the island where im from.
    The clear salty seas rubbing against the
    crrispy white sand and washing in between
    my toes.The scorching sun shinning down me.
    this is what makes me, me!

    Music bringing me joy.Making me sway from side
    side to side.Music birngs me and my family together.
    i put my headphones on and listen to my favourite song.
    a smile spread across my face as i dance away.This is what
    makes me, me!

    The food my island cooks. The drinks my island makes even
    though they drink rum alot.The sweet and sour and spicy food i
    taste.The sweet drinks i love.Even though im not with my island
    now.It is what makes me, me

    -Nailah 6B

  30. Nature

    Nature, it’s all around me
    Nature, it’s in everything I see
    Nature, It’s all around me
    Nature, it makes me, me

    Venus fly traps bare its teeth
    Snaps and traps everything it eats
    Its fantastical catching method
    Snatches everything it needs

    The wonderful Giant Sequoia
    Towers over jade pillars
    Creaking of incredible age
    Dinosaurs chewed off its luscious leaves

    Sloths, nature’s most prized creation
    Beautiful, lovely, Gives me a great sensation
    Invisible from the predator eye
    Inseparable from my loving soul

    London is my real home
    My home and creatures home
    Pigeon or rat, maybe overlooked
    But still share my home

    Mouse or maggot, hated by all
    They share my home
    Fly of fox, dirty and horrible
    They share my home

    My beloved cats, Ziggy and Phoebe
    Catching mice and bringing presents
    Even a worm or a bird
    They share my home

    Nature, it’s all around me
    Nature, it’s in everything I see
    Nature, It’s all around me
    Nature, it makes me, me


  31. me, myself and I
    by sophia, 6b

    although i live in london,
    it’s not where i originate
    lives all my family,
    new zealand is the place to be
    it’s quite a small place,
    but has many beaches
    thinking about it makes me
    remember memories from three years ago or more,
    swimming in crystal clear water,
    or admiring a dormant volcano.

    i’ve talked about new zealand,
    but now is not that time.
    Finsbury park is a wonderful place,
    and where my house sits too
    my life started here,
    here in finsbury park.
    probably hear some chirping, from our little budgies
    but upstairs usually sleeps
    a furry little friend
    lies a little hamster
    Jerry the Great!

    school can be fun,
    but sometimes stressful.
    where i meet my friends,
    learning bit-by-bit,
    always something different
    after school we go to bed,
    and wake up with a fresh new brain,
    almost feeling new!

    i’ve spoken of my home (2 of them),
    now it’s going to be different.
    i’m writing about my personality,
    what makes me,me
    my humour makes people laugh,
    my voices and faces,
    how useful it is

    although it’s not my personality,
    keyboard is a hobby
    i started lessons months ago,
    but i love it so
    ‘it’s not THAT good.’
    people may exclaim,
    but to me it’s great and i think it’s part of me.

    i recently got a new one,
    ive been using it lots. i
    ts fun and cool,
    and to stay that way.

  32. The Things I love
    when I play guitar,
    my fingers flow,
    as if there isn’t any order,
    or any instructions you have to follow,
    Piano isn’t any different,
    i just love the sound it makes,
    when I play the rythem,I feel great,

    What I love about flowers,
    are the shapes and colours,
    all of them are different,
    my favourite flowers are,
    Bluebells and Roses.
    The towering trees,
    filled with leaves,
    make me feel safe,
    The bird chirp and squirrels squeak

    My grandparents make me feel loved,
    they take me out for dinner,
    and then give me sweets,
    I love my grandparents,
    they make me, me

    By leena El-ouaret

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