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26 thoughts on “Gillespie

  1. The Arsenal And I

    All I can do is sit on my seat,
    as I watch the Arsenal play,
    one-nil to seven-three,
    it could go either way.

    When they score the crowds erupt,
    everyone laughing and screaming,
    after the match people gossip about the game,
    and no one can stop beaming.

    My happiness is tied to the men in red,
    one kick of a ball could change my day,
    sometimes I think how other matches could go,
    in every which possible way.

    Sometimes it’s hard to laugh,
    or smile or chant or play,
    but all it takes is one good game,
    to make things go my way.

  2. My Friends

    I play football with my friends
    like they’re my brothers, we always talk
    and play minecraft together.

    If one of us is low give them hope,
    and we always stick together.

    Like sun like moon,
    In the starlight sky we stick together
    and we never be shy.

    We have sleepover’s and play dates
    together we run,
    we don’t make mistakes.

    We have arguments sometimes,
    but we’re always together,
    and we will be friends for ever and ever!

  3. I’am the lonely writer left with a blank page
    as always,
    my pencil shaking as a cold cup,
    my sister gives me a rubber,
    when it’s my turn I’ll do the same


    I feel relaxed like the ocean
    loved and respected
    lonely being the smallest
    although they call me strong.

  4. What we feel

    We play minecraft as i we are brothers,
    Together as one,
    The happiness and exhilaration,
    These emotions aren’t done.

    We are ready, ready for the future,
    Knowing what to do,
    Hope is what we feel, hearts pounding,
    Together we fight life.

    On the flip side, we are down,
    Fear takes over trust,
    Never knowing what they really think about you,
    Never knowing if you can truly trust.

    I wish I could be free,
    Free from the tyranny of life,
    Yet we still mine and mine aware of this sadness,
    Just always tearing away from the truth.

    But if we can, we are free,
    As sure as the sun rising and falling,
    As sure as seeing the stars in the moonlit countryside
    We can have fun in this happy, happy world.

    By Zafr Shamsuddin

  5. I am the responsible beach ball,
    always in all of the pictures,
    inflating as fast as a cheetah,
    my brothers invite me to build sandcastles,
    when its my turn I’ll be just as kind as they are,
    I feel as tanned as a sun,
    loved and content,
    despite being the oldest,
    they call me the best.

  6. My Friends

    I play football with my friends
    like there my brothers,
    we talk and play Minecraft

    If one of us is low
    we give them hope
    and we always stick together.

    Like sun like moon
    in the starlight sky,
    we stick together
    and never be shy.

    We have sleepovers
    we have playdates,
    together we run,
    we don’t make mistakes.

    We have arguments sometimes
    but we’re always together,
    and we will be friends for ever and ever.

    By Jake and Luke

  7. I am the heart of football,
    playing till the sun goes down,
    my coach sends me to play at the pitch,
    It’s tough,
    But when it’s my turn on the ball they’ll be shocked.

    No one will dare say to me,
    “Get on the bench!”
    I’ll show them what I’m made of,
    Despite being small they’ll be terrified.

    When no one’s watching I train like a beast,
    But when I’m watched I’m as shy as a turtle,
    I’ll watch the match like a hawk,
    And take information,
    Watch me play and you’ll crawl back into your shell.

    When I’m alone I feel free,
    No one knows the different me tucked inside,
    Waiting to come out and show my ability,
    I need freedom to show my skills.

  8. I stare at the cheering, leering pieces,
    My hopes seem to be a melodic midsummer night dream,
    They send me to learn, and improve,
    When I find the time to perform,
    I’ll stand strong,
    And be proud,


    I can see the beaming, jumping, hopeful notes,
    There to make me calm,
    Writing and reading a colourful song,
    Despite being the youngest,
    I will make them proud,
    Creating new things with the floating, musical notes, like lingering dreams,

    When, I get bored, I find new inspiration,
    I sit down with a beautiful case of information,
    Reading happily,
    I feel as soft as a cuddly coat,
    Writing new stories of my own,
    Words spin from my head as I read,
    Ideas burst from my hand as I write,


    I fight for what I know is right,
    Normally peaceful and calm,
    But now protesting cutting down a bright and colourful palm,


    I write, read and sing,
    And, fight for whats right,
    I stay strong,
    I stay proud,
    I not all that I am on the outside,
    I keep believing,

  9. SPLIT
    i am split up into many sections
    some for sure is brave
    some a little nervous and timid
    but the biggest part that takes up most my heart
    is happiness

    i am an eagle soaring fearlessly
    when i climb the jagged rocks
    feeling proud and triumphant
    as i ascend to the top

    i am a trembling mouse
    when secondary school entry
    looms intimidatingly over me
    feeling unsure of the experiences to come

    i am a glowing sunflower
    shimmering in the morning light
    elated and calm
    happy where i am

  10. I,Too,Sing EGYPT
    I am the young sibling.
    They send me to learn in the school.
    Where dreams come.
    And show the world who I am.
    And never give up.
    I will be where I want to be.
    Nobody will dare to say to me your trash in the future.
    They’ll see how amazing I am.
    And be unbelievable.
    I,Too,Am EGYPT.

  11. i am stars and my friends are the sky
    we are beautiful together
    the lost bird flies away
    but we help the bird
    we love the bird

    some people bully the lost bird
    but we will make the bird confident
    and some day that wish will happen
    sometimes i feel like a lost bird
    and gust want to give up
    my friends help
    every body will feel like a lost bird
    a caged bird
    but today hope fully you feel like a free bird
    who is not sad or angry
    or who just wants to be free
    be free

  12. I am the forgotten football left at the end of the garden
    deflating as slowly as a popped tyre
    my brother sends me to play in goal, again ,
    when it my turn to be Stricker ill be much kinder.


    I feel warm like the glow of the sun
    Despite being the youngest
    I score all of the goals
    Nobody will call me the worst
    Then they’ll see how much goals ill score.

    As zoomed passed my brother
    Bang! I scored top corner
    As there chaw dropped
    They were stun what a goal I scored
    maybe next time I don’t have to be in goal.

  13. I am the younger sibling I smile all day
    I am the funny one
    I am the kind one but!!!!!!!

    I get pushed around sometimes
    I get annoyed
    I get frustrated
    when it is my turn
    I will be more fun
    I would not be
    pushing my brother around
    like a swinging door.

    when they realize
    how kind I am
    they will be sorry.

  14. I’m the ignored player
    who forgets to spin the dice
    losing almost as often as I play
    my brother jeers and jokes about me
    once more.

    when I win I’ll be kinder,
    kinder then they where.

    when I win,
    I win by loads
    I feel the light of the bright sun shining
    I feel what they feel when they win.

    In those moments my family realize
    that I’m as competitive as a leopard
    that I’m like a lion
    that I’m great like them.

    when I lose
    my brother jeers and jokes about me.

    when they lose I’ll be kinder.

    I too am family.

    by Juliette

  15. My friends are always there for me,
    Support, love and care for me.
    Times may be tough sometimes,
    But their my sun that will rise.

    Sometimes I get bullied for my identity,
    I wish they would be more friendly.
    But I keep my head up high,
    Willing that I will not cry…

    My brown hair is what you can see,
    If that’s what it’s meant to be.
    My brown eyes are big and round,
    And these are my feelings on the inside:

    Secondary I’m really nervous about,
    As the kids tent to scream and shout.
    Yes, the years will be tough,
    And I hope people won’t be as rough.

    I may sometimes be cheeky,
    But they will always see me.
    My family will always find me,
    But they’ll never leave me behind…

  16. The Game I Love

    My journey begins,
    as i watch on the sidelines,
    watching and learning,
    Patiently waiting for my turn,
    I wait and I wait but my turn doesn’t come.

    So i
    go back home and i train,
    And i train and i train,
    everything i learned,
    I keep on training,
    until the sun goes down,
    the next day comes.

    the new day arrives,
    I come to watch on the sidelines,
    I patiently watch and learn,
    I sit and wait and wait and wait,
    But my turn doesn’t come.

    Years go by,
    and I watch and i wait,
    I train and i train,
    nothing seems to change,

    one day is different,
    As i sit on the sidelines ,
    and watch,
    I get called on!
    I feel shocked and nervous,

    i practice everything that I’ve learnt,
    and I suddenly I feel,
    Like I’m part of a team,

    the next day is different,
    as I
    I play on the field,
    see other people who were like me,
    people who are watching and waiting,

    i feel amazing,
    I’m playing the game I love.

  17. I Too Sing Life
    I am the elated friend,
    In goal or up front,
    The ball floating in the air like a bird flying in the sky.

    I feel safe in school with my friends and my class,
    Despite being one of the youngest,
    I am one of the tallest.


    I am the youngest sister,
    I’m the annoyed sister,
    The lonely sister.

    I am the thoughtful friend,
    My elated smile,
    My friendly face.

    I am the kind classmate,
    The caring sister,
    I am the one who is annoyed.

    I Too Sing life!

  18. Swimming
    Take your marks…
    hart racing
    step onto the block.
    -ba dum ba dum.
    get into position
    get ready
    be happy
    ba boom ba boom
    Get ready-go
    ba-dum ba-dum…tsh

  19. Start with some learning
    And let it settle,
    Then inquisitively blend
    Math, English, and history

    Swiftly remove the fiddling and fidgeting after
    Approx 15 minutes of break time
    Add lots of focus
    then stir vigilantly

    carefully add some fun
    Then take some blend of Indian and English
    Combine with some Somalians and Iraqis
    And turn up the heat

    Sprinkle some fresh,
    French and Spanish
    together with some,
    Urdu, Turkish and Bulgarian,
    Then add too the melting pot

    Leave the ingredients to simmer

    As they mix and blend, allow them
    to play tennis and football
    binding them together with
    card fields

    Allow time to be cool.

  20. For I, May Be.

    I may be the bird with the fearful trill,
    With a lonely heart of a frail courage,
    For I, may be an ordinary, single leaf,
    But I am proud to be part of a tree.

    They can call me thin, small or feeble ,
    But I keep my vanity inside of me.

    For I, one day, will rise above the horizon,
    And they’ll see how I’ve become wiser.

    I had great memories, and that is something they can’t take from me,
    With my friends, family beside me, we all deserve to be free,
    For I, may be an ordinary, single leaf,
    But I am proud to be part of a tree.

    Walking up to the lush green grass,
    My knees trembling, my palms sweaty
    Worry and hope filled my mind

    The goals loomed over me
    the football stared at me,
    we got into our positions like fears tigers,
    my world froze.

    the ref flipped a coin,
    the whistle blow, they started,
    The ball shot to a midfielder,
    skye tackled and got the ball,
    enemies runningrunning towards her craving possession
    she passed it to ecem, who was surrounded by reds
    she nutmegged one of them and passed it to me.

    Two defenders like pythons ready to poison
    they looked at me with shap eyes
    i charged though, infront of the goal,
    i shot.everyone stopped.
    would it go in would it not?

    the ball flew like a missile into the goal
    the keepers hands just missed
    it was a goal!
    A spark of confidence started to shine

  22. football with my brother!

    I am from my brother playing football with me,
    we boot the ball (thud) from park to park,
    sometimes we go to a pitiful pitch,
    He leaves me like a football when his friends come over,
    but I don’t mind (even though I get a bit upset.)

    we sometimes throw the ball to a window and get in big trouble
    but we don’t care we just laugh and move on,
    being the smallest in my family is a bit upsetting but when you have a brother that loves you it’s the best

    me and my brother, we play football everyday no matter what the weather is like
    rainy,thunder or earthquake we still go out to play.

  23. I am a hard working builder I am sportie and arty
    Building memories through my journey i am a student and a friend
    I am the one who seeks through their own steps i am a daughter and just a

    And the one who explores a new adventure as you can see
    I am the one who adores creating there’s many me
    And definitely not waiting but yet again… is still ME
    I am not the one who is always confident
    And not the one who is always content

  24. ME

    All you see is outside me,
    my heavenly, fun life,
    the perfect person, everything is brilliant type-me.

    But inside theres another me,
    never any free time,
    Burning the midnight oil type-me.

    And inside theres another me,
    the cheeky, mischievous me,
    the class clown type-me.

    Then inside theres another me,
    the eager to learn,
    the early bird type-me.

    And inside theres another me,
    the overreacting for nothing,
    the crying over spilt milk type-me.

    Then inside theres another me,
    the jealous, spiteful me,
    the grass is always greener type-me.

    Then theres the last me
    the one who started it all,
    the girl who lies deep inside of me.

  25. I am the forgotten football left in the bushes
    deflating as slowly as an untied balloon
    my brothers send me to play in goal
    Again, and again, and again

    But I feel warm like winters hot chocolate
    love and content
    despite being young,
    they show me no mercy

    Every night, I dream of winning a match
    They’ll see how remarkable I am

    For, I Too am amazing.

  26. I am the forgotten football left in the bushes
    Deflating as slowly as an untied balloon
    My brothers send me to play in goal
    Again, and Again and Again

    But I feel like winters hot chocolate
    Love and content,
    Despite being young
    They show me no mercy

    Every night I dream of winning a match
    They’ll see how remarkable I am

    For I too am amazing

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