
Please post your poetry competition entries here. Please share your first and surname.

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66 thoughts on “Pakeman

  1. I am India.

    I too support India,
    I am the brave Bengali,
    People say I should not show myself,
    But I believe in myself and nobody else,
    Tomorrow I’ll be outside,
    And nobody will dare say to me
    To stay in the darkness,
    I too am India.

  2. My name is Josue,
    I like football,
    I feel happy,
    I like food rice and chicken is yummy,
    I like my friends, their names are Ori , Fahima, Cade and Rob,
    I like my school,
    My favourite subjects are maths, literacy and art.

    I like to bea Artist wnen l grow up,

  3. Face your fears and show your skills,
    There are obstacles in the way,
    I am an unstoppable footballer and I get through all the other players,
    Challenge yourself and believe in yourself,
    Nobody can stop me from doing anything,
    Treat everybody like you treat your friends and family,
    Always respect what other people believe in and respect them fairly,
    Never make fun of peoples beliefs .

  4. I am the chatty one in the friend group,
    Yes it is true.
    Most of my friends are Muslim,
    And I am too.
    I have dark, brown wavy hair,
    And dark brown eyes,
    Until they meet the sun,
    And shine.
    I’m also from Somalia ,
    And I have tanned brown skin.
    And for me, I really like acting,
    And at the bottom of my heart, I want to be an actor.
    But the one thing I absolutely CANNOT STAND…..
    I HATE those 8 legged insects SPIDERS,
    How can you possibly like a creature that watches you sleep at night?!

  5. Just because you’re tall or small,
    Black or white doesn’t mean your opinion should be heard differently,

    Just because you look different doesn’t mean you should be looked at differently,

    Just because your from somewhere different doesn’t mean you don’t belong anywhere,

    Just because your ideas are different doesn’t mean they are better than others,

    Just because your different doesn’t mean you are not able to do everything
    Everyone is unique!


  6. To be poor or not to be…

    Here is a lesson that’s worth being learned,
    It starts with a girl called Kass ,
    She is 20 years old with long, messy ginger curls.
    She is rude, but she has a funny boyfriend Jacob.
    One day, Kass went to a food place to eat with her child Irene
    and came back at 9:07pm.
    She was putting her beloved, kind girl to bed.
    Then Jacob called it off,
    One month later, Jacob left Kass for a richer girl.
    Kass was depressed for weeks,
    Until she met her lovely husband Josh,
    Who treated her like a million bucks everyday.
    No matter if people are rich or poor,
    Always treat people the same!

  7. I’m English,
    and also Bengali.
    I’m not embarrassed,
    Because I can be whoever I want,
    and I can be friends with who ever I want,
    So can you!
    So be you, keep your head up high and
    reach for the stars.
    Even if you miss, you will land
    somewhere among space.

    So be yourself!
    And face your fears!

  8. I too, sing Africa, I am the tropical swimmer. When company comes,
    I’m asked to leave,
    But I laugh and swim well,
    And grow strong.
    I’ll be at the ocean
    When company comes.
    Nobody’ll dare say to me,
    ”Go swim in the pool”,
    They’ll see how good I am
    And be embarrased,
    I, too, am Africa.

  9. First take some brown,curly,short hair,
    and mix it with some brown skin,
    let it simmer for about 9 months,
    then let the brown eyes shimmer.

    Take a blend of African and Polish,
    as they mix let the language flourish with some English.

    Sprinkle a little bit of hobbies, friends, likes, dislikes and fears,
    Now add a table spoon of personality and a tea spoon of interests and hopes,
    And to end it all….
    A bucket of beliefs.

  10. Mix rose peach skin with wavy blonde hair,
    Then let her grow in water for 2 weeks,
    When she is done,
    Take her out of the water….
    Let the green, safari eyes grow on the face,
    And so appears the mouth and nose,
    After that add a bit of sports, english, gymnastics…
    Let the hair grow and the height,
    When you’ve done all that,
    Let her make friends.
    Happiness ever after!

  11. Just because you might look different from others it doesn’t mean you are different,

    Just because you are from somewhere else, don’t let people treat you different,
    Respect your skin colour, opinions and interests.

    Just because you like rice and curry,
    Don’t mean we all have to like that curry,

    Just because you like dancing. but i like footy,
    Just because you might get hated don’t let it stop you
    from being what you want to be!.

  12. Don’t be scared,
    Face your fears,
    After you do it you will feel proud,
    You can do whatever you want in this world,
    But if anyone stops you,
    then ignore and move on.

    And even if you have a different skin colour,
    You are still the same as everyone else.
    Don’t do stuff that nobody likes,
    Because people will not like you anymore and that leads to no friends.
    Everybody has their own rights,
    So that includes you too!

  13. I’m a girl that has wavy hair,
    I like maths and i love playing with my friends,
    I like to going to the park
    I have dark brown skin,
    And i love to eat pizza,
    I like to help my friend’s ,
    I like to help my teacher,
    I like doing everything!
    And i like learning science and i like to do drawing too.

  14. Take some beautiful black, curly hair,
    and blend it for 5 minutes.
    Add some Portuguese people and sprinkle some basil,
    Put some black beautiful eyes and some brown skin,
    And finally add some of your religions,
    What I am trying to say is be yourself ,
    Believe in yourself no matter what,
    Everybody is different and they have different things you may want to have,
    But NO it’s wrong,
    Have the the things you have,
    Don’t be jealous or else,
    You will tell people that you are rich when you are not,
    Believe in the things you want to believe in.

  15. Take some black hair and sprinkle brown eyes and let it shimmer and let it rise add some Irish and some polish and tern into English now it grow.

  16. Face your fears,
    There are a lot of obstacles in life,
    But don’t let them overwhelm you.
    And be the best you can be,
    Be nice and be kind,
    And your future will set swiftly across the broad, dark-blue sea.
    Don’t let people treat you different because your skin colour is different to theirs,
    Be respectful to others and treat others nicely.

  17. This is me

    I go to pray
    five times a day.
    I read the Quarn
    it is my holy book.
    I am the Muslim brother
    my religion is Islam.
    I don’t eat pork
    that is so not halal.
    My religion doesn’t allow me to eat stuff
    with certain ingredients in it.
    I love my religion and respect others too
    in this poem of kindness.

    My values are : family,friendship,kindness and more.
    I have many best friends and wouldn’t trade them for the world
    (like my family).
    I couldn’t ask for better friends and family.
    Remember Allah is always with you.
    Wait and another thing be who you want to be
    follow your own path.
    This is me
    i’m proud of myself.

  18. All About Me

    My name is Redon,
    I am 10 years old and I’m Kosavan.
    5 foot 2 inches tall,
    I really like my friend’s being respectful.
    I wear glasses, I’m dark-haired, dark eyed.
    And I like playing basketball,
    Football too.

    But when i’m at home,
    I smell my mum’s wonderful cooking,
    which all ways makes me rumble,
    also I hear the tv,
    every time I get back , Tipping Point is on.
    I like reading Harry Potter,
    Now I’m on the Chamber of Secrets.

    I live in different dimensions,
    One dimension of friends and one dimension of family
    I jumped in the world on January 2012.
    I believe in myself so much that i think
    I can fly across the world.
    You should be you,
    And I am proud to be me.

  19. I believe
    in Islam
    so i am Muslim
    i go Mosqe
    every day after school
    we pray 5 times a day
    i read Quran
    i do Arabic classes every day
    i am from Pakistan
    but i am born in London

    I have one sibling
    I go to Pakeman primary school
    I love sports
    in my spear time i play some video games

    I live in planet family
    were there is kindness
    and family of joy
    I have lots of friends
    which are kind
    they help me when
    I need help and
    i couldn’t ask to have better
    friends I am proud to be who i am.

  20. hi I am Alens,
    my favourite game is
    hockey, football, tennis and basketball,
    plus Roblox,
    and my friends include
    Redon, Abubekr, Ahmad and Ismael.
    I have one sister,
    my mum is from Latvia
    and my dad is from
    my sister is Latvian,
    what am I?
    I was born in
    but we moved
    when I was young
    to London.
    I feel both.
    British and Latvian.
    Both of these things
    make me
    I am Alens.
    I have one cat
    called Bubbles.
    Bubbles makes me
    My favourite food is
    chicken wings, nuggets , burgers and fries.
    This makes me

  21. My identity
    I go to Pakeman
    I have eight siblings
    I love my mums food
    everyone at the table
    Is stuffing there faces

    It’s good to celebrate when it’s Eid
    i don’t eat pork
    my values are my : family ,religion,friendship
    and more
    I love my friends

    I have some of my favourite teachers :Rob,Tay
    and Sara
    this is a poetry
    A type of poetry about me
    This is my identity

  22. The Boy Of Many Places

    Before the war, it was beautiful to my parents’ eyes
    In the 1990s Somalian War, they had to flee
    I marched into the world in March (18th) 2012
    I am a Muslim (And proud) with seven siblings
    In 2016, I went to

    In 2017-2018, it was in between thrilling and OK
    In 2018 June, I went to
    It felt very great then in 2019, I went to
    It was perfect, but in 2019, I went to
    In 2019-2020, it was the best years of my life, until I glimpsed at
    Mogadishu ( Where it all made me )
    Things were not going smooth, but in September 2022, I went back to
    London ( Again )
    Finally settling for 2 months and a half, there is no place I’d rather be.

    Be Who You Wanna Be.

    By Muhammed ( The Proud And Happy Muslim).

    Based On A True Life

  23. MY favourite food is my mum’s rice and curry
    the smell makes me rumble,
    the waiting makes me inpatient and suffer
    but…When it is ready i go down to the dining room as fast as light.
    We talk, smile, laugh and eat
    but before we eat we say Bismillah
    then we stuff our faces into it
    As we finish there is always a dessert
    this time it was strawberry ice cream
    after done,
    we watch movies and eat sweets
    (my favourite is Sour Patch)
    then we have to clean as usual a lot of sorrow and wept
    After i go to the Mosque (i am Muslim)
    i pray and go to my Arabic classes
    my eyes glow glim!
    when i see kindness, respect, loyalty, people, people
    who give food to the ones in need
    i have 2 worlds
    Family and Religion
    i love and inspire both
    i will never disrespect
    i will never cry
    but i might get mad
    i go on holiday every year
    this year i went to Mombassa in Kenya
    next year i’m going to Dubai in UAE
    i like to take pictures and play with my friends .
    I really like roblox
    I like kindness, family, friends, and respect
    but i dont like racism

  24. Un-Needed Desires

    On cold winter days
    I take a warm fluffy blanket
    And get my favourite snack
    Lidnt salted caramel
    And I take little nibbles
    Then months pass
    Summer has already arrived
    We go on holiday
    To the tropical country of Bangladesh
    I feast on fresh warm curries and the sweet starfruit that grows outside
    On the brim of the humid, hot jungle
    Where wildlife lives, free and happy
    Maybye I’le see huge smiling hippopotamuses
    Or the magnificent, mesmorising bengal tiger
    But I mus’nt step foot in the jungle
    Or danger gets in my path
    So i must stay home with my family and friends and enjoy what I have
    Because we should all realise, we could be more grateful for what we have
    Atleast we have what we need
    For example going in the jungle is “an un-needed desire”
    So we should’nt want much more then what we really need
    Think again
    Why should we always want to buy more things that we desire
    When some people don’t even have what they need
    Instead we can use this money to help others get what they need
    Then again, are’nt they human beings like us?
    Next time you’re thinking of spending money on your desires
    Think to help others get what they need
    For the world would be a much better place
    For us
    For everyone

  25. I’m Hope
    and i like playing football with my friends
    i have scottish,Jamacian and chinese i spend most of my time trying to learn my launguage i a mostly focusing on china I’m autistic i have 2 siblings but I’m the oldest because Reggie is 4 with ADHD and Ily is 0 but I’m 11 i don’t get to see her much because we have diffrent mum’s but i will still love her a thew months ago mum gave us a dog her name is liara but we call her lara for short she has her own room but she mostly likes to sleep in my room,my favourite food is bang bang chicken with chalmain and spring rolls.

  26. My name is Taryn,
    I go to Pakeman primary
    I love football
    and I was born in Gloucester 2011
    my family and I are Bangali,
    and values are really important to me.
    some of the most important values to me are,
    respect,loyalty and kindness
    Everybody in my opinion should be
    treated equally poor,rich,black,white,
    what all matters is that were all humans
    and we have rights.
    I want to be a footballer when i’m older or a
    therapist,because everybody deserves to be happy
    and football is onde of my favourite sports/hobbies

    I aslo like wearing baggy,streetwear,Y2K or
    tomboy clothes.I like wearing these because
    its comfy and looks amazing!

    this is my poem…

  27. my two worlds

    I live in two main worlds
    my faith and my family
    I am a Muslim, my god is Allah
    the prophet taught us goodness and decency
    and how to pray five times a day
    so we take that knowledge and be faithful to our creator,

    In April and May is our time to shine
    to show our appreciation and strength
    we fast from sunrise to sunset
    it is seemingly hard
    but when your getting the richest rewards
    it’s a very simple task!

    But I don’t do this alone
    I have many Muslim brothers and sisters
    but of course I have another family
    my home and my heart
    there will always be space in my life for them
    even if it’s a very tight fit,

    My sisters. My annoying, moany sisters
    I love them because they’re mine
    especially my #1 best friend
    we grew up as 1
    and now she’s emerged from childhood alone.
    Then there are my parents
    they’re a part of me, i’m a part of them, I love them.

    Life is like a chapter book, you never what is right around the corner,
    so appreciate what you have, because it can disappear in a puff of smoke.

  28. Mini little weapons
    Small daggers
    Slap bands
    That really slap
    But cute
    Fidgeting with them
    Flexible cubes
    But cute
    Clicks and twists
    And a reaction
    Mini things even
    And cute

    Kindness is key
    And that’s all of me
    All bark no bite
    Some of me
    I live in two dimensions
    But kindness is always key

    Friends and family is what matters to me
    And all they get is my loyalty
    If you mess with them,
    you mess with me
    ‘Cuz all they have is my loyalty
    Some are more frenemies
    But in the end,
    They gain my loyalty

    This is my identity, more so just me

  29. Identity

    ”Hello my name is Yahya i was born in London but my Dad is from Afghanistan
    and my Mom is from Bangladesh”
    I pray 5 times a day,
    I either pray at a Mosque or at home,
    you may know my religion now Muslim
    But its okay if your not,
    I read Quran and I go to Arabic school,
    I need kindness
    and sweetness,
    Our prophets or messenger’s
    Taught us about Islam
    And we have no God but Allah!
    Listen now.

    I respect everyone with kindness
    but everyone also need’s sweetness,
    In a magnificent world
    but Allah test’s us,
    but is this a test or even a real world?
    ”It is real because Allah created everything we see, hear and smell,”
    A test before Judgement day,
    we all want to go to Jannah,
    but that’s if we pass
    If we fail we go to hellfire.

    We have friends,
    but there’s still future friends we have not met.

  30. The hungry man

    I am from Ethiopia/England
    My traditional food is called ingra
    The smell of the sauce make me rumble
    With my family
    Around the table
    Filling our mouth with food
    It an happy time
    But my favourite outside food
    peri peri rice with chicken
    when i look at it and im sad it changes my mood in a second
    I love my religion called islam
    I m proud to be muslim
    in my life i have achieved good stuff
    by the way never give up
    and i don`t eat pork

    But my

  31. My name is Ahmad
    and I love my life
    I have all my favourite games
    and a beatiful house
    my mom and dad are both Syrians
    and I’m ten years old
    I have two sisters and one brother
    my favourite subjects at school is PE and art
    I live in two worlds gaming and real life
    My birthday is on January 1st 2012
    I like the Summer and spring but I like winter most
    because its the best time for hot chocolate
    My favourite colour is red and blue
    when I grow up I want to be a footballer
    and play for Manchester City

  32. my name is Lorin I love pets they are super adorable
    i always wanted a pet
    and when i grow up
    i will be a vet
    and help animals
    if they are hurt or ingured
    i ill com and save them
    if i also grow up i will adopt a cat or dog
    but in my opinon i prefer dogs because
    in my childhood i was scratched by a cat
    but i still love them but i just like to
    watch them far

  33. My name is Amira
    i am musli and love is
    m and love it
    i pray five times a day with my family
    i wear a hjaba for respect to boys and girls
    what everyone should do is be kind to everyone
    i like to go to some place to see new things
    i love Eid
    i am happy to be my self
    and allah is here

  34. I am a Muslim

    I am a Muslim
    My religion is Islam
    And yes,I am proud of who I am

    I pray five times a day
    While listening to what our prophet used to say

    I am a Muslim
    My religion is Islam

    I go to the mosque four times a week
    To learn the knowledge that I seek

    I am a Muslim
    My religion is Islam

    We fast in the month of Ramadan
    Attaining pioty and reading the Qur’an
    We strive to do good deeds
    And then comes the celebration of Eid

    There are many different religions
    Such as Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism and many more
    However each one has their own special laws

    I am a Muslim
    My religion is Islam
    And yes, I am proud of who I am

    What religion are you?

  35. My name is James
    and I love games
    and I love my
    Dad and Mum

    My Dad’s English
    and my Mum’s Filipino
    and I’m a ten year old

    My first ever teddy was a penguin
    named pengu, who still sits on my
    bed to this day

    And I have learned
    over the years,
    to be very kind
    and respectful

    I love my life
    I love my family,
    lego, badminton and

    I was born in 2012
    just down the road
    I live in three worlds,
    one of kindness, one of
    family and one of heart.

  36. Things I Enjoy

    Hi my name is Le’Mae and I live
    with my Auntie
    and my 4 cousins in a three
    bedroom house.
    My favourite time with them is around
    the dinner table.

    I eat, they eat, we all eat
    together. My favourite
    dish is curry goat
    and rice along with some hot kidney beans
    and corn on the cob,
    I love that dish

    Music is what
    I think brings
    everyone together
    Hip hop, RnB
    Opera, classical
    K pop, reggai,
    Calypso, garage
    Jazz, rap, rock
    and I could go on
    all day but
    I just want to say
    I love music

    I come from a place
    where we
    don’t divide ourselves,
    we come together as
    we have a unique language,
    you might not think it is a language
    but it is.
    I come from Jamaica,
    far away in the Caribbean
    where it’s hot
    and exotic,
    so close to the

    London is pretty cold
    in the winter, so in
    2023 I’m going to have
    so much fun
    with my mum,
    we’ll make so many
    Memories are important
    to me because
    that’s what makes me
    who I am today.

    I’m a Christian
    and I’ve been
    realising what
    I have and
    other people
    don’t, so
    I’m praying
    to God that people
    that don’t have what I
    have will be able to be
    who they want to be
    inside and out.

    I have three brothers
    but I’ve never seen
    one of them, and I
    hope my oldest one
    hasn’t replaced me
    with someone else.
    I hope they are still
    breathing the air
    I breathe.

    Fashion is one of my things
    to draw and have in my life.
    It shows what I’m feeling,
    my mindset is my wardrobe.

    These are the things I like to do,
    these are the things I like.
    I might not rhyme,
    but I love being black and beautiful.

    Wherever you are in the world
    please be proud of yourself,
    I’m begging you.

    I love you,
    I hope you do too.

  37. Sorry on the other one i accidentally posted when i did not finish.


    ”Hello my name is Yahya i was born in London but my Dad is from Afghanistan
    and my Mom is from Bangladesh”
    I pray 5 times a day,
    I either pray at a Mosque or at home,
    you may know my religion now Muslim
    But its okay if your not,
    I read Quran and I go to Arabic school,
    I need kindness
    and sweetness,
    Our prophets or messenger’s
    Taught us about Islam
    And we have no God but Allah!
    Listen now.

    I respect everyone with kindness
    but everyone also need’s sweetness,
    In a magnificent world
    but Allah test’s us,
    but is this a test or even a real world?
    ”It is real because Allah created everything we see, hear and smell,”
    A test before Judgement day,
    we all want to go to Jannah,
    but that’s if we pass
    If we fail we go to hellfire.

    We have friends,
    but there’s still future friends we have not met,
    i have value’s
    like my friend’s and family.

  38. I have four brothers,
    Three from my dad’s side
    one from my mum’s side.
    Me and my whole family
    Are from Somalia
    We are all Muslims
    I live with one of my brothers
    And my mum,
    I love my family
    But mostly my mum and my brother.
    We sometimes go to the Mosque
    And pray with the other Muslims.

    We celebrate Eid,
    Eid is when people celebrate after Ramadan
    And Ramadan is when people fast
    For a whole month,
    Muslims are supposed to pray five times
    A day.
    Muslims are not suppose to be drunk
    And they don’t smoke.
    I love being a Muslim
    It is haram to eat animal meat,
    Two things I love is Allah and my family
    because they mean the world to me
    And I don’t know what I will do without
    This is my identity.
    I love my religon
    And I hope you do too.

  39. I am muslim
    And I am proud
    I go to pray
    five times a day

    I love to read the holy book
    It is called the Quran
    Every word has a beautiful meaning
    Which help me learn
    And changes for the better
    And tells not to judge
    and to be kind
    I am muslim
    And I am proud

    Allah sent down 25 prophets
    Which all have a different story
    Each one of had to spread the same word
    That Allah is the greatest and most merciful
    And to become muslim
    I am muslim
    And I am proud

    We have 5 pillars which are
    and Hajj
    We try very hard to get good deeds
    so to go to heaven and are pleased
    I am muslim
    And I am proud to believe in Allah

    My religion is important to me
    so it must be to you
    I know other religions


    And much more!

    Be proud of who you are
    And do makes you happy!

  40. My Identity

    I live in a small flat,
    where i pray 5 times a day.
    And when Ramadan comes,
    I fast from sunrise to sunset.

    When is Iftar time,
    delicious food is set on the table.
    Family’s breaking their fast with dates and water
    just like what our prophet did.

    There’s always something good to eat,
    like curry, salad , fruit
    rice, chicken and meat.
    My family all gathered at the table,
    munching their food happily.

    In Islam its best to be kind,
    give money to the poor,
    and be faithful to our god.
    Its also similar in other religions,
    where they are all kind, respectful, and caring.

    We also celebrate special days,
    like Eid, where all my family gather.
    We all have delicious food,
    and we give,and we receive gifts.
    Its a great day to spend time with your family.

    Its important to be kind.
    Be generous,
    and helpful.
    Be sweet,
    and caring.

  41. me…

    Honesty and loyalty is what I go by,
    that way I will never see my friends cry.
    Creativity falls from my bones, while i lick away kindness from my ice cream cone.
    Respect must be in it because all my friends, family and I have it all.

    I have a solid group of friends that will always try to defend.
    we all care while we all play our Roblox game till the very end.

    Dark eyes, bright teeth that fall out all the time,
    long hair that is never a crime.
    Sea blue glow in the dark glasses,
    pinkmemeted lips,
    long nails.
    I live in a world with my favrioute things:
    Spaghetti bolognese, Mac and chesse, lasanga, chickin wings and more are my fav foods.
    my fav numbers are 7,17,777, 7777,77777 all them with 7.
    Im 10 years old, a capricorn im told,
    honest. (mostly…) kind. smart. amazing at gaming.
    My mum is from Barbados and my dads from Jamaca.
    I have my own identity.
    and so do you and evreyone else.
    be your own person.
    enjoy your life.

  42. My name is Sofia I go to pray five times a day with family and friends I love cats and dogs but mainly kittens and puppiens but in Islam you are not allowed dogs but you are allowed cats My friends are Leena Rwayda Amira Skynna Zayna Shanon Family is important Siblings are special
    Friends are loyal

  43. I live with my mum , dad, and sister.
    My sister’s name is Michaela and she 14.
    I would say she’s pretty mean.
    We argue everyday,
    But some will say that’s not okay.
    We sometimes get along,
    but it doesn’t last very long.
    I also have a half brother.
    He’s in his 30s and he is the son of my farther.
    His name is Nathaniel.

    I live with my mum, dad, and sister.
    My mum is Zimbabwean,
    My dad is from Jamaica,
    And my sister and I are from England.

    I live with my mum, dad, and sister.
    I call my grandma and 2 grandaunts,
    Who are all on my mum’s side,
    A word in a language called Shona.
    The word is Gogo ad i have said it for years,
    But it is not a word that everybody hears.

    I live with my mum, dad, and sister.
    My mum’s side speaks Shona,
    Which is her first language.
    She learnt English in Primary school
    And it’s a really handy tool.

    I live with my mum, dad, and sister.
    I have been to some of my cousins’ weddings.
    It was great
    And there was nothing to hate.

    I live with my mum, dad, and sister.
    My family and relatives are all Christians.
    What a coincidence that I’m born on Christmas.
    This is my family.

  44. Identity

    I go to pray,
    five times a day.
    Prophets of Allah taught us,
    a religious poetry,
    to spread the word of Islam in kindness.
    Respect. Justice. Generosity.
    This is my beloved religion.

    This is my identity.

    The Quran,a holy book,
    it teaches us what,
    and what we shouldn’t do.
    I’m on Surat Al-Ya-sin, a very important Surah compared to others.
    I am a Muslim.
    This is my most important identity.
    One of our big intentions is Salah which is our prayer.
    We follow the simple rules:
    Pray properly at age 7 and you’ll go to heaven!

    I love apples. There is more than one apple
    on a tree. Don’t you see?

    Other religions we respect,
    just always be kind and never fret,
    they are religious, like us too.
    So they respect us,
    just like we respect you.

  45. Mix some friends
    Then take a blend of faces
    Combine with some hands
    Turn up the heat
    Sprinkle some poems
    Then add the melting brown hair
    Leave the brown hair to simmer
    Add some hazel eyes and enjoy the humanity

  46. Take some dark brown,curly hair, medium hair
    and mix with rose beige skin
    Simmer for nine months then wait for chocolate brown eyes to form.

    Remove the chatter after 3 hours, add lots of kindness
    Football and swimming, mix well.

    Then mix some math,relaxing art
    reading and writing.

    Sprinkle with some fresh sushi
    With some fresh soy sauce
    Then add some ice tea.

  47. Take some life and let it settle
    with brown eyes and amber skin
    Let the ears grow
    and the body parts strengthen
    Let the heart beat soft and gentle

    Teach him to pray 5 times a day
    To be kind not rude
    Help him make friends
    And to be strong and smart
    Lead him to a straight path

    Raise him up to the age of ten
    where likes football
    And holidays
    Mixed with some family time

    Warning: Don’t be rude and get on his nerves
    Caution : Spread an equal share of equality

  48. Take one person that is short handsome and beautiful
    Blend dark brown skin with dark brown eyes
    He believes in Allah
    The Quran and one and only god
    believes in Islam
    many friends boys and girls
    Il ,Tris ,Red

    His hobbies

    Stir vigorously then you get the one and only amazing


  49. Take some wavy,dark ,short hair and mix with light brown skin
    And simmer until December the 7th
    Then let the eyes form.
    Put some dark brown skin and mix with straight,black hair
    And simmer until the 2nd of November.
    For all the skin to form along with the breaded hair
    Along with the skin to form
    And simmer until the 28th of September
    Let some beautiful brown light skin form
    Along with the magestic thick eyebrows
    And wait until the 31st of October for the masterpiece to form.

  50. Take some black wavy hair
    And mix with some ros skin,
    Simmer for nine months
    Then wait for the brown eyes to open.

    Remove the sadness after approximately 3 years.
    Add lots of smartness
    Then stir vigorously.

    Mix some drawing and colouring,
    Then take a blend of reading and writing.
    Combine with some painting,
    And turn up the heat.

    Sprinkle some siblings,
    Add some toys to play with.
    Then add to the melting pot.

    Leave the ingredients to simmer.

    As they mix and blend allow them to play,
    Binding them together with Islamic knowledge
    Allow time to be cool.

    Add some kindness, serve with more and enjoy.

  51. Take some black wavy hair
    And mix with some ros skin,
    Simmer for nine months
    Then wait for the brown eyes to open.

    Remove the sadness after approximately 3 years.
    Add lots of smartness
    Then stir vigorously.

    Mix some drawing and colouring,
    Then take a blend of reading and writing.
    Combine with some painting,
    And turn up the heat.

    Sprinkle some siblings,
    Add some toys to play with.
    Then add to the melting pot.

    Leave the ingredients to simmer.

    As they mix and blend allow them to play,
    Binding them together with Islamic knowledge
    Allow time to be cool.

    Add some kindness, serve with more and enjoy

  52. I may have lots of allergies,
    but please don’t take it for clarity.
    I do lots of acting,
    and i love flowers,
    my personality is expired,
    and my mind is my power

    I wear a hajab
    and it is sometimes hard
    but its what make me kadra
    and nobody
    beats the original.

    An original poem.

  53. Take some pretty black curly Afro hair
    And mix with bronze brown skin,
    Leave it to mix and form until October 23.
    Then wait for dark brown eyes to blend
    Also make her culture Jamaican

  54. Take some straight, long brown hair
    Then overrun them with light brown eyes and light skin
    Then let it simmer for nine months then wait for the light brown eyes to form next combine with British nationality.
    Then sprinkle talkative, bubbly and kind hearted while they mix and blend allow the light brown mesmerising eyes come to life. Allow time to cool down add some Muslim culture to the mix.

    Warning ⚠️:Everyone has their own distinctive features 🙂

  55. Take Some Games
    And Let Them Settle,
    Then Take Them Home
    With Black Straight hair.

    Remove the Trees After
    Approximately Never
    Add a Sprinkle of Brown Eyes
    Then Stir Vigorously.

    Mix Some Games Like Fifa 23 and Roblox,

    Then Take A Blend Of Praying and
    Combine with going to the mosque
    and turn up the heat.

    Sprinkle A fresh amount of football together
    With some practice

    Then give care to your family.

    As They Mix and blend allow the lucky
    Basketball together with a cool dunk

    Allow Time To Be A New Crew Of Arsenal.

  56. Take some blonde ash
    straight hair
    and mix with tanned skin
    simmer for nine months
    then wait for green blue eyes to form.

    Remove the sensitivity after
    approximately 2 mins
    then add lots of singing
    then stir vigorously and also add
    lots of rugby then stir again

    Mix some youtube
    and take some videos
    combine with youtubers
    and turn up the heat

    A sprinkle some loudness
    with some
    annoying and mix and mix then it will be done

  57. My identity is hidden but please dont make it forbidden

    please let it roam and please dont moan

    Dark short hair buzzed like the fair

    Brright hazel eyes just like the sky

    swim like a bullet
    box like shark

    spin like a dj chat all day

    just wait nine months and hope it doesn’t double

    hates maths it’s to many numbers

    loves art dislikes litarecy

    after nine months

    admire your creation
    give entairtainment

    take to nursery

    wait a couple of years and go to school
    and remind him not to fear

    move out of crib get a bed
    get potty trained and the look at what you have raised

  58. My hair is short curly and brown,
    my eyes are blue my skin is peach colour
    mixed together it makes a darker brown colour
    so that a recipe of what colour i have .

  59. Take some wavy,dark ,short hair and mix with light brown skin
    And simmer until December the 7th
    Then let the eyes form.
    Put some dark brown skin and mix with straight,black hair
    And simmer until the 2nd of November.
    For all the skin to form along with the breaded hair
    Along with the skin to form
    And simmer until the 28th of September
    Let some beautiful brown light skin form
    Along with the magestic thick eyebrows
    And wait until the 31st of October for the masterpiece to form.

  60. Take some dark, brown hair
    and light, soft skin.

    Then let it simmer for nine, long months
    Then wait and wait for weeks or days,
    To finally see dark, mesmerising eyes.

    Wait for one year then it learns to talk,
    Wait for another year then it learns to walk!

    As it grows and ages it finds familiarity to the world and life.
    It learns more and starts to like different things,
    One thing may even be reading and playing a certain instrument, such as the piano.

    It’s personality may even start to shine.
    Shimmer like a bright, white star in the night sky.
    It can be kind, or even calm.

    Unfortunately, you must add sadness
    and sorrow to complete it.

  61. With a stir of human and a hobby of hockey
    And black skin hair and brown eyes
    And a personality of funny and smart and we stir it smoothly and carefully
    And a human born healthy and fresh

  62. Kemal

    Take some straight hair and mixed it in brown eyes
    after ten minutes later add some slowly cut skin ,when
    it’s done you add some humor and smart brain also add some football skill and some tennis balls skills as well after add some sprinkles some helpful tidy ,up skills

  63. Take some brown eyes,
    And let them settle,
    Then add some sisters and brothers,
    and overrun them with friends.

    Sprinkle some Arabic, Bengali and English
    And turn up the heat,
    Blend it with some art and hobbies,
    For me mine are art and baking,
    What are yours?

    This is my identity.

  64. Be yourself,
    And try your best.
    Believe in your dreams,
    And never give up.

    Some people like things,
    And some people don’t.
    Some people are good at things,
    And some people aren’t.

    I like drawing, reading, painting and colouring,
    I think I’m really good at those things,
    That’s why they’re my hobbies.
    Some people don’t like those things,
    So I have to accept that.

    Do you know what I shouldn’t do?

    Everyone should be themselves,
    Always be yourself,
    Believe in yourself.

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