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27 thoughts on “Thornhill

  1. I, too, like to run,
    I, too, like to play,
    I, too, want to have fun,
    Every single day.
    I, too, like to scream,
    I, too, like to shout,
    I am not the nerdy kid,
    Because fun is what I’m about.

  2. I too.

    I too can feel unhappy, even if I always smile.

    I too want support.

    When my friends come,

    I am the help.

    But I too cry,

    And feel unwell.


    They’ll all see me.

    Nobody will say,

    “She’s fine.”

    They will see how much I feel.

    I too am able to feel.

    I too am a person.

  3. A Muslim Girl

    I, too, am taught well,
    even if people are blind.

    I am the Muslim girl.

    When I leave the house,
    I, too, am sophisticated.

    And talk well,

    And dress well.


    I will rise up in society,
    With knowledge.

    Nobody will dare
    Say to me:
    ” You’re not enough!”


    Besides, they’ll see how intelligent I am.

    And I, too, am human.

  4. I Too

    I too like to laugh, even if people don’t see.

    I am the creative person.

    They send me to my room in the house i live in.

    When my friends come,

    I too like to chat,

    And laugh.


    I will be at the place i want to be.

    When my friends come

    Nobody’ll dare say to me..
    “You can’t do that!”



    They’ll see how creative I am
    When they begin to realise,
    I too, am an individual.

  5. Tyler Gibson-Hammond from Thornhill Primary School

    My Identity Poem, inspired by Langston Hughes.

    I too like to write independently even if people don’t see.
    I am the gaming youtubers.

    They send me to my new house in the country Liberia.

    When Donald Trump come. I too dislike,and stay in my house
    and feel scared.
    Ill be at the safe place.

    nobody’ll dare
    say to me ”That I’m big or brave.”
    They’ll see how strong I am
    when thy begin to see me.
    I too am strong and brave.

  6. Kindness

    Take a teaspoon of help
    And let it blend,
    Then overrun it with a
    Pinch of manners.
    Remove the bad energy after
    Approximately 30 minutes
    Add a gram of happiness
    Then combine vigorously.
    Whisk a cup of friendship,
    Then take a whip of sharing.

    Stir with some laughter,
    And turn up the frying pan.
    Season up fresh dough together
    With a drizzle of a compliment.
    Then pour into the kindness pot.
    Leave the ingredients to roast.
    As they boil and steam allow
    Their personality’s to grow.
    Slice them together with respect.
    Allow time to be cool ,
    Garnish the mixture
    And enjoy.

    Note: All the ingredients
    Are freshly prepared.
    Warning: An unequal spread of kindness
    Will cause saddness.

  7. ~Asteroids~

    -Take a teaspoon of boys and a kilogram of girls
    -And let them sizzle in the pan in peace.
    -Then happiness them with happiness
    -remove the passiveness after approximately five minutes
    -Add lots of creativity
    -Then kneed vigorously!
    -Sprinkle the tool box The take a slice of knowledge
    -and turn up the heat.
    -Spread some fresh kindness together with some leaders.
    -Then add to the grill .
    -Leave the ingredients to flatter
    -As they flatten and shape ,allow their kindness to bubble.
    -Binding them together with friendship.
    -add a pound of joy.
    -Served with craziness
    -And enjoy.
    -Note: all ingredients are to be added equally.
    -Warning: An unequal spread will cause boredom.

  8. Asteroids

    We should all take a drizzle of respect.
    And let’s all shine for who we are.
    Add an ounce of generosity.
    Then whisk vigorously.
    Take a sprinkle of some contribution.
    Mix it together with some happyness and love.
    And turn up the oven.
    Combine with some friendships.
    Season with some culture.
    Leave the ingredients to bake.
    As they allow their differences to mould.
    Binding them together.
    Serve with some kindness.
    Note:Don’t leave anyone out of your recipe or it will go sour and rotten.

  9. I am the Ultimate Fighter

    I am the ultimate fighter even if people don’t believe me,
    I am the hurt and forlorn,
    I am still standing better than I ever did,
    Looking like a true survivor,
    But feeling like a little kid,
    And I look like a small boat in a raging ocean,
    But I cause big waves which create a commotion,
    Tomorrow, there’ll be no sorrow for me,
    Because I am me,
    Nobody’ll dare,
    Curse or swear
    And that’s because they won’t be able to bear,
    My fiery glare,
    I’ll lead you to victory,
    Because I am over-powering:
    I am the ultimate fighter.

  10. I am me

    I am the wonderful me
    The beautiful, clever me
    The only me.

    They sometimes leave me out
    And leave me on my own

    Then one comes over
    and I’m happy again

    I am me
    Unique, Unusual, Different
    No one leaves ME out

    I’m the weird kid
    The weird me

    The only me.

  11. This is me

    I’m not scared to be me,
    I’m a girl to be seen,
    I make no apologies,
    I am me,

    I stand strong like a tree,
    I LOVE being me,
    My powers turned on,
    Starting right now I’ll be strong,

    I like being creative,
    yet imaginative,
    I am fearless,
    If someone tried to hurt me, I’ll be tearless,
    I’M proud to be me.

  12. I, Too

    I too like to play games even if people don’t see,
    I am the weirdest student
    They send me to the gaming room in my house
    When my cousins come
    I too play
    And play well
    and feel happy
    I’ll play games
    when my cousin comes
    Nobody’ll dare
    say to me
    “Your game is bad”
    then besides
    they’ll see how good I am
    when they begin to laugh
    I too am playing.

  13. I, Too

    I, too get blamed,
    I, too am the youngest,
    They blame me without thinking,
    They stereotype me as a cry baby but I, too just get upset at times,
    Tomorrow, I shall prove them wrong and forgive,
    Nobody will dare to blame me without evidence,
    I will get everything I deserve,
    You may think you know me better, better than anyone else,
    But trust me, I can do a lot more then you think I can,

    I too, am human.

  14. I, Too

    I too, like football even if people don’t see it,
    I am the strongest sister.
    They exclude me from their games,
    When my enemies come,
    Nobody will disrespect me
    I, too stand for my team
    And I do it well
    And I’m proud of it
    I’ll be at the game,
    And when my enemies come, Nobody dares tell me,
    “Go away”
    They’ll see how strong I really am
    When they begin to doubt,
    My power will come out,
    I, too am fearless.

  15. I, The One

    The one I am,
    Not in the darkness,
    Not waiting to be discovered,
    I am the one,
    The one I am,
    Not hiding any talents,
    I have a heart,
    A soul like everyone else,
    When people feed me bad thoughts,
    I stand proud,
    Let nothing get in my way,
    I will stand proud,
    I the one,
    The one I am.

  16. Secondary School

    We are ready for secondary,
    Add a pinch of knowledge,
    Let the fiery glare marinate,
    Don’t get mixed up with sorrow,
    I want a touch like a shooting star,
    Over-beyond intelligent for a higher league,
    Combine it together – don’t let your intelligence leak,
    Cook up the stew – let the scorching fire fry,
    Then raise your esteem to the max,
    Blend the glistening, shimmering shine,
    Let the night sky mix up,
    Wow, you’re smart,
    Then add a sprinkle of light – let it glow,
    Grant the enchanting personality,
    Merit and merit,
    Add some glorious majestic optimism,
    Stunning – all you need,
    Now you’re ready to knead the affection,
    School is a world of imagination in any way,
    Your knowledge and splendid work,
    Ahead of everybody,
    Mash up the awe-inspiring talent,
    Favourite student,
    Now, well done, throw in some charming attitude,
    Your imposing expectant rise,
    For anything,
    Now you’re striking, spectacular…
    Exquisite, breath-taking (best finish the meal),
    It’s the very best to name enough,
    Now you’ll see how I am ready,
    Close of mission complete.

  17. Slice your meeting in two,
    Mince the right half.
    Let’s grill with a laugh.

    Mould the sleepovers and playdates in,
    Binding them forever.

    Combine, blend, knead,
    Chicken and the pot,
    Always together.

    Add lots of celebrations,
    Birthdays across the nations.

    Discard the negativity after a year or more.
    Boil all the ingredients as one,
    Now it’s done.

    Let the hugs and love form over time.
    Once you place it gently on the plate,
    Garnish with some play,
    Till the end of the day.

    Note: Ingredients may disagree, but it is okay. For they will calm down eventually, as they will be always together.

    Warning: Separating the ingredients too early will leave a bitter, unpleasant taste.

  18. My Cat

    Take some fat
    And let it boil,
    Blend with love,
    And a hint of impatience.
    Combine with a cup of fur,
    And stir vigorously.
    Chop some claws
    And sprinkle some teeth.
    Grill some laziness,
    And stir-fry some camouflage.
    Fry some ice
    And frost some fire.

    Leave to cool.

    Add some playfulness and joy,
    And sizzle some danger.
    Shake some hunting instincts,
    Knead a slice of wildness,
    Then leave to settle.

    After a while,
    Add some needles
    For the tongue,
    Rub some hugs- but not too much!

    Note: Don’t add too much fur or love,
    Or you’ll end up with a furry mat!

    Warning: Add a bit of wildness and danger,
    Or you’ll get a lion instead!

  19. My Family

    Mould an ounce of gymnastics and a bit of ballet,
    And spread it all around,
    Whip up some energy,
    This is my sister’s recipe.

    Add a teaspoon of some care and love,
    Combine that with some kindness,
    Blend in some of those cooking skills and helpfulness comes too,
    This is my mum’s recipe.

    Stir in some of that bonding time,
    Blend in the working hours,
    Spread it all together,
    This is my dad’s recipe.

    Now, that’s all of my family.
    Oh wait there’s still me,
    So, let’s whip up my recipe.

    Slice up some hobbies,
    Chop up a good sense of humour,
    Season with some of that silliness and all that talent,
    This is my recipe.

    NOTE: All the ingredients are tastier together.

    WARNING: An unequal spread of the flavours will ruin the recipe.

  20. Stop World Discrimination

    Take some time off
    and settle in,
    Then overrun them with flower and love,
    Remove discrimination for eternity,
    Now add lots of tropical fun
    Mix some white,
    And blend some black,
    Then combine them with mixed love,
    And turn up the heat,
    Sprinkle some fresh Mexicans together,
    With some Algerian buds,
    Add them to the melting pot,
    Leave the ingredients to simmer,
    As they mixed and blend allow them to rest,
    Allow time to be cool,
    And some world love,
    And enjoy.

    Note: All ingredients must be made with love.

    Warning: Unequal spread will kill the love.

  21. Thornhill Primary School

    Take some Nursery children, the youngest in the school.
    Add some Reception kids, playful, cute and small.

    Whisk in some Year Ones, now watch as experience and love get added to your pot.
    Cream in some Year Twos – you will notice your soup gains more friends, the lot.

    Season the mixture with Year Threes and see how it acquires age and height.
    Stir in some Year Fours. Arguments are beginning to boil due to the growing population.

    Quickly, throw in some teachers and bricks for shelter to make everything alright.
    Now some Year Fives, a tablespoon will do: this makes the population older too.

    Finally, Year Sixes, the oldest of the school.
    Now some more teachers, a head, maybe?

    Put the mixture in the oven, treating all the ingredients with care.

    WARNING: Uneven justice could ruin your concoction!

    NOTE: When your mixture is ready it will look strange, it will look funny, it will look different to all. It’s only when you taste it that you will realise what it is.

    It will taste brilliant, it will taste wonderful, it will taste like Thornhill!

  22. School

    Take a gram of kindness,
    And let them flow,
    Then overrun them with respect.
    Remove the rudeness and badness,
    And sprinkle in students in the world
    Then mix vigorously.
    Beat in some values.
    Then take a blend of courage
    Combine some books
    And turn up the writing.
    Season some games together,
    with happiness and joy.
    Then add to the melting pot,
    Add a garnish of everyone’s friendship,
    Serve with happiness,
    And enjoy.

  23. To be Meteors

    First, take a tablespoon of children,
    Add some friendly attitude and let it simmer,
    Next, take a blend of chatty kids,
    And leave to boil in your Thornhill cauldron.

    The class of Y6.

    Mix in some kind teachers,
    And sprinkle some fly lessons,
    Stir in some art, P.E, maths and history,
    English, science and some publishing!

    The class of Y6.

    Spread some leadership roles,
    And a lot of Thornhill values,
    Stir in some break, and lunchtimes,
    Some play leaders, peer mentors,
    Play a few games,
    All of that.

    The class of Y6.

    Mash in the book Skellig,
    Blend in some lessons about reflection,
    Add a star of the week and,
    Ancient Greece.

    The class of Y6!

    Note: Never leave Meteors alone, it could turn into chaos you know!

    Warning: All pupils are different, but they all work together!

  24. A recipe for a perfect family

    Take a pinch of cousins
    and watch them grow,
    The sprinkle in some aunts
    and mash them with some uncles,
    then stir vigorously.
    Add your brother,
    and love them dearly.
    Stir in their accomplishments
    and praise them lovingly.
    Season in your nans and watch them eat Christmas dinner,
    while your grandad sits down watching horse racing.
    Last but not least,
    combine your mum and dad.
    Then shake everything together
    and you have got your perfect family.

    Note: Adding all the ingredients in one go might cause arguments or steam.

    Waring: An unequal spread of love could cause too much jealousy!

  25. Friendship

    Sizzle up some confidence,
    And let it boil.
    Then sprinkle some joy and let it cool.
    Remove the fear after 10 minutes,
    Now time to make the stew.

    Pour in some personality,
    Add in all the differences.
    There’s no need for similarities.
    Heat up some kindness,
    And now for the last step.

    Drizzle some cream, full of love.
    Throw in a pinch of activities,
    Add in the final touch.
    Let the friendship bloom,
    And enjoy.

    Note: Don’t wait too long or you’ll lose your chance.

    Warning: Don’t spend too much time together or the friendship will burn!

  26. To be human

    Take some humans
    and let them settle,
    Then overrun them with love.
    Remove the excess hate after approximately a year,
    Add lots of responsibility
    then stir vigorously.
    Mix some happiness,
    then take a blend of death.
    Combine with some new relationships and turn up the heat.
    Sprinkle some fresh marriages, together with some old divorces.
    Then add to the melting pot.
    As they mix and blend, allow their problems to show themselves,
    binding them together with trust.
    Allow time to be cool,
    Add some more care.
    Serve with love and enjoy!

    Note: All of the ingredients are part of a loving family.

    Warning: An unequal spread of love will leave everyone unhappy.

  27. My Name is Ziyad
    I used to be scared of the dark
    I will be one great footballer one day
    I love my family and friends

    My country is South Africa
    My religion is islam
    My favorite place to go is to the astro
    My favorite food is biryani

    I am very good at math
    My favorite color is green
    I Love the warm weather
    I support Liverpool

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