Week 1: “The British”

Dear all,

Once you’ve studied the poem “The British” by Benjamin Zephaniah. Please return here to share your thoughts and writing with us.

96 thoughts on “Week 1: “The British”

  1. I like how made this poem in a way it sounds like he’s making food.

  2. I feel this poem is very special because it tells you about the history and the origin of britains and other nation’s culture and it gives you a message on how you should treat everyone the same no matter what race or culture.

  3. Treat everyone the same no matter what they do treat them with respect. Be equal to everyone no matter what there race is treat people with respect and unity and treating people with kindness too. This is the message i got from the poem

  4. The poem talks about justice,unity,uderstanding,respect,unequality,community,civilisation and fairnessand and i really enjoyed the poem because it talks about fairness for everyone and equality

  5. I think this poem is about fairness and equality to all and to treat everyone the same,no matter what your race or where you from.Give unity,respect and justice to all.I’m glad that I read this poem.

  6. “The british” I really like this poem! I think it was amazing and i think the key message is: bring Happiness, equality, diverse, and peace in the world. Because this poem is really Amazing and there should be more like this. Also treat people the same even if they are different!

  7. I really enjoyed this poem because it’s about treating everyone fairly with justice, community, respect and unity. Giving justice and equality to everyone. Being British is not being white it’s about being from different countries. I am really glad I have studied this poem.

  8. I really understood that the key message of this poem is that you should treat everyone fairly,respectful,understanding and equal. But if you don’t you’ll just leave pain and injustice with them which could stay with them for the rest of their life…

    I really enjoyed this poem and it showed me why you must be fair to people.

    Poem: The British
    Writer:Benjamin Zephaniah

  9. What an amazing poem! It really shows that equality is important and how great the world can be. I love how it explains that if you put just a little bit of effort into making the world a better place than it can make a massive difference.

  10. Nice poem,i love that its about a recipe based poem.The key message is that you should give equality to all and an equal amount of justice. I feel happy that hes acknowledging the fact that people are being treated differently because of there skin

  11. I really enjoyed the poem because it teaches me how to treat everyone equally and respectfully. I’m really glad i found out about Benjamin Zephaniah.

  12. I think the British poem by Benjamin Zephaniah is about equality and human right i think he also wants all of us to know that we are all welcome anywere in the world

  13. I really like the poem it was amazing and it’s amazing how do you use spices and pots as people.Idont know how you could have made some thinck so very amazing

  14. I enjoyed the British poem because it was about equality and accepting different people from cultures and countries . I liked it being written in the style of a recipe

  15. I liked the poem because he was talking about lot of countries and they talked about respect and community and he talked about the Romans.

  16. I like this poem because it has a different blend of people such as Bangladshis, Somalians and Palestinians. It has many flavours as well as Chiliean I think it was a very good poem about peoples race, religion and where they come from, overall it was a really good poem.

  17. I think that the poem the british is all abuot equality for all the people who came to Britain and who all have the right to identify as British but still have their languages and cultures

  18. The British is an amazing poem. I like the idea of how Benjamin Zephaniah writes his poem in the style of a recipe. I believe the main message is how diverse Britian is. This is shown by all the nationalities mentioned as well as languages and culture.

  19. I like Langston Hughes poem because it talks about equality and how he is American too even though his skin color is different. It also says that he will grow stronger and stand up to rasicm in America. People will regret what they did to him and other black people.

  20. I really liked the poem : i,too , by Langston Hughes because it shows that all lives are important ; black lives matter and it really inspired me that one of the poem says i am the darker brother they send me to eat in the kitchen , it is just wrong , people should not be treated like that.

  21. zayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy says:

    i like the way the poem describes Britain as that all

  22. I like how it explains the message as if you are cooking food, i think this really is a great idea since you can explain how we are all one and we are all mixed in one place called Britain and the end result is a happy place but an un-even spread of equality will leave a bitter unpleasant taste, this is telling us that we should all be happy together and treat eachother the same no matter our skin colour, cultures, beliefs and genders

  23. I enjoyed this poem because he is talking about how people from different countries that have different traditions and cultures all mixed together to make one big community and that we all have the right to be treated equally.
    I also wrote a poem in response and my favourite line in mine was
    ”Sprinkle some kindness along with friendship”

  24. I like this poem because it says that all of the nationality and cultures that make up Britain should be respected and treated equally. I made a poem similar to this , called the “Pakeman meal”. My favourite part poem the poem I made is “Serve with kindness and equality and enjoy.”

  25. I love this poem because Benjamin Zephaniah is telling us that different people have immigrated from their home country and came to Britain to make one dish called the British .The moral is to spread kindness to everyone no matter where they are from.

  26. I enjoy this poem , the moral of this poem is to spread kindness to other people from different nations and to respect cultures and to give equality to everyone.I like it because they take a blend of countries such as Bangladesh,Somalia and more.They make one dish called The British.

  27. I really like and enjoy this because its really creative and fun to listen to and has an amazing list of countries and beautiful cultures that more people should hear about :]

  28. I like this poem because he is mixing lots of countries and cultures then saying they should all be treated equally and be welcomed wherever they are in the world and they he is putting all foods from different cultures and making a huge recipe. I even made a different version of the poem called ‘Pakeman cake’. in his poem he also shows kindness and equality.

  29. Here’s my version of this poem, hope you enjoy!

    Take some people.
    And let them settle.
    Remove the un-equality and add some justice.
    Add lots of different people from other countries like Greece, Bangladesh, and Turkey and stir vigouresly.
    Mix them all up with a sprinkle of sweet happiness in the fresh dough.
    Bake them up together.
    Drizzle on some chocolate flavoured unity sauce.
    Serve warm and eat fresh for the best tasting cookies of togetherness!
    NOTE: do not un-equally spread the ingediants or it will leave a bitter, untasty result of sadness and unhappiness which is not what we want.

    Hope you enjoyed it!!!

  30. take some toddlers and let them settle in nursery
    then start helping them learn add 7 teachers,
    then stir vigoursly you can mix ukrains,greek,italy,syrian
    then stir you will get a delicous meal you must treat everyone
    fairy even if they from somewhere else

  31. this is my poet: what i love about my bright festive place is that they make dumplings,noodles,prawn crackers,sweet and sour chichen,bang bang chichen but our best sweet treat is cookoie called a fortune cookie

  32. Nationality School Spaghetti
    Take some children
    And let them settle
    Then start helping them
    Add lots of teachers
    Then leave the pot of teachers
    Mix some nationality’s
    Then take a spoonful of Bengalis,Indians,Chinese and Jamaicans
    Combine with as tablespoon of equality
    And turn up the heat
    Sprinkle some Ethiopians together with some Pakistanis
    Then add to the melting pot
    Mix everything together until it’s ready
    Leave the nationality’s to flourish
    Allow time to heat
    Grate some humanity and some unity
    Chop up some happiness
    Add the school spaghetti to the kindness bowl
    Add the chopped up happiness to the bowl
    Serve with justice
    And enjoy

    All ingredients are important.All the nationality’s makes a massive change to the world it creates happiness and equality.

  33. Our School

    Take some toddlers,
    And let them settle in nursery
    Then start helping them learn
    Add lots of teachers
    Stir calmly
    Mix some Irish,Scottish, Moroccans
    Add a table spoon of Jamaicans
    And 400g of Bengalis
    Leave ingredients to simmer
    Add on a plate,
    And serve with justice

    Note: All ingredients are equally important, as they are all kind and friendly.

    Warning: An unequal spread of justice may mess up everything.

  34. take some of the young kids and let them settle i they new school and let them learn and to make friends in school add in lots of anther people like fresh Somali/chines/Turkish, Scotland/Ethiopia/Moroccans /Jamaica/Bangladesh waning everyone be respect.

  35. My poem;Take some toddlers and let them settle in nursery then start helping then learn add lots of teachers then stir vigorously . Mix some Morrocan,Algerian,Bangali , Chinese and Somali .

  36. Pakeman Cake

    Take some nervous toddlers,
    let them settle into nursery,
    then, help them enjoy school with their friends.

    Add some lessons after approximately 1 year,
    stir in some new friends and teachers,
    then mix vigorously.

    Mix in some Moroccans, Somalis, Bengalis, Syrians, Turkish, and some Jamaicans,
    then take a blend of Scottish, Italians, Japanese, Albanians, Chinese and Afghan,
    combine with some happiness and turn up the heat.

    Sprinkle some fresh kindness together with some fun,
    then add to the melting pot and leave the ingredients to simmer
    as they mix and blend, allow their intelligence to expand.

  37. Pakman pie,

    Take some children
    let them settle
    then add a little play
    and a heap of learning

    now time to add countries,

    a jug of Bengali and Jamaica
    a pinch of Morocco
    combine respect and love
    a table spoon of Poland

    then turn up the heat,
    mix some Ethiopians
    a slice of France and China

    leave the ingredients to simmer and cook,

    now back to work!
    as they mix and blend alow their languages to flourish binding the together with English

    (some will come out different but thats okay!)

    serve with justice and kindness

    note : all ingredients are all equally important.Treating one person differant affects the whole dish

  38. i think this poem is cool cause it sounds like they are making a recipe and when you are done you get the British

  39. Suhayb Garad’s Post
    Secondary School

    We are ready for secondary,
    Add a pinch of knowledge,
    Let the fiery glare marinate,
    Don’t get mixed up with sorrow,
    I want a touch like a shooting star,
    Over-beyond intelligent for a higher league,
    Combine it together – don’t let your intelligence leak,
    Cook up the stew – let the scorching fire fry,
    Then raise your esteem to the max,
    Blend the glistening, shimmering shine,
    Let the night sky mix up,
    Wow, you’re smart,
    Then add a sprinkle of light – let it glow,
    Grant the enchanting personality,
    Merit and merit,
    Add some glorious majestic optimism,
    Stunning – all you need,
    Now you’re ready to knead the affection,
    School is a world of imagination in any way,
    Your knowledge and splendid work,
    Ahead of everybody,
    Mash up the awe-inspiring talent,
    Favourite student,
    Now, well done, throw in some charming attitude,
    Your imposing expectant rise,
    For anything,
    Now you’re striking, spectacular…
    Exquisite, breath-taking (best finish the meal),
    It’s the very best to name enough,
    Now you’ll see how I am ready,
    Close of mission complete.

  40. Boxing:

    Stir-fry some anger.
    Roast some punches and sweat.
    Add a tablespoon of blood.
    And season some defense.
    Grill some dodges.
    Throw some fighters in the scorching oven.
    Then knockout your meal.

  41. Always Together

    Slice your meeting in two,
    Mince the right half.
    Lets grill with a laugh.

    Mould the sleepovers and playdates in,
    Binding them forever.

    Combine, blend, knead,
    Chicken and the pot,
    Always together.

    Add lots of celebrations,
    Birthdays across the nations.

    Discard the negativity after a year or more.
    Boil all the ingredients as one,
    Now it’s done.

    Let the hugs and love form over time.
    Once you place it gently on the plate,
    Garnish with some play,
    Till the end of the day.

    Note: Ingredients may disagree, but it is okay. For they will calm down eventually, as they will be always together.

    Warning: Seperating the ingredients too early will leave a bitter, unpleasant taste.

  42. how to make a amazing family

    Take some personality
    And let it settle Then overrun it with humanity
    Remove the nastyness
    Add the kindness
    Then stir vigrously
    Mix some sports
    Then take a blend of sweetness
    Combine with some love
    And turn up the heat
    Take some fresh effection together with care
    Then add to the pot of greatness
    As they mix allow them to come together
    Allow time to be cool
    WARNING:if you hate yourself learn to love yourself theres a meaning for everything

  43. My Cat

    Take some fat
    And let it boil,
    Blend with love,
    And a hint of impatience.
    Combine with a cup of fur,
    And stir vigorously.
    Chop some claws
    And sprinkle some teeth.
    Grill some laziness,
    And stir-fry some camouflage.
    Fry some ice
    And frost some fire.

    Leave to cool.

    Add some playfulness and joy,
    And sizzle some danger.
    Shake some hunting instincts,
    Knead a slice of wildness,
    Then leave to settle.

    After a while,
    Add some needles
    For the tongue,
    Rub some hugs- but not too much!

    Note: Don’t add too much fur or love,
    Or you’ll end up with a furry mat!

    Warning: Add a bit of wildness and danger,
    Or you’ll get a lion instead!

  44. Mould an ounce gymlastics and a bit of ballet,
    And spread it all around,
    Whip up some energy,
    This is my sisters recipe.

    Add a teaspoon of some care and love,
    Combine that with some kindness,
    Blend in some of those cooking skills and helpfullness comes too,
    This is my mum’s recipe.

    Stir some of that bonding time,
    Blend in the working hours,
    Spread it all together,
    This is my dad’s recipe.

    Now that’s all of my famiy.
    Oh wait there’s still,
    So let’s whip up my recipe.

    Slice up some hobbie’s,
    chop up a good sense of humor,
    Season some of that silliness and all that talent,
    This is my recipe.
    NOTE:All the ingredients are tastier together.
    WARNING:An unequal spread of the flavours will disgust the recipe.

  45. Stop World Discrimination
    Take some time off
    and settle in,
    Then overrun them with flower and love
    Remove discrimnation for enterinty
    Now add lots of tropical fun
    Mix some white,
    And blend some black
    Then combine them with mixed love
    And turn up the heat
    Sprinkle some fresh Mexicans together with some Algerian buds
    To add them to a melting pot
    Leave the ingredients to simmer
    As they mixed and blend allow their rest
    Allow time to be cool
    And some world love
    And enjoy
    Note:All ingredients are made with love
    Warning:Unequal spread kill the love,

  46. A recipe for thornhill school!

    take a pinch of kids,
    and sprinkle some happiness,
    combined some energy and whisk them up!

    add some love then let it settle,
    blending them together, take a bit of spice and mix,
    add some more kids and love them dearly,
    drizzle some yummy sauce which will hyper them up,
    now add some salt, only a cup!

    add some toys and stir it in,
    once your done put it in a tin!
    Note:all the ingredients might boil or steam beacause of arguments.

  47. Sizzle up some confidence,
    And let it boil.
    Then sprinkle some joy and let it cool.
    Remove the fear after 10 minutes,
    Now time to make the stew.

    Pour in some personality,
    Add in all the differences.
    There’s no need for similarities.
    Heat up some kindness.,
    And now for the last step.

    Drizzle some cream, full of love.
    Throw in a pinch of activities,
    Add in the final touch.
    Let the friendship bloom,
    And enjoy.

    Note: Don’t wait too long or you’ll lose your chance.
    Warning:Don’t spend too much time together or the friendship will slowly burn.

  48. Take a gram of kindess
    And let them flow,
    Then overun them with respect.
    Remove the rudeness and badness,
    And sprinkle of students in the world
    then mix vigorously.
    Beat up some values.
    Then take a blend of courage
    Combine some books
    And turn up the writing.
    Season some games together
    with happiness and joy.
    Then add to the melting pot .
    Add a beat of friendship everyone
    Serve with happenies
    And enjoy.

  49. Take some Nursery children, the youngest in the school.
    Add some Reception kids, playful, cute and small.

    Whisk in some Year Ones, now watch as experience and love get added to your pot.
    Cream in some Year Twos, you will notice your soup gains more friends, the lot.

    Season the mixture with Year Threes and see how it acquires age and height.
    Stir in some Year Fours. Arguments are beginning to boil due to the growing population.

    Quickly throw in some teachers and bricks for shelter to make everything alright.
    Now some Year Fives, a table spoon will do this makes the population older too.

    Finally Year Sixes, the oldest of the school.
    Now some more teachers, a head, maybe?

    Put the mixture in the oven, treating all the ingredients with care.
    WARNING: Uneven justice could ruin your concoction!

    When your mixture is ready it will look strange, it will look funny, it will look different to all. It’s only when you taste it that you will realise what it is.
    It will taste brilliant, it will taste wonderful, it will taste like Thornhill.

  50. To Be Meteors

    First, take a tablespoon of children,
    Add some friendly attitude and let it simmer,
    Next, take a blend of chatty kids,
    And leave to boil in your Thornhill cauldron.

    The class of Y6.

    Mix in some kind teachers,
    And sprinkle some fly lessons,
    Stir in some art, P.E, maths and history,
    English, science and some publishing!

    The class of Y6.

    Spread some leadership roles,
    And a lot of Thornhill values,
    Stir in some break, and lunchtimes,
    Some play leaders, peer mentors,
    Play a few games,
    All of that.

    The class of Y6.

    Mash in the book Skellig,
    Blend in some lessons about reflection,
    Add a star of the week and,
    Ancient Greece.

    The class of Y6!

    Note: Never leave Meteors alone, It could turn into chaos you know!

    Warning: All pupils are different, but they all work together!

  51. A recipe for a perfect family

    Take a pinch of cousins
    and watch them grow
    the sprinkle in some aunts
    and mash them with some uncles
    then stir vigorously.
    Add your brother
    and love them dearly
    stir in their accomplishments
    and praise them lovingly.
    season in your nans and watch them eat christmas diner
    while your grandad sits down watching horse racing
    last but not least
    combine your mum dad
    then shake everything together
    and you have got your perfect family

    Note:All the ingredients might argue or steam
    Waring:an unequal spread of love could cause too much

  52. To be human

    Take some humans
    and let them settle
    then overrun them with love
    remove the excess hate after approximately a year
    add lots of responsibility
    then stir vigorously
    mix some happiness
    then take a blend of death
    combine with some new relationships and turn up the heat
    sprinkle some fresh marriages together with some old divorces
    then add to the melting pot
    as they mix and blend allow their problems to show themselves
    binding them together with trust
    allow time to be cool
    add some more care
    serve with love and enjoy
    note:All of the ingredients are part of a lovely family
    Warning:an unequal spread of love will leave everyone unhappy

  53. Secondary School

    We are ready for secondary,
    Add a pinch of knowledge,
    Let the fiery glare marinate,
    Don’t get mixed up with sorrow,
    I want a touch like a shooting star,
    Over-beyond intelligent for a higher league,
    Combine it together – don’t let your intelligence leak,
    Cook up the stew – let the scorching fire fry,
    Then raise your esteem to the max,
    Blend the glistening, shimmering shine,
    Let the night sky mix up,
    Wow, you’re smart,
    Then add a sprinkle of light – let it glow,
    Grant the enchanting personality,
    Merit and merit,
    Add some glorious majestic optimism,
    Stunning – all you need,
    Now you’re ready to knead the affection,
    School is a world of imagination in any way,
    Your knowledge and splendid work,
    Ahead of everybody,
    Mash up the awe-inspiring talent,
    Favourite student,
    Now, well done, throw in some charming attitude,
    Your imposing expectant rise,
    For anything,
    Now you’re striking, spectacular…
    Exquisite, breath-taking (best finish the meal),
    It’s the very best to name enough,
    Now you’ll see how I am ready,
    Close of mission complete.

  54. I like how he talks about the diversity and cultures of different people and how we are all unique in our own way!

  55. I like how he mentioned so many countrys and where everyone is from and it says how we are supposed to behave like showing respect and justice

  56. I think the message in this poem is that Britain is diverse and you have to treat everybody with fairness and respect.

  57. I enjoyed the poem because I liked listening out for the countries that I am from and reading about how diverse and equal Britain is and about what makes britain so special from someone who is British

  58. I really liked the poem, It had lots of cultures and countries people were from in it. I think it meant that there were loads of cultures and different people in Britain. The message behind the poem was that you shouldn’t forget about the people that have a different culture or from a different country than us.

  59. I liked how they were very diversed and included lots of different cultures and countries.It represented how every one is different in their own way.

  60. To Benjamin Zephiniah,

    I really like the poems that you make! Keep up the effort and dont be sad about your work and focus on those amazing, spectacular poems!!

    -Amber PS

  61. I like how he used the metaphor, saying that all the countries were ingredients in a recipe. I also enjoyed the fact he incorporated the british past, like Celts, Romans and Picts.

  62. I think this poem explores the diversity of ‘the British’ and how this country has such a variety of cultures. By saying it was a meal illustrates the image of how every piece matters and that , no matter your culture, you are a part of the British.

  63. I think the message behind the poem is to give justice to all countries and treat people how they would like to be treated. I like the message because, it speaks about equality and respect to others.

  64. In my opinion the most important thing about this poem is the different nationality of the 67 million that populates the United Kingdom

  65. i liked that he used all the different countries as ingrediants to make a meal, and it dicsribes Britain really well

  66. When you were talking about the poem the idea of the country’s food being an ingredient to make a giant dish of food is a great idea. He made it really interesting by saying that all ingredients are important and that he wants to give justice and equality to all.

  67. I loved the way he thought of the cultures as ingredients and the whole thing as a recipe
    I thought the message is respect the cultures of others
    I also loved he was basing it on the past, present and future in Britain
    Benjamin Zephaniah described it so well

  68. I like ‘The British’ because it shows inclusivity and everyone being included. Every culture and country is incorporated in the mixing pot.

    I think that the message behind the poem is that everyone is a part of Britain in one way or another.

  69. I think the important think is writing because if people write they can write different poems.

  70. Take some curly hair
    Overrun them with beautiful fare brown
    hair( around shoulder length ,

    Remove the long legs after around 3hours
    Add lots of beautiful vocal cords
    ( that she will use to sing)
    Don’t forget to add
    The decorating skills and some creativity (it always comes in handy)
    Now stir vigorously,

    Mix some kindness and humour then take a Athletic mindset,
    Combine some crochet skills
    And turn the heat up

    Sprinkle some happiness, artistic

    Make sure to add a fair amount of each ingredients

    I hope you enjoy your meal

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