Week 1: Lost and Found

We hope you enjoyed the film Lost and Found. You can watch it again below.

Please share your thoughts and responses with us in the comments below.

48 thoughts on “Week 1: Lost and Found

  1. This was very sad and unfortunately the selfless dinosaur died but in doing so he had saved his friend.

  2. This story made me feel sad because Dino died to save his best friend. It also made me feel hopeful that the Fox would be able to remake Dino.

    I think the message of this film is that friends will do anything to save each other.

    I think the Fox will never give up trying to remake her friend.

  3. I thought this short film was very sad because the dinosaur had to unravel itself to save the fox. Also I think the fox will be successful creating its friend again.

  4. the short story lost and found is so sad and its disappointing that the green dinosuar didn’t get to see the fox again

  5. The short film made me feel emotional.Ithink the message was to take risks and do what’s right.I think the fox will be successful and I think he might sew him back together so he can stay alive.

  6. This short film made me feel really sad because he tried to save his friend but unravelled himself well doing it but then his remains did save her. I think the message to this film was to always try even if you don’t think you can do it. I hope the fox makes the dinosaur come back because he saved her life so I think she should save his.

  7. The short film made me feel sad for the fox to see the dino unravel itself but in the end I felt happy for it because the fox started crocheting the fox back together. I think the message of the film is that even if you think you have lost a friend, they could come back to you. I think the fox will be successful and will fix the phone

  8. It made me feel sad and sorry for the dinosaur because he died. I think the message of the film was that one sacrificed itself for another and the other one was overcome with grief but still never gave up on the dinosaur. I think the fox will be successful and save its friend.

  9. I think this story is sad because the dinosaur sacrifices himself to save his friend. But the fox collects the unravelled yarn and starts knitting the dinosaur. I think the moral is that friends will do help friends.

  10. This film shows what a good friend will do to save one another. Although many may see this as extremely sad, I think, in certain points of the film, there was lots of hope for the friendship of the two animals. Furthermore, I think the fox will remake its friend because the dinosaur sacrificed its life for the fox.

  11. It made me feel confused because I thought the ending is gonna be about the two characters arent gonna be able to survive but one of them survived. I think the fox will not be successful in my opionion because the character who survived lost his friend and maybe will be alone without her friend.

  12. The film was quite sad, as the dinosaur unraveled while attempting to save their friend.
    However, had it not done that the fox would have perished as the string fell in the barrel.I think the fox will make its friend again as it will not give up and keep working.

  13. the short film made me sad as at the end the dinosaur had unraveled its self and i think the main message of the film is about kindness and friendship. Yes because the fox looked like it wasn’t going to give up until he had finished crocheting his/her best friend.

  14. I thought this film was very empathetic and sad because the dinosaur sacrifised its life to save the fox i think the message of this film is to all ways be empathetic to others i thought the fox would be successful i think the fox will be able to put him back together

  15. I felt sad because the dinosaur died. I think that the film was trying to say that when all things go wrong there is always a path to hope. I don’t think the fox would be able to put the dinosaur together.

  16. I felt sad when the dinosaur unwrapped itself fully in order to save the fox. I think the message of the film is that they are such good friends that they are willing to give their lives to save their friend. I think that the fox will be successful because it will keep on trying until it gets it right

  17. After his friend a fox was in tears. She tried to fix him but he kept failing. After a while the fox had a photo of her dino friend. She was more upset because she can remember all the good times they had together. The next day the fox woke up from a sad sleep when she went outside for a walk. She saw a green long line. She followed it until there was an eyeball she ran away in fear.

    The fox went back to the place where she saw the eyeball. Then she saw lots of white stuff on the floor. She remembered that when he was dying she saw the white stuff. She was in shock. She ran home then she saw a letter she picked it up and took it in her home and can’t believe what she read she was so upset.

  18. Lost and Found

    After the traumatic moment, fox decided to attempt to knit the dinosaur up. Tears began to fall down her face and she wanted to give up but she was determined to not to because she started to have a flashback of all the good times they had together. She knew that she couldn’t give up now knowing that he risked his life to her. Everytime she would even get close to finishing him up the yarn would fall out and she would fail. Fox knew she couldn’t just leave her best friend behind so time after time she would try again with no success.

    Fox then turned really depressed and was very lonely. She gave up. All that time of trying became to stressful. After she tried again and it worked. It finally worked but it sadly needed batteries but she had none. Surprisingly it randomly appeared and it worked and it all ended well. They were reunited and they were friends again.

  19. Lost and found

    Tears fell from her face as she was attempting to fix up her friend but every time she got to the end all the yarn came off. She had flashbacks on the fun times they had together. She wanted to give up but she had made it this far. The fox couldn’t stop now.

    Stitch after stitch fox had FINISHED. He had come back to life. They were hugging each other in joy then they started taking pictures together.


  20. Once upon a time a Fox was knitting her friend who died she needed help to make her friend so she searched a person to help she scanned the area and saw a Octopus she jumped and said can you help me to make my friend by knitting.He replied no why should I?Now go away, said the Octopus.

    The Fox searched for another person and saw a Hippo.The Fox came to the Hippo and said to the Hippo please can you help me knit my friend and the Hippo says I am sorry but I’m really bad at knitting he said.

    The Fox looked for another person and saw a Owl and said to him please I beg you please help me knit my friend.The owl said of course but will you be my friend?Sure said the fox.The owl and fox came to the destroyed dinosaur.

    The owl and fox knitted the dinosaur which was the fox’s friend.The owl and fox knitted the dinosaur and finally the dinosaur was back. The dinosaur was so pleased that his friend fixed him.The dinosaur became a friend with the owl so the owl,fox and dinosaur lived happily ever after.The End

  21. Foxy felt depressed, as she sat on the red and white picnic blanket in the garden she had a flashback of Dino and her as little kids playing with each other. Dino was such a great friend but he flew away to heaven to have a better life . Tears rolled down her cheecks as her eyes burned like an oven . She walked towards the pile of green wool and got to work .

    She picked up the green pile of wool and got kntiting when she was half way done she dropped it on the hard wooden floor “nooooooooooooooooooooo” shouted foxy in sadness all her hard work was ruined she kept knitting and knitting she wouldn’t give up because everything dino did for foxy she couldn’t give up all the memories and photos “NO I WILL NOT GIVE UP ” ! shouted foxy in tears .

    Days and days of hard work foxy finally finished dino she was so happy but it was just a teddy “what am l going to do now ,all that hard work for nothing”?. All of a sudden a glittering purple fairy flew over foxy and sprinkled some fairy dust over dino and dino started talking “its a miracle”!

  22. Lost & found

    Grasping the dinosaur yarn, her face was lined with sorrow. In the loss of her only friend, it made her think that she had to give up. But no, she couldn’t. Dino did so much for Fox she couldn’t just leave him like this, leaving their most memorable time behind, in the lone past. So there she stood, as if time paused. Until she realized, Fox had to fix Dinosaur. That was her plan the whole time, but all of Fox’s impulsive thoughts just made her forget about her own friend!

    Stitch and stitches, days and days, she sewed her friend up. Until the last strand of yarn. Oh how beautiful it was. A mixture of delight and relief and enjoyment washed over Fox. When Fox held the Dinosaur in her paws, it was like heaven. In a second, his eyes blinked as slow as a snail. You don’t understand how amazing that moment was. It was like losing your favourite plush and finding it after many years. After locking their eyes on each other, they hugged each other like they have never parted.

  23. Lost and found

    Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to knit back her kind, royal dinosaur companion, who risked his own life for her. Pointlessly moving the needle, the fox made his green legs like a sloth. Time and time again, she kept making the same futile, oversized shape of the lime figure. Sitting beneath the glorious night sky, splattered with tiny white dots of light and hope, she kept trying over and over again. Signs of hope were still somewhere in her mind.

    Hoping to succeed, she swished the piece of yarn around the sharp, metal needle like a robot. Building up speed, she remade the whole shape of Dinosaur. She stressfully worked through the tough, fiddly yarn. Leg to belly to head. When she was about to succeed, she made a terrible mistake. “It’s fine. Only a tiny mistake. I can fix that.” Knitting the figure back, she successfully finished. After that, the best friends reunited again.

  24. Lost and found

    The fox felt really miserable, tears were flushing down her cheeks from her eyes as she remembered the enjoyable moments with Dino. Her friend Dino was made from wool, he had got caught on a nail and had started to come undone. Fox kept knitting, trying to fix him until the end, Dino was fox’s best companion and best friend ever. What would fox do without him? Could she repair him or not? Fox had flashbacks to the good time they spent together but they made her more sad and depressed .Fox kept trying for many hours and days but it would not work.

    As fox was knitting Dino she started to realise what Dino had done to save fox when he had saved foxes life.Dino was a good person to have and be with, fox wouldn’t stop crying for Dino. Soon fox would be done with knitting Dino again fox had said to herself to Protect Dino no matter what because that’s what dino had did, dino had saved fox soon dino was coming alive and a few weeks later dino was good and new

  25. Lost and Found

    Slowly, the fox’s tears dropped onto the broken dinosaur. She put so much effort into it but it just kept falling apart. Shattered, she sadly wiped her tears away. Determined, she was going to fix it no matter what. Rapidly, she ran to the kitchen and got a new sewing kit that works even better than the last one, and quickly sewed it. 30 minutes later, she finally sewed it together. “YOUR BACK!” screamed the fox. The fox was so happy, that she started crying in happiness.

    Now that the dinosaur is back, the fox and him went to go and play. They had the most funnest day ever. They went to the arcades, ice skating, fun fair and went to go get ice cream. Whilst they were walking home, the fox said “I’m glad you’re back” They hugged tightly and they both said “We’ll never be apart again!”

  26. Emir,Ambler primary school. I liked the story but not how it ends because it ends with a cliffhanger but the rest was good and interesting.

  27. Kelly, Ambler primary school
    I think the fox will be successful when trying to build the dino because when she did his tail it fell apart but she didn’t quit she just kept on going showing great determination and resilience .

  28. I think the video has two meanings the first meaning one that they are actually lost toys in a place that they have made a home of lost objects. The second meaning might be that they were friends and when the dinosaur unravelled the fox was lost and at the end when she began to try to fix him i think that she will be successful and their friendship will be found again.
    -Holly, Ambler primary school

  29. sophia, ambler primary school

    this film made me feel quite sad but also hopeful; the first minute or so was fine but then another three or four minutes in it began to get very sad because the fox kept falling into the water and the dinosaur was unravelling, and the dramatic music made it even more emotional. when the dinosaur unravelled to the end, the fox used the end of his yarn to save herself. even though all hope seemed lost, the fox picked up all of his string and kept trying to make him again. I predict that she will be successful in remaking him because although she kept nodding off and when it all unravelled again, she kept on going because she loved him a lot.

  30. Clementine Ambler Primary school

    I think it means that even when things seem lost or gone they can always come back even if it seems like it cannot.
    I think the fox can fix the dinosaur and the ending will be happy.

  31. This film made me feel a bit sad because of the poor crochet animals’ faces and their determined actions to save each other as the dinosaur risks its life for the fox. I thought this film would inspire people to put themselves in front of others who need it most. Although this film ended on a cliffhanger, i still enjoyed watching the adorable creatures run around in a frantic urge to save each other.

    Rosie – Ambler Primary School

  32. I found this film genuinely quite emotional because the bond between the fox and the dinosaur was so strong, the way the dinosaur died right in front of the fox in desperation to save it was even more sad. Also, I found it quite beautiful (in a sad way) because the dinosaur risked its life to save the fox and the fox put all its time and effort to fix the dinosaur even though it would get late and it was slowly breaking.

    Benji, Ambler Primary school

  33. This was an interesting short film, i really quite liked this and it is good for most people ages. At the start I found it weird how there was a broken phone but then i realized it was showing them before and having fun together . I thought they were like bffs at the start but now i think they are lovers. I think the message is that you can lose people but there will be several different ways to connect with them .

    Cici, Ambler primary school

  34. This is a very emotional and inspirational story, the characters and the plot of it is very unique and it is kid friendly -especially for children under 10- despite it being stuffed animals it holds a very important meaning to it,Lost & Found deserved all awards they have gotten ( they have gotten an Annie award and an AACTA award. ) Even tho it was a good story, I do not like how it had ended on a cliffhanger – I personally think it should have shown the audience if the fox had managed to knit the dinosaur back together.
    All of that aside, it was a really good story.

    – Asha-rose Ambler primary school.

  35. This film is very emotional and sad because of how the dinosaur gives up his life for his friend and she tries to crochet him back together but it doesn’t work.

    I think the meaning of this film is that for the title ‘lost and found’ for the lost it speaks of the dinosaur since he lost his life to save his friend out of loyalty and for the found it speaks of the fox since she almost died but since the dinosaur lost his life for her, she was able to get out of the thingy and survives.After watching the film i think the fox will not be successful trying to put him back together.

    -Nailah, Ambler Primary School

  36. This short film made me fell as if I was going to cry it was so sad and I wanted do keep watching even when it finished.The story plot was so well thought of i give an applase to evryone that helped produce it.

  37. I think this film is a bit upsetting and happy.It is like a mountain.At first it starts off with happiness and then when you get to the top it was shocking as the fox fell into the waterpool and all things went wrong.The T-Rex was determined to save the fox and sacrifice himself for her.In the end one person will still leave.I feel like the movie was also about sacrifice and looking after someone with kindness in every way.

    Ambler Primary School

  38. I think this short film is telling you a life lessons because when you lose someone you
    can’t get them back. And when the fox is re-making the dinosaur I think it shows that she is griefing. I also think that their freindship is true because the dinosuar sacrificed his life for the fox.

    Aisha Abdullahi
    Ambler primary school
    year 6B

  39. Amos John Okolosie-Bunting

    Set in China, Lost & Found was a film, which I thought was quite sad, had a moral which went to me like this – Friends always look out for other friends. It made me feel melancholy due to the dinosaur sacrificing his life for the fox – his love. I do not think the fox will succeed in reviving the dinosaur.

  40. I thought at the start that it was really normal and they had a good friendship together and that they would stay together forever but when it went towards the middle it started to get interesting and started to pick up some suspense. When it was at the end it was very sad and emotional when the dinosaur died or unravelled.But at the end of the fil m it was a cliffhanger and it got me very curious.

    Amarvir,Ambler primary school.

  41. I think the message of the narrative is how friendship is hard to loose and if you do lose it there is always a way to find it.

  42. In Lost and Found, I liked when Dino (even though he knew that he could die) chose to save Fox under any circumstances.

  43. If I could add more to the narrative after the cliffhanger this is what I would write…

    Foxie knitted Dino back to life but he had lost all his memory. After that Foxie began to remind Dino of all the good times that they had had together. Slowly but surely (with the help of Foxie) Dino began to remember. The happy ever after happened because of Dino’s heroic act.

  44. If I could change the ending, then this is what I would write.
    Unexpectedly, in part 2, I would say that the Fox succeeded to knit the dinosaur and they lived happily ever after.

  45. This short film was sad because it was showing how people (teddies) can be rude and racist. This film shows exactly how people in our world act when we should all be treated the same, unlike when the brown bears sent the white bears away.
    Also, it was sad when the baby almost got separated from her mum. It was a really nice story but none should own any land.

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