Week 2: “I too”

Dear all,

We hope you enjoy studying “I too” by Langston Hughes. Please share your thoughts, opinions and responses to the poem here.

90 thoughts on “Week 2: “I too”

  1. When lts says tomorrow i’ll be at the table when company comes nobody’ll dare say to me go eat in the kitchen. It means soon everything will change in a good way

  2. I think this poem is about racism. I think this because it says. “I am the darker brother they send me to eat in the kitchen”. I realy like this poem!

  3. I think langston hughes poem is about racism. I think this because it says. “I am the darker brother they send me to eat in the kitchen”. He stands up for himself.

  4. What it means by the darker brother it means that he’s not getting treated the same and it because of his race.

  5. Lanston is standing up for himself and all races
    by telling whoever ” they send me to the kitchen to eat” you can tell they are sending him in the kitchen because of his race he is trying show that he is the same as everyone else and making a equality for himself and others.

  6. I think this poem is about the African-Americans getting treated unfairly and not getting rights. He is telling us that one day the black people will get treated fairly and the people who were saying bad things to them will be ashamed of them selves.

    I enjoyed this poem because he talks about “Rights” and how he will make sure people will have rights soon.

    Poem: I, Too
    Author: Langston Hughes

  7. I think this poem is about the black people that were treated very badly,and could not be proud of the colour of there skin. And also the people who couldn’t get jobs or money so this is one of the best poems that I’ve read especially because i can relate.

    Poem by Langston Hughes

  8. I think this poem is about black people’s rights and that they should be treated fairly. I also think that the poem is saying that people should be fighting against racist people and i love how Langston Hughes expresses himself in the poems he creates beacuse poems are for expressing how you feel and trying to tell the world something that is extremely important.

  9. I think Langston Hughes poem is about strength, fighting for rights because he says in the poem “Nobody’ll dare say to me”,”Eat in the kitchen “,so he is saying not to give up.When he says tomorrow it means in the future when black people have the same rights and fairness

  10. This is my version of the poem by Langston Hughes

    I,too, sing iraq
    I am the third child.
    They send me to get blankets in the basement.

    When company comes,
    But I laugh
    And go get the blankets
    And grow strong

    I’ll be at the bedroom
    When company comes.
    Nobody’ll dare
    Say to me,
    “Go fetch the blankets from the basement ”

    They’ll see how capable i am
    And be ashamed.

    I too am iraq.

  11. I think this poem is about that you need to treated with respect and everybodyelse and you was so proud about your poetry and pride of what you have done so as black and white Americans need to be treated the same .

  12. I think this poem is about being proud of who are and what you have done so as black and white Americans need to be treated the same .

  13. I really liked this poem beacause it shows that black lives matter and that we are the same and no one should treat us differently.

  14. I like this poem because Langston was talking about how he grew up as a black person and most of the people around him were born as a light skin or a white person.I like when he said “Tomorrow I’ll be at the table when company comes.
    Nobody’ll dare
    Say to me, Eat in kitchen”. It shows you to treat everybody fairly and justly and not judge by their colour.

  15. I think that Langston’s message of the poem is about fairness and equality because on one of the verses it says ” I am the darker brother , they send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes, but I laugh and eat well and grow strong.” This is a metaphor of Langston’s life growing up not being treated equally. He is trying to say that he is american too.

  16. This is my version of a poem

    I, too, sing Romania i am the first child. They send me to play in the football pitch. When company comes, But i laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. Tomorrow, I’ll be at the stadium when company comes. Nobody’ ll dare say to me, ” i am bad at football “, Then. Besides, They’ll see how powerful i am and be the best I , too, am Romania.

  17. I ,too,sing england Iam the first child .They send me to the small group when company comes,but i walk and talk well and grow strong . Tomorrow ,I’ll be at the classroom when company comes .Nobody’ll dare say to me”go to the small group”! Then , Besides ,they’ll see how good i am and be ashamed i too am england.

  18. I believe the main theme of I too is Langston Hughes identity because it says “I ,too, am America.”suggests his opinion is that he is part of America too.Where it says “I am the darker brother” is a powerful line because he is referring to people in general and saying that because he is black he is not getting the same rights.The end of stanza one anthe whole of stanza two shows all the rude comments and actions does not weigh him down.He stays resillient.Stanza 3 and 4 talks about how he believes there will be afuture were white and black people are the same.This future is now reality because th law defends them.Stanza 5talks about the future which black and white people are treated equally and all his talents will be seen.This has partly happened to him with the Harlem Renaissance.

  19. I think its when it says darker brother it means that the black people are not getting treated and respected propally an it shows that we are equally all the same and should be justly treated .

  20. `I think that this poem is about racism and teaching us to treat everyone equal, also when the poet said ‘ I too am America’ he meant that everyone in the communities should be treated the same way.
    Instead of writing ‘I am the darker brother’ I wrote I am the mistreated brother.

  21. My talk partner and I both agree that this is a very important poem because it makes us feel that even though racism was hard for black people and others, Langston Hughes was determined to stop racism because it was hard for other people as well , also it was not fair.

  22. I love it because it tells you how mean some households in downtown New York city
    were to black people.

    I love it because it shows that Langston Hughes stood up for himself when he said “Tomorow I’ll be at the table when company comes. Nobody dare say to me Eat in the kitchen.”

  23. The”I too” poem is standing up for black people and for the rights for them too.
    This poem is about his identity (skin colour) and how he has been dealing with racism.
    We should appreciate everyone, no matter what colour they are.

  24. I think its about racism because it said I am the darker brother and he might have been adopted by a white family and his step family is racist.
    I think the dark brother is Langston Hughes because he quoted’I am the darker brother.

  25. I think that this poem is about racism.When Langston Hughes said “Tomorrow I’ll be at the table when company comes” he means that next time he’ll be included.
    Langston Hughes said “I too sing America” he’s saying that he is also part of America and should be treated equally like everybody else. Also in the poem he is named the darkest brother because of his skin colour.

  26. I think that this poem is about racism and that everyone should be treated equal and nobody should be treated different because of their skin colour. We rewrote the first two lines of the poem…
    I too sing the truth I am the one with no power.

  27. For black history month we learnt about this poem. When it said ‘I am the darker brother they send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes’ it means that black people are not treated fairly.

  28. This is a really good poem for kids to inspire themselves to write one too when they are older. Langston Hughes really inspired lots of children, when making the poem ‘I Too’.
    ‘I Too’ is a very good poem for showing black people to do what they want. It also helps to learn new different words for kids to learn. I think by ‘ I Too, Sing America’ it means that Langston Hughes should be like other Americans even if his race is black.

  29. I think its about racism because it says “I am the darker brother” and he doesn’t sit with white people. At the end he points out that he is special too and that the racists will be ashamed of themselves.

  30. I think Langston Hughes is very smart because a lot of the things he wrote about in his poem have a deeper meaning.

  31. I think it was a good idea to create a poem about racism so that it raises awareness about racism, and people stop doing it because they realise how wrong it is.

  32. I really liked how it described the poem with lot’s of creativity and the metaphors were really great that is why it is a great poem.

  33. I think the poem is about racism as they send him to eat in the kitchen when company comes. When it says tomorrow I’ll be in the kitchen it is talking about overcoming the barriers of racism.

  34. I think the poem is about segregation and racism as it says ‘ go eat in the kitchen’ which means as he is black he isn’t aloud to sit at the table when people come as his skin tone is black! It also says ‘ I eat well and grow strong’ he grows strong be reading. I really liked this poem and it’s super good!

  35. I think that this poem is about racism as the ‘I’ is sent away when company comes. But the I still grows well and is smart.

  36. I really like this poem it is my favourite so far i will like to see more just like this :>)

  37. I like when he said”I will be in the living room when company comes” because he will not stand by racism.

  38. It was really interesting I like this poem.This is my favourite so far i will like to see more just like this. :>)

  39. I like this one because it has equality and justice in the message and I wrote a poem inspired by it. My most important ingredient was kindness.

  40. I enjoy this poem because it shows that he is determined to do something and talks about black peoples rights
    This is my version of the poem but my best parts
    I am black London
    I am the change you want to see
    they send me to prison
    if i sit in the wrong seat.

  41. I enjoy this poem because I like how it talks about black people’s rights. I made a recreation of the poem, which included “I too sing, London, I am the man who will make a change.”

  42. It is a powerful poem because it makes the reader feel negative emotions like anger and sadness towards how he gets treated, although the writer stays positive by laughing and growing strong mentally. The poet sees hope for the future looking forward to the better times where everyone gets treated equally. At the end of the poem both the reader and the writer feel positive emotions like hope.

    1. That’s a very thoughtful analysis Skye. It’s interesting to think about the different feelings evoked in the reader, speaker and the poet.

  43. I think it was about a man who was struggling with racism and equality because he was Black.
    I also think that the “I” in the poem was treated badly as he was a servant and he had to cook and do other jobs for the white people.
    When he said he ate well, he didn’t just mean food, he meant that he was eating words and reading lots and educating himself, getting stronger.

  44. I’m too,am muslim
    I am fasting 30 days a year
    They send me to the masjid in the morning before sunrise
    When I arrive at the masjid
    I pray
    And read the holy book
    And leave the masjid

    Tomorrow at Fajr
    Ill be at the masjid
    When company comes
    Nobody’ll dare
    Say to me
    ”Do not fast”
    They’ll see how respectful I am
    And be proud

  45. I,too, sing Pakeman
    I am the little girl that loves school
    They send me to school in the car
    When the company comes,
    But I eat well,
    And grow strong.
    Ill be at the year 7 classes
    When company comes.
    Nobody ll dare
    Say to me,
    You act like a year 2
    Theyll see how independent and responsible I am
    And be strong –
    I, too, am a year 6

  46. I’m from a different school but I agree with you and this is coming from a Jamaican black person and my family has been through a lot of RACISM through the past year’s.

  47. I,too,sing mum
    I am the better sister
    You send me to the living room to speak
    When company comes,
    But I laugh,
    And eat well
    And grow strong
    I will be in my room
    When company comes.
    Nobody’ll dare
    Say to me,
    Stay in the living room
    They’ll see how shy I am and be understanding
    I,too,am important

  48. I too sing London
    I am the man who will make a change.
    They send me to prison when i use my voice
    but I laugh,
    and resist,
    and grow strong to be the man i was meant to be.
    I’ll go where I want to
    and do what i want to.
    When company comes
    nobody will dare say to me
    “go to the basement.”
    they’ll see how similar we are to them
    and will then treat us fairly.
    We,too,are special.
    I hope you like my recreation of I too.

  49. I really like thin poem so here’s my version of it! I tried hard, i hope you like it! :]

    I, too, am, islington.

    I am the darker person,
    They send me to eat in silence in special bedroom and tell me
    “Don’t drop anything or make mess understand”
    When company come’s,
    But I laugh,
    And eat well,
    And grow VERY strong.

    I’ll be at the top TABLE
    When company comes.

    NOBODY’LL dare say to me
    “Eat in silence at the special bedroom and don’t make mess”
    (It wasn’t very special to me, and everyone make’s mess right?)
    Then besides,
    They’ll see how amazing of an person i am,
    And they’ll be all ashamed,

    I, too, am, Islington.

    I tried my best.

  50. I, too, sing Britain
    I am part of this community
    They send me to a different place
    When company comes
    But they don’t really know who I am
    I laugh
    And I grow strong
    I’ll have a role
    When justice comes

  51. here is my poem:

    I too sing Islington.
    I am a year 6 student,
    they send me to detention when i’m bad, when funnines and rudeness comes.
    but i laugh, and talk,and not listen
    then i get caught.
    Tomorrow ill be better like others should, when rude and funny substitute comes.

  52. I too am human
    I am the change you want to see
    they send me to prison when I sit in the wrong seat
    I laugh and grow strong
    I’ll be at that seat
    when the time comes nobody will say to me ”get out

    you should be ashamed ”
    they’ll see how determined I’m they’ll be shocked
    I too am human

    they ‘ll see how determined I’m and they’ll be

  53. I,too,sing ukraine
    I am the greatis ukraine
    they send me to disuster in the war
    when compony comes,
    there help me
    and more medices
    and soliders
    we we will be victoryes.
    when compony comes
    nobody deres
    say to me,
    we are bad countery.

  54. I love this poem because it describes how badly people of colour were treated during this time.

    Here is my poem based on Rosa Parks

    I, too, sing equality
    I am the “second class citizen”.
    They send me to the back in the buses
    when company comes,
    But I laugh at the idiocy,
    And eat well,
    and grow strong in confidence.
    I’ll be at the front
    when company comes.
    Nobody’ll dare
    say to me,
    “go and sit in the back of the bus,”
    They’ll see how badly I am treated by them
    And be ashamed of what they have done-
    I, too, should be treated equally.

  55. I the one
    The one I am
    Not in the darkness
    Not waiting to be discovered
    I am the one
    The one I am
    Not hiding any talents
    I have a heart
    A soul like everyone else
    When people feed me bad thoughts
    I stand proud
    Let nothing get in my way
    I will stand proud
    I the one
    The one I am

  56. I too

    I too like to play games even if people don’t see
    I am the tierdest student
    they send me to the gaming room in my house
    when my cousains come
    I too play
    And play well
    and feel happy
    I’ll play games
    when my cousain comes
    nobody’ll dare
    say to me
    “your game is bad
    then besides
    they’ll see how good I am
    when they begin to laugh
    I too am playing

  57. I am me

    I am the wonderful me
    The beautiful, clever me
    The only me

    They sometimes leave me out
    And leave me on my own

    Then one comes over
    and i’m happy again

    I am me
    Unique, Unusual, Different
    No one leaves ME out

    I’m the weird kid
    The weird me

    The only me

  58. I’too:

    I’too am short.
    I’too have eyes.
    I’too have legs.
    I’too have arms.
    I’too have a stomach.
    I’too have feet.
    I’too have a hand.
    I’too am the older sibling.
    I’too am a human.
    I’too have a heart.

  59. I am the ultimate fighter even if people don’t believe me,
    I am the hurt and forlorn,
    I am still standing better than I ever did,
    Looking like a true survivor,
    But feeling like a little kid,
    And I look like a small boat in a raging ocean,
    But I cause big waves which create a commotion,,
    Tomorrow, there’ll be no sorrow for me,
    Because I am me,
    Nobody’ll dare,
    Curse or swear
    And that’s because they won’t be able to bear,
    My fiery glare,
    I’ll lead you to victory,
    Because I am over-powering:
    I am the ultimate fighter

  60. I Too

    I too get blamed,
    I too am the youngest,
    They blame me without thinking,
    They stereotype me as a cry baby but I too, just get upset at times,
    Tomorrow, i shall prove them wrong and forgive ,
    Nobody will dare to blame me without evidence
    I will get everything i deserve ,
    You may think you know me better ,better then anyone else,
    But trust me , i can do a lot more then you think I can

    I too , am human

  61. I am the ultimate fighter even if people don’t believe me,
    I am the hurt and forlorn,
    I am still standing better than I ever did,
    Looking like a true survivor,
    But feeling like a little kid,
    And I look like a small boat in a raging ocean,
    But I cause big waves which create a commotion,,
    Tomorrow, there’ll be no sorrow for me,
    Because I am me,
    Nobody’ll dare,
    Curse or swear
    And that’s because they won’t be able to bear,
    My fiery glare,
    I’ll lead you to victory,
    Because I am over-powering:
    I am the ultimate fighter

  62. This Me
    I like football even if hey tell me to leave .
    I’m a strong person even if they tell me to leave,
    they exclude me but i’m not scared to be seen
    when my enemies come ,
    Nobody’ll dare tell me to leave
    they’ll see how i’m a role model to the team .
    ! This is Me !

  63. I too

    I too can climb,
    I too can speak.

    I am a talent, not a waste.

    They send me to my room to play,
    Not play with my mum in the middle of the day.
    I too have emotions, though different to others,
    And speak the same words but in a different tune.
    I’ll play with my mum in the middle of the day,
    I am the same and different in every single way.

  64. This is me
    im not scared to be me,
    im a girl to be seen,
    i make no apoligies,
    i am me,

    i stand strong like a tree,
    i LOVE being me,
    my powers turned on,
    starting right now ill be strong,

    i like being creative,
    yet imaginative,
    i am fearless,
    if some tried to touch me ill be tearless,
    IM proud to be me

  65. I too

    I too,like football even if people don’t see it ,
    I am the strongest sister
    They exclude me from there games
    when my enemies come, Nobody will disrespect me
    I,too stand for my team
    And i do it well
    And I’m proud of it
    I’ll be at the game
    And when my enemies come Nobody dares tell me
    “go away”
    They’ll see how strong i really am
    when they begin too doubt, my power will come out,
    I,too ,am fearless

  66. I too

    I too can sing,
    I too can climb,

    I am the youngest,
    Not a disadvantage.

    I too can run,
    I too can dance,

    You may consider me weak,
    But I’m on top of the world.

    I too can swim,
    I too can fight,
    I can do everything I choose to.

    I can do everything you do,
    While still being me.

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