Week 2: Migrants

Hi all,

We hope you enjoy the second film “Migrants”.

Please share your thoughts, responses and writing with us below.

51 thoughts on “Week 2: Migrants

  1. This film was sad because of how the brown bears where mean to the polar bear and how the baby polar bear got hit in the face.

  2. It’s quite a sad story because the brown bears were being rude to the polar bears and one of them hit the baby polar bear with a branch,and sent all the polar bears on a random boat

  3. This short film made me very uneasy, because this really happens in real life. This also made me disappointed, because of the brown bears injustice and prejudice actions towards the white bears. The brown bears also made me frustrated because of how they treated the white bears.

  4. This film was very upsetting knowing that the white polar bear with her baby was forced to leave their home and the brown bears were not welcoming to them even though they came to live a happy peaceful life however they got sent away. This shows that we should all respect each other no matter what skin colour we are and where we come from. The bears are used in this film to symbolise humans.

  5. The short film showed us what happened in the past and how racist the people were. This was very sad to see how the people used to act.

  6. I really enjoyed the short film. I hope there’s more in the future,i could tell that the blacks where being mean instead of the white.it was sad at the end, the small bear looked dead.

  7. The short film Migrants is really sad and I think the moral of the story is to treat everyone respectfully and equally. It’s really disapointing of how the polar bears are treated.I feel sorry for them.

  8. The short film made me disappointed and sad since the snowbears were being treated badly by the brownbears even though hey were washed ashore of a forest and they should have been welcomed there. The moral of the story is that nobody should b discriminated against without knowing their backstory.

  9. This film is very upsetting because even though it is of bears, this happens in real life to real people. Immigrants come to a country and get chased out due to racism. However, this is a very good short film that is well animated and teaches you about the horrible and unjust behaviour that happens to many people all around the world.

  10. This is a symbolic story that we can all learn from to treat each other the same as you would want to be treated, and not to judge a book by its cover or anything different than yourself.

  11. The mother bear and baby bear were so sad I think this movie was based off of racism because the polar bears were white and the other bears were brown and they hit them and made them feel unwanted. This made me feel frustrated because this happens in real life as well. This was prejudice towards the polar bears and injustice to them as well.

  12. this story is strange because the white dont stand up on 2 legs it walks on all 4s like a normal animal but the brown bears walk on 2 legs like a human being and that is why it is very weird/strange plus why are the brown bears in police uniform `the probaly do that to make them stand at as a stronger bear

  13. This film was very devastating because these kind of things happen in real life.People come to certain countries just to be kicked out of due to racism and beliefs. People would physically or mentally hurt immigrants just because of their skin colour or their language. However this short movie was well animated. This short film shows all the nasty things that happen in real life and it will teach everyone how to be respectful to each other.

  14. I think this story is relating to real life because slavery, bullying and racism still happens in the world but not just that they are warning us about global warming. Because the ice is melting however, there is also a good side to this. The mother bear tries to protect her child which is a good thing to do because they are parents in the world that forget about their children (neglect) anyway, this might be an animation but it explains a lot even if they do not talk -communicate-.

  15. I think the story is really sad because they didn’t deserve having to lose their home and get stranded in the middle of the ocean.They tried to hit and beat them up for no reason and kicked them out with no regret not so ever. So I think it is about racism,hurting others and being mean.

  16. This short film was very upsetting and emotional because of the fact that the mother bear had to take care of her baby on her own – while their home was breaking down.
    The brown bears don’t accept the polar bears on their island just because they are both different. The brown bears are horrible as they know that the polar bears have nowhere to stay and that they come in peace. But they are treated badly and judge them just because their colour is different.

  17. This film was very upsetting due to the fact that the polar bears were forced out of their home because of global warming. The mother had to take care of her baby – while their home was breaking down. They came to this lush,green island hoping to seek refuge but instead they were attacked by the brown bears and were sent away just because they look different.This film teaches us not to treat others badly just because they look different.

  18. This film was about how the mum and cubs home was destroyed and they had go to a
    different to land they also encountered racism and at the end they had to leave

  19. The mother bear and baby bear were so sad because there habitat was destroyed because of global warming so they decided to leave and go to a new home they
    found a island and decided to live here then they saw some brown bears and the brown bears were being rude to the polar bears so they send all the polar bears off to sea. This is frustrating because this happens in real life too.

  20. This short film was upsetting because these kind of things happen all around the world, especially in some countries that have different kinds of accents or speaks another language. All kind of nasty things happen and this video shows to respect everyone around you.

  21. Monday 12th June 2023
    L.O:To write a diary entry.

    Dear diary,
    What a tough couple of days I have had, herding up all of those wretched invaders. Honestly, I hardly have any time to rest! We try our best to be unwelcoming to them and hope they go away of their own accord, but they just keep coming, no matter what we try! I imagine that we will have to be ruthless and use force.

    Suddenly, an old memory flooded back to me, not giving me any room for any other thoughts. I recalled one particular outsider who had caused an immense struggle. She had thrashed around, swiping her razor claws harshly across my face, spraying my blood everywhere. I shuddered at the thought, gingerly touching my scar. She had to go. They all did.

    I awoke from a good night’s sleep. My face creased with anger as I spotted a shelter outside. Pulling on my uniform, I bust through the door. The mother and cub began to sprint but I gave chase. Soon enough, they were cornered. We roughly shoved them into a rickety boat and far off into the horizon, never to be seen again. All gone. Finally, I can have some peace at last.

  22. Dear diary

    The last few days have been wacky! I was hunting fish with my mum so I could eat. When I took a nap with my mum hoping to gain energy. A sudden earthquake intruded the land. I was floating on an ice platform. When my mum came to get me. The ice suddenly shifted away from the land.

    As we sailed across the vast sea. I prayed we would land. I couldn’t imagine where we would land. I knew we were safe. I arrived at a beautiful island filled with long, lavish green grass, tall colorful trees and vast, blue sky that is so blue it looks like the planet uranus. Unfortunately I made direct eye contact with a brown bear. He looked so angry that he was ready to fight.

    A brown bear threatened us for no reason. I couldn’t do anything as I was so small. So my mum roared at them so they would get scared and run away. As we trotted on ahead, all the bears stared at us. It seemed like we weren’t welcome. I was running to get food but the brown bear was attacking me.

    They put us into some sort of solitary confinement even though we did NOTHING. Luckily they freed us but we decided to sneak into the jungle to get berries but the Bear S.W.A.T team put us back into solitary confinement so they could ship us back to Antarctica because we stole all the food in the jungle. While we were sailing the seas for the second time. A storm plagued the ocean as we sailed the great sea. The boat weaved left and right until the boat flipped over. My mum unfortunately died “mummy” I cried misrabley. I landed in England. An alien-like creature picked me up and took me to his home.

  23. Dear Diary,

    What a day it’s been! After a long day at work, I had to deal with the white polar bears. While I was working, my little cub came up to me and told me that there were two white cubs on our land. I didn’t think anything of it until the cub came up to me.

    He tried to steal my berries but I got a stick and threatened to hit him. Then the cubs mum came, when I hit the stick a berry came off. The cub tried to eat it but I forcefully hit him on the head. He was wimping in pain. I got my foot and smashed it on the berry.

    I was not happy what the cub did so I set up a trap with fish. The cub walked up to the fish so me and my friends started making jokes about him. The mum came out of no where and took the cub away.

  24. Dear diary,

    What a misrable day it has been !After a long day of working, I took a little nap since I was so tired of lifting all those blocks. “AAA” l screamed in surprise the ice was shattering into pieces . l fell into the icy water as mum tried to catch me .All l had to do now was wait for the unexpected…

    I woke up in a colourful jungle in the middle of nowhere .I didn’t know were l was , the ice block was about to stop so i jumped of it and saw a pile of yellow daisys and went up to it a brown bear showed up but then mummy bear picked it up and shoved it on the ground .

    That day me and mummy bear left for a better and safer place .The brown bear obvasly dident want the white bear’s . I hopped on the boat and sailed off.

  25. Dear diary,

    Something terrifying happened.I was with my cub but suddenly an earthquake appeared!My little cub and I were so scared we both jumped onto an ice piece.We both were moving around hoping to get somewhere safe.

    Finally after a day we made it into a small village.We walked slowly looking for food hoping we would find some.Brown bears were everywhere!We also saw a little brown bear talking to my cub but i don’t trust them yet so i had to make him go.We had to go because we didn’t seem welcome.

    While my cub was looking for food a few rude horrible brown bears went up to her and tried whooping her with a stick!Just in time I jumped out and scared them away.After a few days S.W.A.T came out and I was surprised to see so many white bears getting escorted out.After a bit we were escorted out but we sadly crashed and my cum died..

  26. Migrants proir weston

    Dear, diary

    What a horrible day it has been over the last 2 days.After many days of searching for food. A few hours later there was an earthquake in the area and the ice split in many parts . My mother and I fell onto a part of the ice. This was the beginging of an amazing long journey.

    As we traveled across the sea, me and my mother hoped we would survive the voyage.weeks later me and my mother arrived to this very lush green land it was an amazing sight to see. A few minutes later the brown bear cub was scared of me and my mother.

    As we were wandering around I saw a family of brown bears. one of them had a stick like a weapon they were not happy at all…….. Me and my mother defend ourselves. Me and my mother and I found an area to sleep for the night. As soon as I woke up there were brown bears trying to deport us to send us back from where we were originally. when we were trying to escape I saw more white bears like me trying to escape like me

    Soon they got all the white bears like me and my mother. My mother died when we got back.

  27. Migrants

    Dear, diary

    What a horrible day it has been over the last 2 days.After many days of searching for food. A few hours later there was an earthquake in the area and the ice split in many parts . My mother and I fell onto a part of the ice. This was the beginging of an amazing long journey.

    As we traveled across the sea, me and my mother hoped we would survive the voyage.weeks later me and my mother arrived to this very lush green land it was an amazing sight to see. A few minutes later the brown bear cub was scared of me and my mother.

    As we were wandering around I saw a family of brown bears. one of them had a stick like a weapon they were not happy at all…….. Me and my mother defend ourselves. Me and my mother and I found an area to sleep for the night. As soon as I woke up there were brown bears trying to deport us to send us back from where we were originally. when we were trying to escape I saw more white bears like me trying to escape like me

    Soon they got all the white bears like me and my mother. My mother died when we got back.

  28. Dear diary,
    What a disastrous day it’s been.After the most terrifying day of my life happened.I’ve been really tired lately so i took a nap.Minutes later i woke up and everything was falling over then it stopped. I took a look around to check if everything was all right. Then I went back to sleep on the ice but I was scared.Then i was thinking what if it happens again or what if i dont what to do when it happens.

    All of a sudden, everything started to shake but then mama bear was looking for me.She noticed me so then she jumped onto the ice luckley she made it on because the ice was breaking off.There was an earthquake.I was frightened. Everything started to break so I went under my mama’s arm and went to sleep .When I woke up I saw colors everywhere .I didn’t know what to do.

  29. Two bears joined us then a baby
    started sniffing me. I ran away, when I saw them taking our food I hit them with a stick and then they ran away. The mum growled at me. I was a bit angry then I heard a very loud banging sound. I did not care but until…

    They were in my bed sleeping i WAS ANGRY in the night we made boats for them to go back their home then i got a lot of police the next morning when the woke up the baby as gone the bit me i was angry we got the mumDear Diary

    I was sitting on my island until two random bears joined us. I was very confused when the baby came close to me and ran away. We chased her then we ended up at the beach because her baby was there in a boat sleeping and the mum woke the baby up.

    Now we can assemble them into their boat’s to go home. Then a whole lot of white bears came. I was in shock then we put them into the boat then they were upset. I was happy because the bears can go home.

  30. Migrants

    Dear diary

    After a long day of gathering fish I finally get to rest I get into my very deep sleep all of a sudden the ice started to shake so i ran to a safe place but a sudden my baby jump to a small place of ice my heart started started to beat fast as he jumped but safely he jumped on a plate of ice so i did .

    While the ice was floating on the harbor weather on the sea i hoped good things are if we died i would hope for baby polar bear would survive . I snuggled with my baby to keep him
    not scared or worried.

    After a long devastating sail we came to this beautiful place with pink daffodils and long sunflowers . As we was walking more there was more and more flowers but we did not expect what it would be there was brown bears were hitting sticks on his hand waiting to hit the baby polar bear .Quicly i ground at them and they ran away we were chased by police bear so we ran to a place where lots of polar bears so we went there but they was all franing i went there because i had to .The boat looked crappy we went on it but unfortunately me and the others drowend and died.

  31. A few weeks back, I had seen two, white, odd looking bears trying to steal OUR food! I struck the little one with a berry stick. I didn’t care, they deserved it. When dawn hit, we spotted that same bear. It falled for our trap. I was jubilant. We cornered it. We raised our sticks, but suddenly a huge one stampeded out of nowhere and collected the lucky pest.

    After a while, the T.B.P.D found them again. They had them cornered. Unfortunately they got away. Hours later we finally caught them, this had to be it. I was sweating. We had to catch them.

    After we obtained the rule breaking bears, we loaded them onto the steel boat and pushed them away, hoping they’d find land that they could call home. Now when I think about it, I get a feeling of remorse for hitting the little cub on the head with that spiky, thorny stick.

    That’s that for now. I’ll keep you updated on what happened.

  32. Migrants

    Dear Diary,

    I was just chilling one morning and saw a white bear in a brown bear premises. I then witnessed a much larger white bear walking toward me. Right after, I ran off in fear and alerted the other brown bears how another white bear washed to shore.

    I was mortified thinking they would steal our food, water and habitat. I was shaking when they waltzed through our land like they owned it. I was then informed that they set up a fish trap to hit the white bears so hard they leave. I had the thought to peer at the whole scene. I watched the larger alien growl at the members of our society.

    Thankfully the TBPD (Teddy Bear Police Department) had a plan to deport both foreigners to wherever they go.

    I made extra sure I got a ticket to watch the outsiders get on the boat and sent away. I tried to hit them with rocks so they could sink and drown, though I only killed one bear.

    The next day, I went lurking throughout the woods to find more strangers to report. Sadly I only found some of the Immigrants fur on a gigantic log of wood.

    I am still searching so I will let you know if I find any non-natives in brown bear territory and their outcome.

    -Brown Bear

  33. Migrants
    I felt devastated when i some my home tearing apart.I knew i had to save my child for my safety and theirs.I ran as fast as i could to an edge with my cub in my hanging from my teeth,I was scared,I’m worried…I froze in shock
    Seeing my child slip out my teeth to an ice platform.I had to jump with them so i did.I was stuck so i had no idea what to do so i told my baby it was gonna be ok and the ice would take us somewhere.Then i said it would take us somewhere safe.
    While we sailed across the water the rain was heavier and the waves were stronger. I almost fell.my offspring was underneath me scared.In my mind I started to get concerned but I slept through it.
    When we arrived it was like a whole new world.It had vibrant colors and beautiful trees and so much vegetation. We were in a river so we hopped off the ice and I was surprised it didn’t melt because of how hot it was there.
    We started to wander across the forest and my child went somewhere else and I didn’t mind at first but when I saw a different coloured bear I gave him a fierce stare in the eyes.
    My baby and I wandered into a group of brown bears, almost native bears.There was a sweet berry bush so we carefully walked to it but the natives saw us.and picked up a long stick and waved it at us like threatening us to get out. Few days later we barely ate because of the bears plus they never gave us any space. They enclosed us into a facility where other bears like us were going on boats.we were forced in line.
    We saw on the bears the word T.B.P.D I was confused on what it ment. But I only focused on the boats.When we went on the boat thinking we were going back home we soon saw water seeping through into the boat…I hope we make it back home.

  34. Migrant

    My world was my heart, my mum and I was sad because my area is in danger. It’s all falling apart. We were moving from time to time . After we found a brown bear and they were kind until my mum was crazy, they walked away . we walk away and found so many brown bear doing something they saw us and stared at us we walked then we found some food then a brown bear and hit me then my mum was push backward then we was walking for hour.

    We both had a nap and when we woke up I found food. There was a brown bear around me. I was scared until my mum came and scared them off. We started walking then a bear was chasing us. There was so many of them until we saw a prison that took us away so we went and we was on a boat .

    Then the next day,we was at a beach and I couldn’t find my mum. I shouted MUM!! I still had no answer. I was scared until someone picked me up. I didn’t know who it was .


    I was busily picking scarlet, claret berries from the impeccably pruned, tidy bushes of Merry Gardens, when two pale bears trudged curiously down cobbled Merry Lane. The two white bears looked as pale as if they had seen a ghost – not that there were any on this wonderful, verdant island.
    The youthful bear skipped toward a scarlet berry bush, eager to tuck in and feast on the mouth-watering jewels that lay before him. However, Dr Despicable loomed over the youngster, daring him to come closer. Dr Despicable has an ample girth, and a furry thick ‘coat of armour’ – as he describes it. As fast as the speed of light, he whipped this imposing tree branch, slapping the terrified bear. My heart was in my mouth – it was horrible to abuse refugees!
    How could Dr Despicable, our ‘noble’ leader do this to a helpless foreigner?! I slowly plodded to my humble cottage, disappointed with what I had witnessed that day.
    The next morning, I gobbled up my meagre portion of slimy gruel, yawning in weariness.
    ‘Read all about it, read all about it!’ I heard faintly through my ajar window. “Polar bears deported from Merry Island!”
    My silver spoon dropped in shock. “No!” I thought in horror…


    Dear Diary,

    Not this again! Not these Polar Bears! They always try to eat food and take
    our shelter. Don’t they even think about it! They already took some of our land and NOW our Teddy Bear Police Department has to deal with them.

    Luckily,the Baby Bear is falling for the fish trap! Now we can get rid of them once and for all. NO MORE STEALING! They are finally getting put on a boat so we don’t waste our time or see them anymore. Off they go to their home! They all had to get loaded on the boat as they just take our supplies and are no help to us and are absolutely USELESS! No more Polar Bears for us! At least they didn’t try to hurt us like last time! I felt so angry,so upset and the community can agree because they keep coming. We are not a place for Migrants!

    Everyone is OUTRAGEOUS, our island is ONLY for us but it’s not our fault they came to our place. It feels like they are trying to attack us, COLONISE US! Deep inside I do feel a little bit bad for them. Especially the little cub. It has to go through such hard times and horrible emotions. Once again, our island is not humongous and we have quite a lot of friends and family we have to feed. What if one of the Polar Bears gets sick? They will then die and blame it on us. When they are starting to get the flu then we will supposedly have to share our supplies that we do not have much of! Things just don’t appear! We have to waste our time and energy that we use to collect things and give it away!

    We are superior and we cannot accept pheasants as we are high grades way above them and demanding! Who are they to come take a stroll in our forest?! They are unappreciative as we at least let them stay for a while! These bears don’t deserve a name! They are more like useless RATS! I have to say I do have xenophobia. I do not accept them. Finally, they cause problems which cause controversies which do not create peace!

  37. Me and my mum were walking along the ice, when it cracked. I fell, It seemed like I was having a heart attack. Luckily I landed onto an ice cap. I was relieved. My mum jumped onto it making sure I was safe. Just then. Suddenly, a large piece of ice fell into the icy water and ‘forced’ us to move along. On the journey, there was a large storm, Oh how i was scared, but at least i was still with my mum. She protected me the whole way as the thunder clapped loudly, It was terrifying.
    Soon, we returned to a beautiful, amazing forest, where I saw a tiny creature. I went over to it when as quick as a finger click a little, brown bear appeared, although when my mum came it ran off, well that was weird…
    A couple minutes later we saw more of them, but larger, they looked at us a lot but that was fine. Then, i found a tiny cherry bush, i wandered over to it when one of the bears grabbed a twig off of it, a cherry fell off it, i took a step closer, Wack! The bear hit me. I wasn’t so sure about them anymore. They were being so rude. Me and my mum ran off, away from all the foul,native bears before they hurt us once more.
    The next morning, the t.b.p.d ( Teddy bear police department) came, they surrounded me because I took some fish, luckily my saviour of a mum came,growled at them and then ran off with me, she’s a hero!
    Later the T.B.P.D came and tried to send us back to antarctica.
    We didn’t make it there together. Unfortunately I don’t know where my mum has gone now, but I’m on the beach, struggling to breathe. I miss my hero and I hate being all alone, surrounded by rubbish and plastic. Oh, I wish my life was back to normal. This is the worst state I’ve ever been in and I hate it…


    I woke to find my home breaking down,ice falling, cracks spreading.my mom woke startled and we went to the edge of the iceberg and it was thin ,cold and thin.I fell.Strait onto the sheet of ice below me. My mom wasn’t with me. I was worried ,really worried.suddenly my mom lept for it and crashed straight onto the piece of ice.I was relieved . My mom was protecting me through everything and then finally , we reached land.The water was making all the ice including ours into the mouth of the river. I began to feel excluded due to the weird nature and it was just so different.

    Finally , we came to a stop by the bank of the forest, I felt nervous about what was to come and I was not sure at all if we would become part of the community .I was really curious and hoped off, we met a bear was frightened and then saw a community I would like to thrive in .I felt like a freak to them , all of them staring at me and I was only a different kind of bear. I saw food and went for it .

    All of a sudden I was hit by an adult bear . Me and my mom fled out of the area ,we were really not doing well. We went to bed ,me feeling weird , excluded. The next morning I spotted some food and as soon as I grabbed some the other bears showed up. Now I knew I wasn’t allowed here in this community and my mom saved me just in time and we ran. Everywhere bears hunting and chasing us down. Then there were other bears (same as us) running.I felt slightly relieved that we weren’t alone but we were still excluded. Not native! Then I saw that we were being shipped away exiled and we couldn’t do anything. I was devastated, feelings were pouring over me as me and my mom were put on and pushed away…. Where was I? Where was my family? I was lying on a beach….


  39. Dear diary,

    I was woken up by my mother that I was half-asleep when suddenly… when I tumbled off a broken piece of ice I was scared for life. I mean I almost died! Though I was saved by the paws of my own mum, the one who was there for me all my life, the one who has been loyal to me my whole existence, I am so grateful. Although that’s what I thought when she pushed me off the boat. Rude I thought.
    This land is beautiful but foreign it doesn’t feel like home though she said it would. Rude once again I thought. Soon later, I saw a beautiful one of my kind. I was going to be friendly but he wanted meat. My meat. I went to explain but mum got in the way. Rude I thought. And once again I was scared. Later on we went to find some berries since
    We wanted to fit in
    We were starving
    But we were pushed out and forced to starve.
    The next night,I wasn’t going to let some far family of foreign bears let me starve so I went out. AHHH a trap ok I was over exaggerating. But I almost died for the 2nd time but when I was going to kick the bucket my saviour, my mum, growled with a furious roar.
    Later I was surrounded by 4 of them and it was two of us. In this one land the T.B.P.D was there to send us to Canada. So the boat tipped over and my mother died soon I woke up in a strange alien-like home witch had so called humans and now I live in harmony..

  40. Migrants

    Mother bear

    In the Arctic, a gust of wind blew past my face. My home was falling apart, The ice cracking and large chunks falling into the sea. It was terrible, I knew we couldn’t stay any longer. As me and my cub lumbered towards the sea he slipped off the edge! However, luckily, he landed on an iceberg. After a second’s hesitation, I leapt onto the sheet of ice and propelled it through the water.
    Then after a long rest and a wild storm, I woke up. We had arrived in a warmer climate with lush, grassy meadows and tall, beautiful trees. I nudged my baby off in pure excitement and wonder. As Little bear edged towards a log, when all of a sudden, another species of bear appeared. They were like us but … brown?
    We struggled to find shelter and food, since the brown bears were keeping us away and attacking us. Finally, after a night’s rest, I awoke with a start. But to my suprise, Little bear was gone! I was distraught! Then, after I thought all was lost, I found him! He was getting assaulted by the other bears. We ran away to what we thought was safety, but it was where they were sending us back!! The T.B.P.D forced us onto the crooked, rusty boats and sent us away. The next thing I knew we had crashed on a random coast without my Little bear!


    I was busily picking scarlet, claret berries from the impeccably pruned, tidy bushes of Merry Gardens, when two pale bears trudged curiously down cobbled Merry Lane. The two white bears looked as pale as if they had seen a ghost – not that there were any on this wonderful, verdant island.
    The youthful bear skipped toward a scarlet berry bush, eager to tuck in and feast on the mouth-watering jewels that lay before him. However, Dr Despicable loomed over the youngster, daring him to come closer. Dr Despicable has an ample girth, and a furry thick ‘coat of armour’ – as he describes it. As fast as the speed of light, he whipped this imposing tree branch, slapping the terrified bear. My heart was in my mouth – it was horrible to abuse refugees!
    How could Dr Despicable, our ‘noble’ leader do this to a helpless foreigner?! I slowly plodded to my humble cottage, disappointed with what I had witnessed that day.
    The next morning, I gobbled up my meagre portion of slimy gruel, yawning in weariness.
    ‘Read all about it, read all about it!’ I heard faintly through my ajar window. “Polar bears deported from Merry Island!”
    My silver spoon dropped in shock. “No!” I thought in horror…

  42. Dear diary,
    My family and I were out looking for food with some other bears when a polar bear and its cub started walking through the forest. I was so excited because Grandma bear had told me all about them, but then everyone started looking at them in a disgusted and/or angry way. I didn’t want to seem out of place and weird so I joined in, but they looked sad and scared so I stopped so I wouldn’t make them sadder. I went back to picking berries.

    All of a sudden they came up to the bush I was picking from and I felt so fascinated by them. Then Dad grabbed a stick and hit the cub! I gasped at how rude he was being and then they ran off. Ugh! I thought. I was so annoyed.

    The next day everyone was talking about how ‘rude’ they are being by stealing ‘our’ food. WHAT?! I thought how are they being rude when it isn’t even our food!

    Two day after that, my mum told me that all the polar bears were being captured and led to the military beach where they were going to be sent away on a boat. I felt horrified and shocked at how rude they are being.

    A week later (yesterday), my dad came to me and told me that one of the bears had been found dead on a beach in England, and it was the cub we saw whilst chuckling! I ran to my room with angry tears in my eyes, thinking How could they do this to innocent people?!

    Signing off, baby brown bear

  43. edited one – Me and my mum were walking along the Ice, when it cracked. I fell, It seemed like I was having a heart attack. Luckily I landed onto an Ice cap. I was relieved. My mum jumped onto it making sure I was safe. Just then. Suddenly, a large piece of Ifell into the water and ‘forced’ us to move along. On the journey, there was a large storm. Oh how I was scared, but at least I was still with my mum. She protected me the whole way as the thunder clapped loudly, It was terrifying.
    Soon, we returned to a beautiful, amazing forest, where I saw a tiny creature. I went over to it when as quick as a finger click a little, brown bear appeared, although when my mum came It ran off, well that was weird…
    A couple minutes later we saw more of them, but larger, they looked at us a lot but that was fine. Then, I found a tiny cherry bush. I wandered over to It when one of the bears grabbed a twig off of It, a cherry fell off It, I took a step closer, Wack! The bear hit me. I wasn’t so sure about them anymore. Me and my mum ran off, away from all the foul,native bears before they hurt us once more.
    The next morning, the T.B.P.D ( Teddy Bear Police Department) came, they surrounded me because I took some fish, luckily my saviour of a mum came,growled at them and then ran off with me. She’s a hero!
    Later the T.B.P.D came and tried to send us back to antarctica.
    We didn’t make It there together. Unfortunately I don’t know where my mum has gone now, but I’m on the beach, struggling to breathe. I miss my hero and I hate being all alone, surrounded by rubbish and plastic. Oh, I wish my life was back to normal. This Is the Worst State I’ve Ever Been In and I hate It…

  44. Migrants
    I was laying on my mothers back. We woke up as usual but I felt like my home was cracking. I started running but I felt like I was going to die! But luckily my mother came for me but then the whole arctic disappeared. We were on a different island. I was nervous. I was scared. I was afraid.

    I saw an insect I’ve never seen before until I saw a creepy brown bear. I was stunned.I wanted to go back home. But then he ran away,was he scared of me? The island was cool but I was still scared. I ran back to my mother. We started exploring but there were so many brown bears I didn’t see one white bear! And they looked stunned. Who even are they? I saw T.B.P.D i’ve never been more frightened,they started staring at us.I wish I never came to this island!

    We found shelter. I felt really hungry. The next morning I really really needed to eat. I found fish so I tried taking it but then the brown bears found me! They were going to hurt me! Until my strong mother scared them away and rescued me! At Least I didn’t get hurt but my mother was really worried for me!

    Some brown bears were approaching us. Please don’t come to us! But they did.. We got pushed onto a boat with other white bears. I was devastated. All I remember was being on the boat. Until I woke up I was with junk and plastic. I tried shouting for my mother but that didn’t work. I got taken away…

  45. Migrants
    At first our climate started to crumble and the ice surrounding us began to break down. It was horrible! I could see baby bear was distraught.
    My cub was standing at the edge of an ice cliff …then,it cracked and my poor baby had fallen from it onto a little dish of ice
    bobbing in the sea. I launched aiming to land with my bear which I just about did.

    Suddenly,a huge clump of ice smashed in the cold water which caused us to float away through heavy storms and horrible hails. Baby bear was scared they were all huddled up next to me. The terrible storms crashed against our wet shivery fur,causing us to tremble.

    Eventually,we arrived on what seemed to be a grassy green island with berries and willow trees. I was curious and so was my cub. As the slab of ice was getting closer we cautiously jumped off onto the lush grass.
    I could see baby bear was interested in what seemed to be an ant. I was intrigued. I suddenly saw something rummaging in the bushes. It was a brown bear. It was scary seeing someone so much bigger than you.
    We set up camp, it took an eternity. I went to sleep with baby bear in my arms,my cub felt warm. The next morning my cub was gone. I was so worried. I searched and searched until I heard a familiar cry…it was baby bear but we had been caught.
    I was quietly weeping. We were so upset. We got shipped on to a boat. It took us far. Then,Baby bear disappeared into the sea. Baby bear was gone.

  46. Dear diary,

    This is the MOST wildest journey of my life! One unexpected day,my world turned upside down. I was just chilling in my home, which was a tundra area. Everything was happening so fast I couldn’t even think!Ice was breaking one by one all around me.Me and my bear cub rushed to the end of a cliff. My heart skipped a beat,why was this happening to ME?!

    The journey was a rollercoaster at full speed. The next moment I woke in a completely different world.One of the inhabitants,which was a brown bear, welcomed us. I am famished! Searching for food was complex. But who would have the audacity to attack my poor child?!I’m coming to think this place isn’t so friendly after all. The elongated journey here made me both exhausted and ravenous.

    At the break of dawn,me,also my bear cub,decided to trespass the brown bear’s habitat. I am devastated! The fauna here are so impertinent!I just aroused in an enigmatic area and these brown bears are being rude!Next morning,I woke up to see my son had been misplaced.OH NO!OH NO! I scavenged the area desperately . These rebellious bears! I split my sides.

    I bolted off with my child.Next thing we were enclosed by T.B.P.D!
    Strange name right?We relinquished to a rocky,rough area,and my son and I hopped onto a wooden boat. Hopefully we’re safe.Suddenly,the boat started descending down,being devoured by the ocean. The last thing I saw was a beaming light towering over me….

  47. Migrants
    I felt devastated when I saw my home tearing apart. I knew I had to save my child for my safety and theirs. I ran as fast as I could to an edge with my cub hanging from my teeth. I was scared. I’m worried…I froze in shock
    Seeing my child slip out my teeth to an ice platform. I had to jump with them so I did. I was stuck so I had no idea what to do so I told my baby it was gonna be ok and the ice would take us somewhere. Then I said it would take us somewhere safe.
    While we sailed across the water the rain was heavier and the waves were stronger. I almost fell. My offspring was underneath me scared. In my mind I started to get concerned but I slept through it.
    When we arrived it was like a whole new world. It had vibrant colors and beautiful trees and so much vegetation. We were in a river so we hopped off the ice and I was surprised it didn’t melt because of how hot it was there.
    We started to wander across the forest and my child went somewhere else and I didn’t mind at first but when I saw a different coloured bear I gave him a fierce stare in the eyes.
    My baby and I wandered into a group of brown bears, almost native bears. There was a sweet berry bush so we carefully walked to it but the natives saw us and picked up a long stick and waved it at us like threatening us to get out. Few days later we barely ate because of the bears plus they never gave us any space. They enclosed us into a facility where other bears like us were going on boats. We were forced in line.
    We saw on the bears the word T.B.P.D I was confused on what it ment. But I only focused on the boats. When we went on the boat thinking we were going back home we soon saw water seeping through into the boat…I hope we make it back home.

  48. One day it seemed as if my world was cracking apart. It all started when I looked over my shoulder and saw that the ice behind me was splitting and cracking, I was terrified and my head was spinning ! At that moment all I could think about was run, run and run over and over again but my cub skidded over the side of an icy cliff, I was distraught until I peered over the edge and saw that my cub had landed on a thin sheet of ice so then I followed my cub, forgot all of my fears and jumped. I made it and we began our perilous journey across the sea as rain pounded across my fur. I was scared.

    When we reached the edge of the mossy bank all these wonders filled my eyes, lush green grass to towering trees filled with berries. Immediately, we started exploring and found a weird type of native bear and we found not one but a whole colony, I was bewildered and just at that moment my belly started rumbling and m cub ran off to get a few berries but a bear whacked my child across the face, who did the think the were ?! I was furious but I was too tired to fight so I found us both a shelter for that night.

    When I woke up I couldn’t find my baby, I looked around and found that my innocent child had been tricked and lured into a trap, I couldn’t believe it! I couldn’t fight as we were outnumbered and so we just ran not knowing where we were going and then we got cornered by a group of bears holding scary metal things so we just kept running but we fell into a wooden contraption.

    “At least we were going back home.” Or so I thought and I was yet to know that I would never see my cub again as halfway across the choppy waves the contraption capsized and all I could do was scream for my cub as my vision blinked out.

  49. Dear diary
    For today a terrible day today was doing my own thing but suddenly I saw a log I went up to it I saw a white baby bear and it mum I was terrified I thought they were going to harm me I got up and ran backward continuously I saw them dashing toward me got a branch to scared them away a berry fell. The Little bear tried grabbing the berry. I got a branch and hit the bear with force. The bear hid behind his mum. I didn’t mean to be aggressive .
    I felt really bad for the bear i saw the baby bear again this time they took land and food other bear threatened the baby bear but the mum of the baby bear roared loudly I can literally hear from a mile away the T.B.P.D that stand for teddy bear police department took them to the boat they were going yes I will admit it i was a bit sad but they were going somewhere I heard that the boat sink in the water that mean everyone that was on the boat died i was extremely sad I did regret what I did I could of be nice but i decide not to i feel really bad I felt like a criminal I was really distraught I was bit sad and also not to much since they were stealing food and land I but i did do something correct it is not really my fault it really happened .

  50. Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.
    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.

    Dear diary

    My heart broke into pieces at this time when we were sleeping.Me and My baby were sleeping suddenly my baby woke up and woke me up and my baby, he ran at the end of the cliff and falled of ,this was the time my heart broke.I couldn’t let my baby stay there alone I jumped of the cliff and landed right next to him then the sea blew us like a boat sailing after hours of travelling we went to a humongous forest.

    When we were looking in the forest , my baby went to a brown bear. He threatened him but I road to scare him away but they threatened me too .They didn’t like us, because we are not the same colour they didn’t allow us to eat some of there food or even stay there they didn’t like us but why when we were sleeping my baby got hungry and wanted to get some food then he sore a berry and tried to take them but the brown bear sore him and tried to hit him but I woke up and standed up for him.

    After all of that, Teddy. Bear. Police. Department.put us on a boat , we sailed for three days without knowing where we are going but it wasn’t only me lot’s of other polar bears , when we sailing for like three days we landed on the beach my baby got left behind without me knowing I don’t even know even know if my baby is alive or not.


    I was terrified when I heard the sound of cracks so I ran to see if it was spreading and it was quick! I nearly slipped at the end of an ice block but baby bear did so I jumped and we started to sail away. Trust me it was the worst day of my life! I felt terrified knowing that I was leaving my home! Lightning,rain and the biggest waves bigger than a mountain! My poor Bear was all wet and cold. I felt like a bad mother.

    We finally arrived at this wonderful,green forest flowing on a river. I felt relieved that there was a place we could stay. Baby Bear ran off the ice and ran as if he was free from a cage! We started to pick these red delicious berries? Anyways, Baby Bear accidentally scared away this brown baby bear but I know he didn’t mean to.

    Soon after, we go look for more berries for lunch and then we find many brown bears eating berries straight up from the bushes. I felt relieved that we weren’t alone until this happened! We were going to grab some fresh from the bush but a big brown bear popped out and roared at Baby Bear because he thought we were stealing!

    A mistake was fine because everyone does mistakes but about to whack my baby, that was crossing the lines. I wanted to scream at that bear but this wasn’t our home so I would lose the opportunity of living here. I felt mad but I couldn’t express it or else Baby Bear would be sad. I couldn’t let that happen.

    After that, I was trying to find a safe place to rest and had second thoughts about living here. I felt worried that we won’t have a home. After I woke up, I felt nothing wrapped sound my arms, I heard Baby Bear wine! IT WAS THE BROWN BEARS!!! I couldn’t with this any more I ran like a cheetah. I roared! My Baby Bear! They trapped it! We ran as fast as we could and ended up in a ship sent by the T.B.P.D. It was officially the worst journey ever. Now I’m here alone with no Baby Bear. He got lost in the big waves.

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