Week 3: Dangle

Dear all,

We hope you’re enjoying the film course.

Our third film is Dangle. Please share your thoughts, responses and writing with us here.

22 thoughts on “Week 3: Dangle

  1. Djameleddine Belal

    Ambler Primary School

    The thing that I liked the most was the click whenever he pulled it on and off,I also liked when it fell down and the expression on his face.

    The thing I disliked about it was the breathing which was really loud and the snow which was also very loud.

  2. I dont think he should of pulled the rope loads of times once he already had done it because it would lead to huge consiquenses and to prove that there was a helicopter at the end searching for someone who could of fouund a way to change it from night to day instantly.

  3. Do you think he made the right choices?
    No because he kept pulling the rope when he knew if he pulled the rope too many times something bad was going to happen. What was something you liked/disliked about this film? I disliked the bit were the man kept dancing while pulling the rope for no reason, like why does he need to do that?

  4. I don’t think he should’ve pulled the rope more than once because he didn’t know if it was important and didn’t put into consideration that it could break/fall if he pulled it too many times. I would’ve left the rope alone because I would be scared if it broke. At the end the film uses sound effectively because you could hear people screaming in fear when the lights went off. It also creates an ominous atmosphere when the music started playing scary music. I really liked how the actor displayed his emotions from happy / joyful to scared and panicked.

  5. Emir Ambler primary school No i think it was silly to do that many times and pull it like that because of the material it was. i would of not do it that hard and after a few goes i would go and tell someone it does it perfectly with the sound like when he was stepping on snow and the rope falling. i liked how they used sound and animation

  6. I think that the man did not make the right choice because he ended up making it stay night forever. Also near the end of the video, I could hear a car crash and people screaming in the background. He could have just turned the rope on and then leave it and go back to what ever he was going to do. The short film uses the sound effectively by when he makes the world dark a ominous sound play and it makes me feel tense and nervous.

  7. I don’t think that the man made the right decision because he ended up making it stay dark forever. What the man could have done differently is that he could have just let the switch/rope alone and go about his day.I didn’t like the fact that the man kept on pulling the switch and did not leave it alone.

  8. I think it was the right chose t show that sometimes if your to rough with stuff then it breaks.But I would have included some sound we he was turning it on and off people should be sounding concerned.The sound is used very effectively I liked the light switch sound.I didn’t like the bits were he was walking it was to much it should have been one scene.
    Alessia Ambler primary school

  9. It was a really good short film, and was really intriguing towards the end. I like how he walked off at the end like nothing happened. I think he made the wrong choices because he made it turn to night when it was actually day time. I would have taken a picture of it and showed it to my friends but would have left it there and would go back the next day to see if it’s still there.

  10. I think he should try and put it back together and then don’t start yanking because you could get in lost of trouble

  11. This short film was very decisive since the guy had the option to pull the rope or not. Consequently, he pulled the rope which caused the rope to break. I think he should of seen what is does and then leave it alone since you don’t know what can happen next.

  12. The man shouldn’t have pulled the rope too many times after he found out that it turned off all of the light in the world.

  13. Do you think he made the right choices?
    No, I would have left the rope there and -maybe- tell someone about it.
    Is there something you would have done differently?
    Pull it once and walk away.
    How does the film use sound effectively ?
    It doesn’t over use sound effects and they use them and the correct moments.
    What was something you liked/disliked about this film?
    The plot of it and how they used all their sound effects

  14. Thursday 22nd June 2023:name yusuf

    LO to write a narrative (Dangle)


    Many long years ago, Timmy traveled to the top of a mountain and wandered around it to find something. He was quite curious that day to find something interesting.
    It was spring that season and he found it quite hot on that day.

    As Timmy was searching for something, soon he found a black rope hanging from the sky.He said to himself. How did this rope get here?How is the rope hanging
    from the sky?Why was it here?

    As soon as Timmy saw the rope he touched it then he pulled it turn day to night.Then Timmy felt scared but he got used to it he kept pulling it but then Timmy thought he broke it.

    Soon Timmy pulled the rope so much that it fell down tons and tons and tons of rope fell down and it remained a mystery of how did the rope get here?

  15. Thursday 22 June 2023
    LO:To write a narrative story (Dangle)

    Early in the morning, Tina walked out the oak brown house she
    Was going for a ride on her pastel glittery pink bike .Once she
    Got there she hoped of her bike and walked to the beach .There
    Was a curious yellow gold rope with some mysterious patterns
    On it . Surprisingly there was no one at the beach except a old
    Man on a hammock laying between some green palm trees.
    She walked up to the gold rope and…

    Tina pulled it and she’s in antartica ! She pulls it again she’s in the
    desert . She wonders what to do this scene is very shocking she
    Decides walk up to the old man but the man had disappeared but
    When she looked up he was on top of the snowy mountain !But all
    Suddenly she’s stuck in Antarctica …

    The rope is not buging she kept pulling and pulling until the rope
    Fell down with a big thump . When the rope stop falling a
    Mysterious radio fell from the sky “whats this “l explained …

  16. Dangle

    Steve had woken up on a cold moning,he felt to cold to go back to sleep. He sat up on his bed and looked at the time; it was 2:30 am. He looked around: The rest of his family was fast asleep. he creped to the door and pulled on the smooth golden handel: the sun was shining thought the windows lighting up the room. Steve got his shoes on and walked out the door. He breathed in the cold air and look around at the snow covered buildings. He strolled past the frozen pond- where the fish swam helplessly trying to brack the surface-.he walk and walk until the snow top roofs turned into mountains curved in inches of snow.

    Many hour later Steve came to a sign that read: PRIVET PROPERTY DO NOT ENTER.why would someone buy property in the middle of the forest steve thought to him self as he read the sigh again. Even though he had red the sigh over and over again, he climbed over the fens into the vast field behind it.just then a long red rope fell out of the sky. Steve stared at it in amazement. It was a red velvet rope with a golden ring around it, that shone in the moning light. Steve walked up to the rope and pushed it the rope was smooth and silky and the ring was cold to the touch. he touched it again but this he give a hard tug.

    The sky went dark and the sun was push out of the way be the moon. Question shot through Steve’s head: why is it dark, what happened when I pulled the rope and where did the sun go.Steve didn’t know how to answer any of these question so he put them to aside.He groped around for the smooth touch of the rope for a long time, then after many attempts he found it and gave another hard tug … the twinkling stars and black sky were replace with fluffy white clouds on a blue background and the moon was over throne by the sun. more questions came to him: what happened when I pulled the rope and why is it bright again. After a few slow hours- that steve had spent thinking about the rope and what it did- he came to a conclusion: when he pulled the rope night would tern to day and day would tern to night. With this new found knowledge steve walked up to the rope and pulled it the same thing happened, he pulled it again and again and again and again but before he cloud pull it again he herd a loud SNAP.

    The rope started to fall into a pill on the floor.steve expected it the stop at any moment but it just kept going and going. The pill was getting bigger and bigger and an alarming rate,then it stoped and a monumental light fell out of the sky. Steve pick it up and turned it over in his hands but before he could do any more he herd a scream. He ran all the way back to his house and slammed the door behind him. He ran in to his bed room and flopped down on to his bed.

  17. l it but i couldn’t reach it. I pulled it.

    Nothing happened. We got ready then I jumped up on the rope. I climbed up to the top of the atmosphere. I saw heaven. God came to greet me. Then we jumped to the surface. My strength allowed me to pull the rope. Suddenly the sun exploded. All the food and water disappeared. People were quickly starving. Luckily no one died.

    I left and decided to become an inventor. I made a machine that can make any food or drink with just chemicals. He saved the human race. He became the most famous person in the world. I got billions of pounds.

  18. Thursday 22nd June 2023
    Lo:To write a narrative (Dangle)

    One morning,in a sandy and pebbly beach with the best weather to ever exist. Milly-who is the most annoying 16 year old girl in the world- she saw a light blue rope which she then looked and walked towards it. She wears trousers and a black shirt. She has dark brown hair with extensions.

    After Milly pulled the rope everything went pitch black the power went out everyone screamed and panicked. Ohh so this is was what it does she thought to herself. She pulled it again and what happened next was fascinating, it went straight back to normal, you could see everything. The power was on and everything was fine.

    Milly started to climb the five thousand foot rope. She was ¼ there,different things started to happen, things to disappear. Power was going off and everything was going wrong, there was screaming and then crying. She climbed to the top, everyone was happy, she was happy.

  19. One afternoon on a sunny day Fred was on a colossal mountain and heard a loud crackling sound . Curiously , he went to his parents but couldn’t find them anywhere . He began to panic and strolled away . Suddenly the continuously crackling sound started again . Fred kept on hearing something that sounded like it was hitting the rocks so he went and investigated.

    Why is there a mysterious rope on a mountain Fred thought to himself . He didn’t know if he should or not but he pulled it and the whole world froze even the time. He quickly turned it back and tried to climb it but it felt impossible . Even though it felt impossible he kept trying .

    He finally got close to the top but the worst of the happened and it started shaking . The whole thing collapsed and and it stayed so everyone was frozen and it was only him alive that could move in the whole world . Not even his family could move .

    The conclusion is that the boy pulled a rope and everything froze including people so he’s basically the only person alive .

  20. Thursday 22 june 2023
    Lo:to write a narrative(Dangle)

    A fortnight ago,in los angeles a girl named Grace was walking and noticed a rope hanging from the sky.There was a beautiful noise coming from up above. It sounded like birds chirping.As she was walking she could smell mint leaves were falling from the trees.

    Minutes later,it started to snow and she could hardly see. Then she started to pull the rope and it went dark.She didn’t realise but when it turnt dark she turnt old. She felt curious.She looked at herself and she was very scared.Grace didn’t know what to do.

    After a while,it stopped snowing and she started to swing on it. She switched it one more time and it was still dark.It was broke.The rope started to fall from the sky but then got stressed.

  21. After walking Mario saw an odd red rope hanging from the sky . Mario tried to climb it but he changed the time from morning to night. He was very confused but he kept pulling it until a pan came falling from the sky and It almost hit him. He ran away.

    After a while Mario was eating lunch until he saw a power plant with smoke. He saw the rope falling from the sky a lot of things like a pan came falling from the sky he tried to catch it and it hit him on the head “ouch that hrut” he said. He walked home.

    One hour later the rope finished mario said “phew that is a long rope” he said then mario walked away back home.

  22. One fortnight ago, on a chilly morning, Tina Ducling set out to her meeting through the narrow dirt path in the woods. Her hazel hair billowed elegantly in the wind that stung her eyes and whistled in her ears. A crimson red squirrel with a bushy ginger tail scampered across her path and past a red rope. What was that doing in the middle of nowhere? Tinas curiosity got the better of her. Like a snail, she approached the rope…

    Her pupils grew two times their normal size as she set her gaze upward. The carefully weaved red rope seemed to be hanging in midair. Her mind raced. Hesitantly, she reached our one shaking hand towards it. Nothing happened. Sharply, she yanked it downwards. A strange tingling sensation spread throughout her body-from head to toe.

    She glanced down at herself. Her heart started to run a mile. She felt dizzy. Her body was the size of a teenagers…

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