Week 4: Caged Bird

Dear all,

We hope you enjoy reading Dr Maya Angelou’s poem “Caged Bird”. Please share your thoughts, writing and responses with us below.


17 thoughts on “Week 4: Caged Bird

  1. I really like this poem. Me and my freind martha had memorised the whole poem
    I predict this poem about ‘The Caged Bird’ is that the poem talks about how one bird is free and one is caged/trapped.

  2. This poem is obviously a extended metaphor for people who feel trapped from discrimination because they symbolise the caged bird .theyre is also a key bit of rythm in this poem eg: rage and cage trill and hill.The mood is obviously contrasting because one minute it feels as if it is free and then the next stanza is feeling opression. The phrase” grave of dreams” Tells me Maya Angelou obviously experienced discrimination whether it was racismor sexism she spent her time fighting for rights she should have already had eg: she was a civil rights activist .In conclusion this poem is a extendedmetaphor for people who feel trapped and people who feel free.

  3. The key message of this poem is about a metaphor from two different point of views from birds. The caged bird represents oppression by being trapped and having it’s wings clipped to the cage. The free bird describes itself by leaping and daring to claim the sky.
    This poem makes me feel grateful for having freedom. I found this poem really inspirational because it describes how some people don’t have the freedom. I remember when it was covid and we weren’t allowed to go outside whenever we wanted. I felt like a caged bird myself.

  4. I like maya Angelous poem because she uses metaphors for feeling trapped and not being able to be free,and in the line “his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing” makes me think about how they could restrict her physically but they couldn’t restrict her voice.

  5. In her peom caged bird Maya Angelou uses some contrast pictures to highlight different spots and diffrent groups

  6. In this poem the key message is adout freedom and equality because in the poem it describes A free bird and a trapped bird and the trapped bird can’t do what the other bird can and it’s very unfair and The cage bird can’t do what birds are meant to do which is flying.

  7. In her poem,”caged bird”,Maya Angelou uses contrasting images of a bird to highlight,oppression and freedom and that their should be eqaulity and that no matter what coulour you are.We should all be treated the same.I think that the caged bird is a symbolism because its brave,peace,strong,purity and innocence.The metaphor of my understanding,grave dreams is that the dreams have yet to be true.The free bird got to do what they wanted.

  8. The key message of this poem is about Maya Angelou’s poem “Caged Bird” Maya Angelou has used an image of a bird with freedon and a bird with oppression.And the meaning of the poem is you should treat everbody with equality,shes using the symbolism with a white person and a black person.So she used people as bird’s so she’s not talking about a bird.And when she said the birds dreams died she meant hers.

  9. The message of the poem is about Maya wants freedom for her and other African-Americans. In the poem Maya writes ‘grave of dreams’ this a metaphor because her dream were crushed.

  10. I think the caged bird is a very interesting poem because having to see one bird free and can do anything but having to see one bird trapped is very sad because as the bird has a voice to sing but who can hear it .

  11. In her poem,”Caged Bird”,Maya Angelou uses contrasting images of two bird to highlight freedom and being trappped and oppression.S he is symbolising to African-American not having freedom and no equality while white people had freedom and having equality.Like what was happpening to the caged bird was what Maya experienced.I also like how she uses tthe metaphor”stands on the graves of dream”because it talks about the caged bird dreams going to waste and not even coming true.Maya Angelou uses poems to express herself and feelings.The caged bird’s wings are clipped and it’s feet are tied makes it feel oppresed.Her message is no bird should be caged and not let to be free or fly nor anyone should be oppressed by someone.She does not have opportunities to speak out loud for everyone to hear.

  12. I think the caged bird peom was interesting because one bird being trapped and the other free is sad and the trapped bird had a voice to sing but no one heard him. The key messege for this poem is freedom and oppression.

  13. In this poem caged wich is all about two birds one birds is happy and unhungry and the other bird is in a cage with day soft dipreshon and hungrynes and no fresh err and can,t see the sun

  14. I like how the poet (Maya Angelou) uses birds to describe people
    It is good that she did this because lots of people have birds in cages which is like people with no rights
    They are being kept from their natural habitat
    This poem is like one big metaphore!

  15. I think it’s a good poem because it talks about human rights and the environment and the bird is trapped and it rhyme.

  16. I like this poem because it shows that Maya was haveing a bad time back then and this was sexist and racist but she over come it.

  17. This is my poem of The Caged Bird
    A free bird leaps on the back of the stars
    and glides above a magical place
    till the sunlight ends
    and dips his wing in the shimmering water
    and dares to claim the world.

    But a bird that rages
    down his narrow cage
    can seldom see through
    his better days
    his wings are pinned down
    and his feet are chained
    so he opens his throat to sing.

    The caged bird sings
    with a marvellous trill
    of things he might never get
    but longed for still
    and his tune is heard on
    the hill of trees
    for the caged bird
    sings of freedom.

    The free bird thinks of another savior
    and the places he can go through the soft damp trees
    and the dinner waiting on a dawn bright lawn
    and he names the world his own.

    But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
    his shadow shouts on a petrifying scream
    his wings are pinned down
    and his feet are chained
    so he opens his throat to sing

    The caged bird sings
    with a fearful trill
    of things unknown but
    longed for still and his
    tune is heard on the far away hill
    for the caged bird
    sings of freedom

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