Week 4: Kite

Dear all,

We hope you enjoy the final film “Kite”. Please share your thoughts, responses and writing with us here.

27 thoughts on “Week 4: Kite

  1. I think this film was explaining how you should remember and cherish the moments you have with your family and friends because you don’t know how long you have left with them. And it was interesting how the director explained how he put the layers together and how his grandpa gave him the idea to show how old they were with layers.

  2. I really liked this video because it taught me to spend most of my time with a relative because they won’t be with you forever so all I learned from this video was to spend time with someone you know or someone you are related to. It was really sad when his grandpa ran out of layers and his grand child was trying to not let him float up and up forever so he won’t be lonely forever but soon his grandpa perished and he was lonely.

  3. I enjoyed the film ‘The Kite’. I liked the way that in the film, how much layers of their bodies equalised to their age, and how long they had left to live. I am also very amazed that when I saw how they moved props very quickly and that it was not made by technology, it was filmed with paper and it clearly showed the seasons. It also taught us a lesson that all of the moments that we have had with our family should be cherished as nothing lasts forever.

  4. I enjoyed the film “The Kite”. I like the way it shows the different seasons vividly by the colours and props used on the set. The animation itself is giving us a message telling us that all the moments we spend with the people we love and care for should be cherished as nothing lasts forever.

  5. I enjoyed the film “The Kite” – it was really good. I really loved the bit when the boy sees his grandad and runs up to him, and the grandad picks him up and spins him around. It was so nice, I enjoyed the film so much even though the grandad lost all of his layers and floated away. That was very sad but the boy floated up there with his kite and saw his grandad and he had lots of fun so the film was nice, caring and sad all at the same time. I really enjoyed it.

  6. i enjoyed the film “kite”

    cause i cried during the film of the grandpa passing away from his poor grandchild
    and halucinating in the clouds of heaven with his grandpa,but when he found out he was dreaming he just got over it and knew his grandpa would be alright.

  7. I found the film interesting because the grandpa had a big set of hands and I also found it sad because of the memories of grandpa having fun in cotton candy. This was sad because grandpa passes away.

  8. The main theme of this film was ‘spend time with a family member when they have a short time of living left, and always have a memory of them and make sure you will always remember them’.
    When they give you a gift give them a massive hug and thank them a lot.
    When I watched ‘The Kite’ I was a bit sad because the little boy lost his grandad, who lost all of his layers, and now the kid is alone. The little boy has still got his kite and it is the main memory of his grandfather.

  9. I really enjoyed this short film because it makes you feel like you’re witnessing the emotions throughout the year.
    You could really see the relationship between the Grandfather and Grandson and the kite really ties them together.
    I think the lesson is nothing ever lasts forever.

  10. I loved the film! It was very nice but very sad. It was the best film ever and I loved it so much that I couldn’t believe it. It was the best movie ever and I loved it more than gold – it was wonderful . I really loved it when the grandpa gave him a kite and it made me very happy but at the end it was very sad but at the same time it was also happy as he remembered his grandpa. It almost made me cry and then the boy had to go home because it was getting late and he did not want to go home.

  11. I enjoyed the film “The kite” because I cried during the film. It was sad when the grandpa didn’t have a lot of time to live but it was cute when they where in the sky together which was heaven, but when the boy found out he was halucinating he got over it and knew his grandpa was okay in heaven and not in pain.

  12. I enjoyed the film ‘The Kite’. I liked the way that the ages of the two main characters were shown by the amount of layers on their bodies. It was very sad to see the old man’s layers peel off. The boy has happy memories of flying a kite with his grandpa and this was shown by how happy the boy was to find the kite again. It showed that we can be happy still after someone we love has died because all we have to do is think about the happy times we had with them.

  13. This short film named ‘The Kite’ was an amazing short film. I loved how it was based on a true story, as the director remembered something his grandfather had told him. Firstly, I loved the details – how the clouds were made of wool.
    Secondly, I loved the creativity of the settings in the background – the wool for the clouds, a piece of fabric for the fields, the apple tree changing in the seasons, amazing work. Also, the fields were really nice and I liked how the river was animated to look like it was flowing.
    It was a bit emotional when the grandfather flew up in the air in autumn and it also had a good-ending because the child flew with his kite, and saw his grandfather again for about an hour then he had to go back home. Amazing work by all the people who helped to make the film.

  14. One day a boy went to meet his grandpa in the country side. The grandpa opens the window to say hello to the boy. And the boy waves back. Then they run to each other and
    they hug. The grandpa picks up the boy and spins around then puts the boy down. Then the boy spins around and looks at his grandpa, then the grandpa gave him a kite. The boy took it and looked at it and threw it in the air and it fell down. Then he looked at his grandpa .The grandpa picked it up and looked up at the weather vane and it started to spin. Then the grandpa threw the kite in the air and they flew it together. The grandpa let go of the boy and he flew up in the air. He was very happy but Grandpa was old and he died soon after. The boy was happy again when he thought of the happy days with his grandpa.

  15. Monday 3rd july 2023

    My special memory is when I went on holiday and my aunt, uncle and cousins surprised me. I went on holiday for about 2 weeks.A couple days in they surprised me by coming .I was very excited because they have never been on holiday with us. Also my other aunt,uncle and cousin were with us so it was a bit of a surprise for them too.

  16. My special memory is when I went to Kurdistan and all of my 7 cousin were bored because we had nothing to do. We went in the car, to go to our farm, and it had an open back so we all sat there enjoying ourselfs. When we got there we all had to help out with the animal so me and my (favourite) cousin helped out with the hens. We were on our phone and started laughing so hard that we threw the eggs in each other’s faces.

  17. My special memory

    My special memory is on one of my birthdays when my parents took me in the car to a surprise. I didn’t know where we were really going but they told me that we were going to a shopping centre-and I believed them! Soon, we were passing a huge Peter Rabbit themed place and I pointed it out to my parents straight away because back then I really loved Peter Rabbit. We rapidly slowed down and I realised that the car was beginning to reverse into a free parking space. Ecstatically, I undid my seatbelt and swung the door wide open. I beamed widely as they revealed that this was where they were taking me. I thanked them wildly as I ran off to play.

  18. My special memory.

    It just turned November, therefore it was time to create my Christmas list. My list was, well that is a secret. In a blink of an eye it turned Christmas eve. Everyone was excited. We were all watching the Santa map which shows where he is and the route he will come. I went to sleep knowing that I might be able to play great games like: Super Mario Odyssey, The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I woke up to see a large, rectangular box. *Unwrapping Presents* “OH MY GOD”. A red and blue Nintendo Switch came out. I was buzzing. The smile on my face grew astronomically. I quickly set up my Switch. I loved it. Somehow 5 years later, it still works perfectly fine.

  19. Monday 3 July 2023

    My special memory

    My special memory is when I went to Poland (my home country) . On the way we got stuck in a log that was very funny ! When we got there we got into a cabin and stayed there for a little bit after that we went on a boat and explored some places . After that we went to a fancy restaurant which was only a few steps away and had delicious food and some juicy smoothies we did lots of other stuff as well but i can’t remember all of it but thats my favourite memory of all and l will remember it forever

  20. My special memory was when I went to my dads friend’s farm and I saw all of his animals and i feeded the peacocks .The next thing was when every night we would watch a movie or roast marshmallows. After that thing is about playing tennis in the morning and I would be second.The I would come second one is about having a big house in the farm with a tunnel that led to the living room.The last one was when my dads friend chastised you with a fire stick.

  21. Monday 3rd July 2023

    My special favorite memory

    My favorite memory is when I was very little and I got a shovel and dug a massive hole and then I went into it and my friends covered me in the sand and my head was sticking out and very one was laughing at me and then everyone took turns to be covered in sand and I was the person who was laughing at them.

  22. My favorite memory is when it was christmas and all my cousins and all my family stayed at my nans house and we all had matching christmas pajamas .Also we all sat in the living room and had hot chocolate with marshmallows and for dinner we a really nice roust that my nan and dad made .It was so so fun we played all different games the good thing was before we went to bed we got to have an early present i got a art set from my mum and dad. When it was time to go to bed me and all my cousins ran up the stairs and me and my cousin got the biggest room but some people had to sleep on the floor.I felt so excited and happy to see all my presents under the tree and that was my memory. Bye

  23. My special memory.
    One snowy day the 24th of december everyone was exited for the 25th of december because the 25th of december is Christmas. Everyone couldn’t wait for Christmas.By the day went on, everyone went home to open their Christmas eve present(who doesn’t love to open a present early on their probably favorite day)

  24. Monday 3rd July 2023

    My favourite memory was when I first got my Nintendo Switch. My dad got it before Christmas in 2019 in Japan. Before I knew it, it was Christmas eve. As I was going to bed, I felt like I was waiting forever. I was losing my patience while my eyes were trying to close. The next day, I woke up immediately and my siblings were already downstairs trying to open the presents. Then, my parents came down and the first game I got was Super Mario Party. I played the boat game first and had a lot of fun playing the minigames.

  25. My favourite is when I was in the Cayman Islands and I jumped off a boat . It was also a very sunny day which made me happy . I almost fell off the boat when it was still moving which was extremely scary since I would have been stranded in the ocean all by myself . I also had a very good time on the boat .

  26. My special memory

    One sunny day we were at a massive park full of many activities such as: golf,boat riding and best of all swimming. There was huge swimming pool with a lazy river and an infinite pool. We would visit the pool daly with are cousins and spend the day swimming.

    But one hot morning my mum and dad toke me out for a run around the lake. The sun shone down on us as we jogged along the path. The trees shadowed us wile the lake glitter in the sun when we came back we sat down on the grass and stared at the lake.

  27. My favorite memory is on my 8th birthday I was surprised by my parents that I was going on holiday to turkey. When i got to turkey me and my family booked into a hotel and the next morning we woke up, ate breakfast and then went to the beach we rented a boat to ride around the ocean. When we went make to the hotel my parents surprised me
    with a football birthday cake.

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