
Welcome to the Futurezone Blog

Our first course of the year is the Futurezone Poetry course. We look forward to reading your thoughts on the poems.

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31 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. We liked Benjamin Zephaniah’s recipe about Britain. We liked that he mentioned lots of different countries, many of the places are where we are from!

    1. Thank you Marcus Rashford class. We’re pleased you enjoyed it and congratulations on being the first to post on the blog.

  2. We liked Benjamin Zephaniah’s message – it doesn’t matter where you are from because we are all British together. It is not bad to be British, we are all proud of where we come from! Some of us are from… Somalia, Uganda, Kuwate, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Czech Republic and the Caribbean!

  3. I’m very glad that I read this poem because i learned about new countrys that I never heard about them.I also think that we should have fairness happyness and respect to all and not treating anyone better than the others.The British is a good poem because it teaches people about everyone’s race.Benjaman Zephiniah Thank You.

  4. We still feel sad that Americans are still being racist. Also, we read another poem by Langston Hughes- it’s called: “Mother to Son”

    1. Great to hear you’re reading lots of Langston Hughes. He’s a super poet. Can you recognise any similarities between “Mother to Son” and “I, too”?

  5. I liked the mother to son poem because it gives a message about racism and how tough it was for the mother and how she told her son not to give up.

    1. Ah, “Mother to Son” is by Langston Hughes too. Can you see any similarities between “I too” and “Mother to Son”?

  6. I think that this poem is about racism and how everyone needs to be treated equal. Nobody should be treated differently because of their skin colour or religion.
    I changed the first two lines to…..
    “I too sing the truth I am the one with no power.

  7. I think that this poem is about racism and how everyone needs to be treated equal. Nobody should be treated differently because of their skin colour or religion.
    I changed the first two lines to…..
    “I too sing the truth I am the one with no power.

  8. I think that this poem is about racism and nobody should be treated different because of their skin colour. I rewrote the first two lines of the poem…
    I too sing the truth I am the one with no power

  9. Take some personality
    And let it settle
    Then overrun it with humanity
    Remove the nastyness
    add lots of kindness
    Then stir vigrously
    mix some sports
    Then take a blend of sweetness
    combine with some love
    And turn up the heat
    take some fresh effection together with care
    Then add to the pot of greatness
    As they mix allow them to come together
    Allow time to be cool
    warning: if you don’t love yourself learn to because theres a meaning to everything

  10. The British Empire

    Take some Americans , Canadians and stir viciously,
    And let them settle.
    Then overrun them with some Red-Coats.
    Remove the Americans after approximately 200 years.
    Add lots of Welsh , Scottish , English and Irish.
    Then stir vigoriously.
    Mix in some Indians, Sudans , Sri lankas , Islands and sprinkle some New Zealands,
    Then take a blend of Ecuador and flatten carefully.
    Combine with some Africans.
    And turn up the heat.
    Sprinkle some fresh lands with some botswana.
    Then add to the melting pot.
    Leave the ingredients to simmer.
    As they mix and blend allow their countries to grow.
    Blinding them together with the world.
    Allow time to be cool.
    Serve and enjoy.

    Note warning : Countries may want to gain independence after a couple years so don’t try to over-heat.They also do not like to be invaded.

  11. I liked “The tropics in New York” because it expressed lots of emotion and described all the fruits he used to get in Jamaica and how he missed it.I think that if I moved country and remembered what it was like I would make a poem like this.

  12. I am me

    I am the wonderful me
    The beautiful, clever me
    The only me

    They forget me
    I’m left alone

    Then one comes over
    and makes me, me again

    I am me
    Unique, Unusual, Different
    No one leaves ME out

    I’m the weird kid
    and the weird me

    The only me

  13. We are ready for secondary,
    Add a pinch of knowledge,
    Let the firery glare mould,
    Don’t get mixed up with sorrow,
    I want a touch like a shooting star,
    Over-beyond intelligent for a higher league,
    Combine it together don’t let your intelligence leak,
    Cook up the stew let the scorching fire fry,
    Then raise you esteem to the max,

    Blend the glistening shimmering shine,
    Let the night sky mix up,
    Wow your smart,
    Then add a sprinkle of light let it glow,
    Grant the enchanting personality,
    Merit ad merit,
    Add some glorious majestic:optimisumn,stuning all you need,
    Now you’re ready to knead the effection,
    School o is a world of imagination in any way,
    Your knowledge and splendid work,
    Ahead of everybody,
    Mash up the awe spiring talent,
    Favourite student,
    Now,welldone throw in some charming attitude,
    Your imposing expectant rise,
    For anything,
    Now your striking,spectactular………
    Exquisent breath taking best fold the meal,
    It’s the very best to name enough,
    Now you’ll see how I am ready,
    Close of mission complete.

  14. The sea and the sand and the sun to, and the splish and splash and the swimmers and the sunscreen and the rocks ,and the fish and chips and the icecream and water,
    Fit for a family of five

  15. People threw the market and people picking out bright strawberries, and squeaky floors with muddy footprints and long checkout lines with lots of people in it and food getting sold out as baskets getting filled.

    Fit for a supermarket shopper.

  16. Beaches beautiful and fish and chips tasty, big sand castles and waves with sea life,cold ice cream and fun, sea and rock fit for the beaches

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