
Please post your poetry competition entries here. Please share your first and surname.

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48 thoughts on “Yerbury

  1. Athena (Yerbury)


    Greek and English and Irish.
    From Greece I get my name,
    My culture and my pride.
    My happiness and my hair.

    From England I get my accent
    My home, my family, my friends and
    Even my best friends.
    My pride, my education and
    more of my culture.

    From Ireland I get my granny, my
    Family, my pride and
    Yet again, my culture.

    These are all parts of me
    That build me as a character
    And my heritage.
    I am Athena.

  2. Different and strange but fun with friends
    Open with ideas and bring families and friends
    Nice and funny when its brights play with my sister when shes in sight
    Grateful for my mum and happy for my dad but sometimes they can be quite quite mad

    Malaysia is my country friendly and sunny
    Energetic and hardworking in my work
    Never give up and thrive my dreams
    Games of football every day i can play any day

    Look around when i’m found ,listen to the beautiful sound
    Engaged in school and happy at home
    Wonder on mysterious things

  3. My Name is Ziyad
    I used to be scared of the dark
    I will be one great footballer one day
    I love my family and friends

    My country is South Africa
    My religion is islam
    My favorite place to go is to the astro
    My favorite food is biryani

    I am very good at math
    My favorite colour is green
    I Love the warm weather
    I support Liverpool

  4. My identity

    A lot could not describe how much i love my mother, father and family, they share all there love with me
    Annoying describes all of my brothers, my sisters won’t be spared, they take my snacks and sweets with no shame
    Respectful person that is me because i was born into a disciplined family
    Amazing describes where I live because my school is 5 minutes away from me
    No one is better than my mother because she looked after us since she was 20

  5. MY POEM
    from the perspective of a WWII soldier

    Bloodstained, wounded, and then
    Fighting for days on end

    Soon your own blood will stain
    Soon your name will be

    Fighting in the name of
    Gaining heaps of fame for

    Working to protect the future
    Working for a brighter future

    I work to protect my country
    I work to defend where i come from

    Despite the fact that 100 years from now
    I will be

    Yerbury primary school
    Futurezone poetry competition 2022

  6. Family and me.

    I am girl,

    My name is Ava.
    I am strong and independent,
    I don’t ask for favours.

    I have an amazing family.
    Who I will love forever,
    They are funny and kind and make me feel better.

    From the cold old Germany,
    to the freezing Chicago to the blazing Vagas
    with the pool and different flavours.

    The journeys and the stories, original to me and to my family.
    Like where we came from and how we got here. Who we came with
    and why we did.

    I am different and unique.
    The person I was yesterday is not me today.
    Everyday we change and grow.

    I am me.

  7. Change

    I am brave and honest,
    I was a shadow and scared,
    I will be hopeful and great.

    I am not who I was yesterday,
    For I am me today,
    I will be another girl tomorrow .

    A different person comes in the room with me,
    Different eyes
    and ears
    and feelings and hopes.

    Although we are the same person,
    We are different in many ways.

    The world is changing,
    I am changing,
    You are changing.


    My blood is that of irland, whales and britan,

    My homes are a boat and a house,

    My hobbies are cycling, coding and mathmatics, climbing too,

    My ambitions are high,

    My doubts are low,


  9. A little mouse

    The tuff breath of scottish air
    Waves beneath the stairs like a colony of loud ghosts having a fare
    The rattling of the window sills and the shaking of the trees a small mouse lay flattened by a thread .
    Crossing its arms with disbelief as her ears twitched a slight glare
    She climbed out of her lare with a jolt ast the wind rustled the leaves and small animals which lay amongst the weather heather .
    She put her foot up on a ledge as it creaked and whistled loudly .
    The mouse stared around she stopped as a small eary shadow winded her stare from behind
    The mouse felt her toes as a stretch she leaned back against the bear wall and closed her weary eyes and wept .

    By Esme chase

  10. Athena (Yerbury)


    Greek and English and Irish.
    From Greece I get my name,
    My culture and my pride.
    My happiness and my hair.

    From England I get my accent
    My home, my family, my friends and
    Even my best friends.
    My pride, my education and
    more of my culture.

    From Ireland I get my granny, my
    Family, my pride and
    Yet again, my culture.

    These are all parts of me
    That build me as a character
    And my heritage.
    I am Athena.

  11. I Am Me And You Are You

    I come from France,
    Dream of being there,
    Even though England is where I live, and I like it here.

    Never will I choose which country I prefer,
    Those places are where my friends and family live.

    I come from France, and England too.

    There I go, back and forth, between the countries.
    You might think you are a bit like me, but you aren’t really, because I am me and you are you.

    But that isn’t the only thing that makes me me.
    I also have a passion,

    Climbing is my dream,
    But I fell,
    It is going to be more scary,
    Though I love climbing,
    So I shall continue,
    Because it is my passion.

    My arm being broken,
    I cannot climb for a long time,
    But I will get there soon,
    Because I fight through.

    Forever I will climb.


  12. The me potion

    To start the potion add a spoon of family and friends.
    Mix in some hobbies like fantastic football or basketball.
    Sprinkle the background of Bangladesh and England and the potions started.

    Add the age ten and the date February 14th 2012.
    Then season with the name Aayan Ahsan Ahmed.
    Then for an extra topping of living in London and the potion has completed.
    If you’re wondering what the potion is for, it’s to create me!

  13. My name is Juliette
    And I like me as I am
    I grew up in North London
    But there’s more than that

    My mum grew up in Wales
    And my dad is from England
    My grandad lives in the USA
    And my nana was Indian

    Me and my friends, we’re a team
    They are all cool and kind
    We stay together, always, forever
    We never leave anyone behind

    I love to dance
    but ballet is my favourite
    I do gymnastics
    And I savour it

    I love what I do
    And I love who I do it with
    This is me
    And there is no changing it

  14. The Greece I love

    The Ocean’s blue and fun,
    There’s a flaming hot sun,
    Your feet are sandy and bare,
    And there’s salt in the air.

    But time is now gone,
    There’s school now sad and long,
    It’s always cold and boring,
    Hearing cars honk and planes soaring.

    But I shouldn’t be so sad,
    It’s not all that bad,
    I have friends here
    And soon enough I’ll cheer.

    I’ve seen the Ocean, blue and fun,
    The flaming hot sun,
    My feet are sandy and bare,
    And there is salt in the air.

    That is where I come from.

  15. My life is one long rollercoaster with stops along the way.
    My 3 siblings,mum and dad are in my carriage with me and it has always been that way.

    My ride hasn’t always been smooth. I doubt it ever will be but, I have all my friends with me and my sister’s small hand in mine so I know I will be fine.

    I am proud to be a dancer ,I have a second home in my studio and i feel lucky to have such an inspiring teacher.

    I am also a swimmer. I train as hard as I can but at the end of the day,loser, winner with my friends swimming. It’s what I like to do.

    I have a soundtrack to my ride, with splashes from the water melodies from my recorder and round booms from my baritone.

    Although I’m often busy when I can, I love to explore the city with my friends. We go clothes shopping ,to water parks and the theater with my mum.

    When that’s all done I come back home to a warm Sunday lunch believe me I’ll never leave a crumb.

    When i’m at the top of the rollercoaster and I cant see down and my tommy does a somersault and the cold air makes me shiver

    Up there I feel weak and helpless and small then i come rushing down and all I can think about is all the things that have ever gone wrong and they all swim around me.

    I think of all the things i have achieved 2nd place in gymnastics a 15 second PB in swimming and distinction on my baritone so with all these things to be proud of somehow my rollercoaster slows down.

  16. Maisarah
    I have long dark brown hair
    I have dark brown eyes
    I have 3 sisters 1 brother
    I have 3 nephews
    I have many cousins
    My favorite color is blue
    My favorite subject is art
    I like pancakes
    I have a dog
    I have a cat
    I have a fish
    I like singing
    I like slime
    I like comics
    I like to draw
    I like chocolate
    My favorite animal is a tiger!

  17. My identity poem

    I come from England, Ireland too,
    May be the youngest of the family,
    Though I am brave and I push through,
    I try to swim and give it my all,
    But when I lose I dont go cry, I go to my friends and laugh.

    I have other passions too,
    Such as cheerleading and athletics,
    Though I don’t pick favourites,
    I like them all the same and I commit to them all the same.
    I started from young, yet stayed committed,
    They are my dreams,
    My passions too,
    I try my hardest,
    Not for me but for the team,
    My friends and family help me too, they stay supportive all the way through.

  18. The sound of death fills the trench,
    The rain comes to fully drench,
    The soldiers, who are fighting for days on end,
    Accept the war that their leaders send

    Wounded thirsty and unfed,
    Many soldiers have fallen dead,
    The fear of their defences being breached,
    Helps their target to be reached

    The fate of the country is still unclear,
    The enemy forces start to come near,
    The future, surrounded in misty haze,
    Britain to preserve or raze

  19. The sound of death fills the trench, The rain comes to fully drench,
    The soldiers, who are fighting for days on end,
    Accept the war that their leaders send

    Wounded thirsty and unfed,
    Many soldiers have fallen dead,
    The fear of their defences being breached,
    Helps their target to be reached

    The fate of the country is still unclear,
    The enemy forces start to come near,
    The future, surrounded in misty haze,
    Britain to preserve or raze

  20. WWII
    Bullets bloomed and shots are fired
    All in time as violence is wired

    Lives are lost money is spent
    All in time as lifes are bent

    Shells are fired and bombs are dropped
    All in time as hate is topped

    But time goes on and life proceeds
    But in the end they can’t stop need

  21. My reflection shining on the water.
    The set back of the remote.
    I sit outside on the rigidity, rocking chair. Its beige skin shining to the
    Gilcering sun.

    The laugh and smiles shadowing from my friends.Driving to the church on Christmas eave.
    And walking to the jolly pub afterwards.

    The Grey, brown and of white rocks bashing on my feet, the water rising on the set horizon.
    Rapping myself in moms jacket though i still shiver for the Suffolk breeze.

    Running up the castle hill and rolling back down again. The strands of grass scrape against my skin.

    Lighting the fire in the evening.
    Father cooking up fresh Suffolk fish and mom tied up in her quilt.
    Watching mean girls on the broken tv. And snuggling in with the dog
    After dinner.

    The scrumptious smells coming from the light pink building echoing from the distance.
    The warm crusty croissant topped with strawberry jam and smooth butter.

    Walking the dog on those perfect days, and meeting eyes with the honey blue skies…
    These things make me…me.

  22. This is mine:
    Who am I?
    I live with my family,
    My joy and pride,
    With music everywhere,
    Life is never quiet.

    I play on the piano,
    Each key has a purpose,
    The way I press it,
    Mistakes are okay.

    I go to school,
    See my friends,
    Learn things everywhere,
    Being in year six.

    I read books,
    Good, bad and sad,
    They take me everywhere,
    Fantasy, adventure, mystery and more.

    I write stories,
    A murder journal,
    I write it with my friend,
    Though it now has an end.

    This is me.

  23. The place in my dreams

    Grass so green and small clouds dotting the lonely sky
    Wind whistling through the barren and crooked trees

    The snow coating the soft earth

    But i wouldn’t change it for anything

    Birds twittering and dozing off in their trees.
    This is where I belong.

    So when I wake.
    I gaze at the soft sun shining through my window
    And I wait for night to come
    And when it does

    Im back in my field

    The field in my dreams

  24. The beaches of Egland

    Fish and chips, add salt and vinegar
    Sea spray mixed with warm sun
    And rocky sand, covered in crabs
    Fit for sailors and Englishmen

    Rusty chairs abandoned in front of shops
    Rain pouring down the window
    As the light blue sky turns to grey
    Clouds start to cover

    I walk out of the store
    My umbrella held high
    A box of chips in my arms
    I zip up my coat and hurry away

    From the lovely beach of England

  25. Living like Me

    I like playing football
    I play it all the time
    I play it with me friends and family
    I love going to watch my favourite team play
    I love when they score a goal I cheer really loud.

    I live in the best place
    There are cars everywhere
    People walking up and down a street
    Crowded buses everywhere
    Music on the street

    Loads of places to eat
    You will never be hungry
    Here in London.

  26. Me myself and I

    playing football after school
    going swimming Monday evenings
    fighting my brother as a daily routine

    then calming down with cookie dough ice cream
    going on holiday to have a good time
    and eating some interesting food

    watching an arsenal game in the Emirates stadium
    then going shopping with my mum
    moving into a new house and meeting new neighbours

    then ending of the day with a nice rest.

  27. football game
    on a nice breezy day
    me and my dad are watching a football game
    time flies as Liverpool are up by one
    and Liverpool are flying through the game
    as the game runs mane runs
    as the reds fly
    the birds fly
    at the end
    Salah wins a pen
    Salah scores
    the reds march forward

  28. I,too
    I,too sing family

    I am the oldest brother
    They send me to eat in my room
    when company comes,
    But i laugh,
    eat well ,
    And grow strong

    I too am a Muslim
    I pray
    I fast And read the Quran

    I was born in Britain
    I am half British half Eritrean
    But I don’t know if I’M from more countries
    Who am I
    Am i lost?

  29. Caged

    Im a hamster
    Im stuck in a small enclosed space,
    metal bars surrounding me.
    No where to hide no where to go,
    Im trapped.

    I lay here day by day wondering
    will I ever escape, will i ever
    be free, will I ever have the life i deserve?

    Just because i’m a small pet
    doesn’t mean it’s fair.

    I’m a hamster.


    I too, want to be free,

    They lock me in their cages,
    For people to look at me,
    And they laugh and point and smile,
    as I cower behind bars.

    How I wish,
    I was back home,
    with the beautiful trees and the clear blue skies,
    All the flowers and plants that bloom in spring,
    and the soft, calm snowfall in the winter.

    I still remember,
    That dreadful day,
    When I was taken from home,
    along with the friends and brothers and sisters,
    And the trees I loved to climb,

    Oh how I wish,
    I was at that paradise,
    but that paradise is no more.

    Soon I always imagine,
    that help and happiness will finally come,
    And that somebody would save me,
    From this pit of endless misery, but that day I know,
    Will never come

    I too, want to be free

  31. Memories

    Forests dense and dark and animals of every colour,
    Clear skys,sunrises and views and mountains tall and wide,
    Adventure and mystery and every other activities,

    Skyscrapers,buildings and cars arrived,
    Trees,animals and colours started to be forgotten,
    I turned aside and bowed my head and wept,

    As i remembered the times of colours,joy and happiness,
    The mountains tall and small and sunsets of every colour,
    All of the fruits,colours and trees started to turn into grey dull colours,
    As i remember the colours i weap and bow my head in silence.

  32. Me and my homes

    My life is full of moving
    8 homes I’ve lived in but i’m only ten

    East, North , South
    out and in London
    move move move

    when we move I can’t see my home
    just a house all strange and cold
    but I soon settle in once more

    From London a busy place
    down to Totnes a small old place
    with a green landscape

    now I’ve come here
    a busy place once more

    as I step outside of my front door
    I see green landscape no more
    but I just see concrete roads and houses

    I have moved allot know probably a few more
    8 homes I’ve lived in and i’m only 10

  33. Where i spend my summer
    Duffle bag
    they take me to my cabin.
    Lots of screams an hugs
    hen i see my friends

    Fiery hot deck
    dives and rolls into the waters.
    and front crawl
    swim test and jumping off
    the tower.

    Water snakes glide through
    the water, i scream
    and kick and squirm.

    Rainy day run
    to our
    Flashlights on
    and talking
    all night

    Goodbye my friends,
    as today is
    the day
    to go back home
    goodbye i say
    as each of
    them go.
    Goodbye Oconto
    see you next

  34. This is my life

    Going outside and playing football
    About two minutes after school
    Waiting until 5 o’clock
    Then returning to my block

    This is my life

    Going to the beach and having fun
    Before you know it, my food is gone
    I swim out far then say i’m done
    When i’m near, I go and come

    This is my life

    Running around although it’s late
    I would definitely call it fate
    It’s not just me, it’s also my mate
    We love to have fun and also create

    This is my life

    Going to see what my mum is cooking
    I can’t look away I keep on looking

    This is my life

    Singing and dancing all day long
    Making music with a gong
    Swinging in like king kong
    They say i’m right; i’m not wrong

    This is my life

  35. My poem is called: I,too, have ideas

    I, too, have ideas.

    I am the quiet one.
    They talk and talk while I sit on the side
    But when more people come,
    I will laugh,
    And get more great ideas,
    And grow more confident.

    I’ll be there talking
    When more people come.
    Nobody will dare
    Say to me,
    “Be quiet,”

    They will see how great my ideas are
    And be ashamed-

    I,too,have ideas

    By Charlotte

  36. Where I belong

    I belong to nature,
    The mountains and the trees,
    The rivers and the lakes,
    And the streams that sometimes freeze.
    The ocean and the mossy rocks,
    This is where I belong.

    I belong to London,
    Its rushing roads and streets,
    Its many big parks and forests,
    With all their many trees.
    Its different people and varied cultures,
    This is where I belong.

    I belong to planet Earth,
    Its nature and its cities,
    All the different living creatures,
    And the snow that makes things freeze.
    My home and my family,
    This is where I belong.

  37. Cecily H- Yerbury

    2 days till the end,
    The end of Year 5.
    2 days till the start,
    The start of that six week weekend.

    Oh, the excitement I dream of,
    The excitement that will disappear today.
    On a Thursday in a park,
    On a play date with a friend.

    Today is the end,
    The end of that happiness.
    Today is the start,
    The start of silly sorrow.

    Oh, how I wish I didn’t,
    Didn’t jump off that tunnel.
    On that Thursday,
    In that park.

    Thursday was the start,
    The start of that broken shoulder.
    Thursday was the end,
    The end of hope.

    Oh, the horrible sound,
    The sound of a broken bone.
    When you fall and hit the ground,
    On a Thursday in a park.

    2 months of nothing,
    Nothing due to the sling.
    2 days till freedom,
    Freedom due to the end of that sling.

    Oh, today’s the day the sling comes off,
    How I can’t wait to be free once more.
    On Monday unique,
    On Tuesday normal.

    Forever be unique,
    Forever be you
    Because no sling makes you special,
    what makes you special is you.

  38. ABOUT ME! 😀

    I’m a weird kid
    so this is about me

    I have cats who want to play all day!

    I too live in North London
    I have a lot of heritage and if you want to know my heritage well your lucky i’m from France Portugal USA Canada and England
    I too have an AMAZING family
    I really hate school i mean who likes school?
    I like doing activities (i get bored quickly)
    I do like doing gaming
    I like sports if u want to know what sports i like Football,rugby,hockey and volleyball
    I support the Gunners/Arsenal
    I make my Friends laugh a lot
    I like fruit

    This is me

    By Oscar

  39. I LIVE IN…

    I live in the most crowed city
    I live in the bright lights
    I live near lot’ of friend and family
    I live in London

    I love
    I love going to a football stadium and
    cheering lowed
    scoring goals
    having fun all day long
    siting down
    standing up
    saving goals
    eating lots
    fit for football

  40. Name: Lovely London:#Don’t get Caught

    Lovely London

    its a big city North,East South,West,Central

    central London: rushing cars, pigeons flying fast;
    people running home
    trying not to get caught in the rain

    Fish and chip shops left right and centre! trying to get home but
    Keep stopping for a bit
    of chips

    Busy busses even busyier trains
    every body getting on hoping not to get
    caught in the rain.

    Finally, no more rain suns out but … no
    it was to good to be true
    its started to rain again

    But now i have made it home – safe and sound

    But next time ill tell my self – don’t get caught in the rain


    Sadly I have killed many men,
    but many have killed me,
    How can this be the world,
    This is not my identity

    It breaks me to know how much
    pain there is in the world,

    So many are dead to save their home.
    I wish the world could see that
    this is not what it was meant to be

    The talk of a hero but is there one?
    It breaks me

    Some think I am weak because I do not kill,
    but I think this does not make me weak,

    Fought I have for many years,
    but scared I am for I fear I might,
    not live to see another day,
    It breaks me,

    Fight and killing is the world,
    I wish they could all just stop,
    It breaks me,

    I am only one man fighting
    in this world,
    but one man can change it all
    It is not my identity,

    They talk of a winner but is
    there one?

  42. i am me
    a kid who can draw the best. not
    my life is drawing
    i have paper like everyone does
    and pencils lots of pencils
    my friends think
    my house is made of pencils and paper i think they are mad
    but they are not… I like food which is nice i guess.
    and that is me ;/

  43. My change

    Minha mudanca esta sendo muito dificil, pois estou ficando sem os meus pais sem o pessoal da minha sala mais estou gostando da escola nova da professora e dos amigo.

    No Brasil eu falava muito , la e muito calor e as pessoas e os cachorros la sao muito legais, aqui e muito frio e as pessoas e os cachorros tambem sao muito legais.


    My move has been very difficult I am without my parents and without my classmates I am liking my new school : my teacher and my friends.

    In Brazil I talk too much. There it is very hot and the people and their dogs are very cool. Here it is very cold and the people and their dogs are still cool.

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