Week 5 Causley

Please add your poems inspired by Causley here.

30 thoughts on “Week 5 Causley

  1. What happened to Pippa?

    What’s happened to Pippa brother?
    Whats happened to Pip?
    There’s nothing in her doggie bed but her toy Tig,
    And by its side her wooly mits,

    Where is her bowl and ball brother?
    The doggy gate is gone?
    And know sight of a kennel on the lawn,
    Why is there grass where her pebbles used to be?
    Wheres Pippa mummy where could she be?

    By Lillie Lavery Rotherfield primary school

    1. HI Lillie,

      Thank you for sharing your poem with us.

      It’s an excellent attempt. I like the way you’ve taken a poem with a serious theme and made it more fun. You’ve also kept Causley’s ballad style of rhyme which is difficult to do.

      Promising work. Keep it up.

    2. I thought your poem was really good and I would love to know what happened Pippa.

      Ruqayyah Rahman
      Grafton Primary School

    3. Hi Lillie,
      thank you for showing that poem i really enjoyed it
      i think you did very very well writing your poem well done

  2. What has happened to Jackjack, mother?
    What has happened to Jack?
    There nothing in his bed but an old football
    And by its side a backpack.

    Why is the window smashed mother,
    Why is the curtain hanging helplessly.
    And only a mark on the new window sill
    Where his picture used to be?

    Why do turn your head mother,
    And why do your tears fall?
    And why do you rip that letter on the fire
    And say it is nothing at all?

    I woke to sudden late last night ,
    I heard an atrocious roar.
    Why do you tell, me the things I heard
    were dreams and nothing more?

    I heard somebody angry mother,
    In fury or in hate ,
    But now I ask you why mother,
    You say it was a dream of wait

    By issy from Gillespie primary school

    1. HI Issy,

      Thank you for sharing your fabulous poem with us. I like the way you’ve changed the gender of the individual and selected appropriate items to compliment their character.

      I’d like to know what has happened to Jack.

      Keep up the hard work.

  3. What has happened to majedo?
    What has happened to majedo, brother?
    What has happened to majed?
    There’s nothing in the bed but an old book
    And by its side a pair of glasses.

    Why is the window open, brother,
    The curtain flapping wild,
    And only a toy on the rusty shelf
    Where his pencil pot used to be?

    Why do you turn your head, brother,
    And why do your tears fall
    And why do you throw that not on the fire
    And say it was nothing at all?

    I woke to a scream late last night,
    I heard an awful noise.
    Why do you tell me the things I heard
    We’re a dream and nothing more?

    I heard somebody scream brother,
    In anger or in pain,
    But now I ask you why, brother,
    You say it was moment of blame.

    Gillespie Primary School,
    Henric, year 6

    1. HI Henric,

      Great ending…”a moment of blame”…we’re left wondering who is to blame and for what.

      Keep up the hard work.

  4. What has happened to Pippy, Mother?
    What has happened to Pip?
    There is nothing in her bed but an old ribbon
    And by its side a toy chick.

    Why is her window smashed through,
    The curtain wild and free,
    Only dust on the craft shelf
    Where her piggy bank used to be?

    Why do you turn your eyes, Mother?
    Why do you weep and bawl?
    Why do you chuck that picture on the fire
    And say it is nothing at all?

    I woke to screaming late last night.
    I heard a thump on the door.
    Why do you tell me the things I heard
    Were a dream and nothing more?

    I heard somebody shout, Mother
    In terror or in pain.
    But now I ask you why, Mother
    You say it was an echo of bane.

    1. Hi Martha,

      Another super ending. What interesting language you use “an echo of bane” is a wonderful phrase. I think you make subtle changes to Causley’s poem that bring a new meaning while maintaining the flow of the poem.

      Keep on sharing your poetry.

  5. I really like this poem about lulu because we had to
    find out what actually happened to her and use the
    clues. This is my poem.

    What has happened to Lilly,father,
    What has happened to Lil,
    There,s nothing in her bed but an old suitcase
    And by its side a doll

    Why is the window opened wide
    The curtains flying about
    And a penny on the dusty shelf
    Where her money box used to be

    Why do you turn your head,father
    And why did i hear crying
    And why do you crumble that photo on the fire
    And say it is nothing at all

    I woke up to crying late last night
    I heard a person scream
    Why do you tell me the things i heard
    Were a dream and nothing more

    I heard somebody cry,father
    In anger or in pain
    But now i ask you,father
    You say it was a rain of thunder

    Why do you wander about as though
    You don’t know what to do
    What has happened to Lilly,father
    What has happened to Lil

    By Maisha Begum
    Grafton Primary School

    1. Hi Maisha,

      I’m pleased you enjoyed the poem and I think you’re right it is like solving a problem. I’m impressed to see you’ve managed to create a similar poem that involves the reader by trying to solve clues too.

      Keep up the hard work.

  6. Everyone has done such amazing poems and here is mine

    What happened to mother sister?
    What happened to mum?
    you only whimper and says the matter is to sad but not that much at all
    There is nothing on her side of dad and her bed.
    And I only see father laid stretched out instead

    Oh why sister does she not say goodnight and her work not put up a fight
    And now I question you sister you just sit there and cry which gives me a fright.
    But now I want to know why sister you just sit there and sigh

    What happened to mother sister?
    What happened to mum?
    And why when I ask you when holding your hand do your fingers go numb
    What happened to mother sister?
    What happened to mum?

    1. Hi Kayla,

      Thank you for taking the time to encourage all the other students.

      You should be proud of your work too. I like the variety of your sentence length so they middle stanza seems slower before we get the quick pace at the end and a growing sense of panic. Some effective rhyme here too.

      Keep up the hard work.

  7. I loved the poems you all made here is my poem.

    Where are we going this summer?
    Please tell me mother,
    You never tell me and it’s such a bummer,
    I really want to know where we’re going mother.

    I would like to know where we’re going this summer,
    Mother mother I really want to know,
    Please tell me mother,
    You know how much I want to know.

    Please tell me mother,
    I would really like to know,
    Why don’t you tell me it’s like now other,
    Where are we going this summer?

    Hi mother hi,
    I would really want to know,
    Where are we going this summer,
    Please tell me mother.

    Mother please, please mother,
    Tell me where we’re going this summer,
    Please tell me mother,
    I would like to know where we’re going this summer.

    Please tell me where we’re going this summer,
    I would like to know,
    Please tell me mother,
    Where we’re going this summer.

    By Sophia
    Grafton School

  8. I really enjoyed reading Causleys poem [it was a little bit repetitive] it also had a nice flow to it.

    Ruqayyah Rahman
    Grafton Primary School

  9. Hi I really enjoyed the Lulu poem because you had to make up your own character which was really interesting.
    Here is my poem
    What has happened to Teddy, Mum?
    What has happened to Ted?
    He is not in my cabinet or in my bed,
    Why is there two buttons on the floor
    and a dusty shelf where teddy use to be?
    why don’t you care mum
    and why wont you say a thing?
    Why do you throw fluff at the fire
    and say it is nothing at all?
    I woke to voices late last night,
    heard a dog bark.
    Why do you tell me the things I heard were a dream and nothing more?
    I heard something rip, mum,
    something soft and cuddly,
    but now I ask you why, mum
    you say it was only my duvet.
    why don’t you care mum
    and why don’t you speak?
    What has happened to Teddy, mum?
    What happened to Ted?
    Grafton Primary School

  10. I realy like causly’s poem because it makes you think that Lulu has ran away from
    home or kidnaped by burglars and robbers.

    Ahura Farhadi
    Grafton School

  11. I realy liked Causly’s poem because it makes you feel emotional about Lulu

    Enver Methoxha
    Grafton Pirmary School

  12. I really enjoyed the poem you had to guess things
    and I really want to know what happened to Lulu

    here is my poem

    what happened to mother, lulu?
    what happened to mum
    there is nothing in her wardrobe
    only a doll
    she used to keep of her own
    why is brother gone and why
    is the window flapping free
    and what happened to the sister
    that she used to be
    why am I alone all in the house
    I will burn that note on then fire
    and I will say be off.

    what Has happened to mother, Lulu?
    what to mum?

    my poem is a girl talking to herself and say where is all my family gone but see misses her mum more because she was mistreated by her brother and sister.

    Lattina Tivy Grafton school

  13. I wrote this poem inspired from ‘What happened to Lulu?’ because I believe that everyone should follow their dreams.

    It’s every boy’s dream
    To be in a team
    To kick the ball long
    To be fit and strong.

    To wear the kit with pride
    To run the pitch so wide
    When a goal is scored you hear the noise
    “Well done!” shout all the boys.

    In rain or snow
    They will be doing their drill
    Nothing will stop them
    Not even if they are ill.

    It is their dream and ambition
    To reach their goal
    It is their life,
    Their heart,
    Their soul.

    Don’t give up your dream!

  14. We studied a poem ‘What happened to Lulu’ and my teacher asked us to write about something close to our hearts which wouldn’t stop us from achieving. This is my poem.

    The Journey

    I am determined to climb
    That mountain that is my dream.

    ‘Friends’ who criticise my ideas
    Who make fun of my aspirations
    will NEVER hold me back.

    Self-belief will support me on my journey
    to the TOP!

    The road ahead may be rocky
    Full of pitfalls and other obstacles, but
    They will not stop me.

    They will motive me to success

    I am determined to be the BEST.

  15. This is my poem based on ‘What happened to Lulu’.

    I Wish I could Start All Over Again

    I wish I could start all over again
    Things will never be the same again
    All I want is the key to success
    I can’t do it even if I try my best

    I wish I could start all over again
    Like re-using ink and putting it back again
    Life’s Hard and School is hard
    It’s not easy as throwing away a few cards

    I wish I could start all over again
    All these voices in my head is giving me pain
    God please remember me
    So that after this I can sit down and have tea

    I wish I could start all over again
    Uncle Paul can’t because of the train
    Some people’s hearts can be as small as a pea
    All I’m thankful for is my family.

    Bradley Chukwu

  16. Things that make us feel scared might want to make us run away…This is my poem based on ‘What happened to Lulu?’


    There is a creature in the basement,
    with a leg deformed and bent;
    it has a tail slim but slick
    with sly movements and a pwerful kick.

    It is a danger zone down there,
    but the sight is something no man can bear.
    Mum says there is not a thing,
    just the bone of a chicken wing.

    So later that day my mind was at ease,
    there was a bit of sunshine and a light breeze.
    I’m in my bed that night and I hear a bang,
    I remind myself that there is no such thing as monsters and I hear a clang!

    I woke up it was just a nightmare,
    I cast my dream from my head and into the air it went.
    I’m glad it’s over
    My mum said chop chop here…we’re going to Dover.

    You never know there might be a creature in your basement.

    Cameron Ocran
    St Aloysius College

  17. I really enjoyed the causley poem because it was kind of sad when the person was asking what has happened to Lulu and the mother wouldnt answer.
    Grafton Primary School

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