Week 4 Patten

Please add your poems inspired by Patten here.

94 thoughts on “Week 4 Patten

  1. the symbol I would choose to represent myself as a rose I chose this symbol because I love a lot of things for example my mum.

    1. Hi Jessie,

      A rose is a symbol that’s often used in poetry. I like the reason why you chose it but can you consider what a rose might symbolise in poetry?

      1. my symbol is rose,kai and cross rose because i love my mother kai because i have great strength spirit is strong and my will power is strong and cross because i believe in God.

    2. I’ve discovered a small kitten
      laying near the basket of dolls
      it caught my eye
      in the very far distance.

      I moved to the side
      hopping it would disappeared
      I through something at it
      but it didn’t go.

      It is scary for any one
      It will make you jump immediatly
      It dosen’tbelonge her
      And it is quite silent.

  2. I really liked your poem because it was crative here’s my poem .
    Flower/the symbol that i thought was a flower because my name means flower also i grow like a flower and i work like a flower. from yasmi.

    1. Hi Yasmin,

      Thank you for sharing your symbol with us. I like the idea of a flower and growing and working.

      Keep up the hard work.

    2. I ve found a tiny but bright light
      lercing in the imencly enoumous lake
      bigger then most lakes

      think it must havecame from the sea
      because its white,tiny and moves with the water.

      It only appersse at night though.
      disserperring as the sun rises
      i waved good bye and
      wated for it to return.

  3. i liked this poem it was really intresting.
    i think the symbol that would represent me would be a xbox 360 remote with headphones attached to it because i play on my xbox ALOT with my 100 friends and because i like to play games and i chat ALOT

    grafton primary school

    1. Hi James,

      I’m pleased you liked the poem. I find it interesting too without always fully understanding it.

      An Xbox could be a good symbol but don’t chose a symbol just because you like it…chose something that is like you…

      Keep up the hard work and thank you for sharing your ideas.

      1. a small monster
        I’ve discovered a ugly monster on my balcani

        It caught me by suprise

        purple and ugly,he was the most horific thing ever.

    2. This also symbolizes my older brother who loves playing Fifa 14 .

      Ruqayyah Rahman
      Grafton Primary School

  4. I liked the poem so much and having to create are symbols my symbol is
    A Pencil because I enjoy art and it’s one of my favorite subjects.
    And an ice-scate because I also enjoy ice-scating.

    By Sophia Sergides
    Grafton School

    1. Hi Sophia,

      It’s great to see your enthusiasm throughout the course to all the poems.

      Remember a symbol is not necessarily something you like but it’s something that could represent you…

      Keep up the hard work.

  5. I loked this poem as it is fun to create a symol of myself. My symbols are
    Lips as all I do is chater, chater, chater.
    A microphone as my favorite subject is singing.
    Ice-scates as I go ice-scating and I enjoy it a lot.
    Cooking as when I’m at home I cook all the time.
    By Holly Fay
    Grafton School

    1. Hi Holly,

      The lips are a good symbol to represent your love of talking… Remember a symbol is something that stands for more than itself rather than something you like….

      Think of the dragon in the poem….it seemed to represent more than the dragon.

    2. I think that the lips are a great symbol it also symbolizes me. I love chatting and do a lot of it, but i should stop doing it as we have SATS this year.

      Ruqayyah Rahman
      Grafton Primary School

  6. My symbol would be a cupboard because a cupboard keeps all your things in there and keeps it tidy and i like keeping things tidy. So im quite the same

    1. Hi Baris,

      Thank you for sharing your symbol with us… I suppose sometimes people are surprised by what they find in a cupboard..does that apply to you too?

    2. I think that this is a very good symbol but this does not apply to me.

      Ruqayyah Rahman
      Grafton Primary School

  7. I would choose a microphone or water. I would choose a microphone as I’m very out spoken and have a loud voice and practically sing my way through life. And water because I love swimming, find rain fun and will do almost anything inn water

    1. Hi Kayla,

      The microphone symbol works well… I like the idea of it representing being out spoken.

      Thank you for sharing your symbol with us.

  8. I really liked this poem because you
    have to draw a symbol that describes
    you. This is my symbol and why.

    My symbol is a small flower because its colorful
    and i also wear bright colors and brighten up the
    i would also choose a path way because
    the path leads you to somewhere and i also lead
    people to the right path and not the wrong
    by Maisha Begum
    Grafton Primary School

    1. I really enjoyed the explanation about your symbol and i really understand on why you chose to be a small flower and how you also chose a path as your symbol because you are so well behaved and how you mostly wear bright coloured clothes.

      Joyce Li
      Ambler Primary School

  9. I enjoyed reading pattens poem and making a symbol of my own.
    The symbol that represents me are a light bulb and joystick
    Because I’m full of bright ideas and love playing games.

    Ahura Farhadi
    Grafton school

    1. HI Ahura,

      The light bulb symbol is one we see often to represent bright ideas even beyond poetry. It’s a great attribute to be able to have new ideas.

    1. Hi Hamda,

      Thank you for sharing your symbol with us. Are there any other ways in which you are like a book?

      Keep up the hard work.

  10. I liked the poem so much and having to create are symbols my symbol is leaf because leaves can give u a lot of things that u need like oxygen, paper and card. And I think I am helpful and giving

    1. Hi Jaden,

      I’m very pleased you enjoyed the poem. What did you like about it?

      I like your symbol of a leave and the gifts it gives…

      Keep up the hard work.

      1. A SMALL ALIEN!!!
        I’ve discovered a peculiar alien under my bed
        it caught me very much by surprise
        alluring my eyes, making me freeze
        with a cute,cuddly and chubby face.

        I jumped of my bed,it came out further
        I picked it up, then cuddled it
        It stared at me cutely,like it wanted to cry
        Were did it come from, was it always under my bed?

        My bed must be amazing it must go to another dimension
        If you beleive this i will come
        But actually i will wait to see if you come my way.

  11. I like the poem so much. I also liked having to create symbols that symbolize yourself .A paint brush will symbolize me because I absolutely love painting,I love painting because it refreshes my mind and it makes me happy ,it also calms me down .I also think that a person laughing will symbolize me because I think Iam a little bit crazy, mad and funny.

    Ruqayyah Rahman
    Grafton Primary Schoo

    1. Hi Ruqayyah,

      I’m so pleased you enjoyed the poem. Did you find it mysterious?

      Thank you for sharing your symbols with us… remember a symbol represents you rather than shows what you like….so the dragon in the poem could be seen as representing faith.

      Keep up the hard work.

  12. The symbol that i would choose to represent myself is a Bookshelf because a book is full of fun and exiting things just like me.
    Grafton Primary School

    1. HI Blertina,

      Thank you for sharing your symbol with us.

      Are there any other ways you are like a book shelf? For example do you help to support things/people?

  13. i was very intersted in the peom.
    And how do poets do thing like that

    my symbol would be a stech of a lady. Because i am very still and quiet
    and i don’t really do anything exciting as a lively painting
    plus i love drawing a porait of my self

    Grafton Primary

  14. I found a baby Phoenix wrapped in a shallow purple blanket.It had hope,light,love and family reflecting in its eyes. As I unwrapped it from its blanket, I felt its fur.

  15. I found a scarlet petal in the woods ,
    It had symblized death and blood
    I fed it with love and care but
    When the spots were clear
    death was near.

  16. I found two roses growing together in the wood,
    I brought it in and put it in the same vase,
    One was dead,
    The other was dying as if it needed the other one,
    Every day i watered it.
    Days later it was dead.

    MY symbol is a eye because seeing is believing and your eyes show you the wonders of the world.

  17. I found a baby Phoenix wrapped in a shallow purple blanket.It had hope,light,love and family reflecting in its eyes. As I unwrapped it from its blanket, I felt its fur. It was as soft as a flower bed smothered in feathers. I fed it with destiny and aspiration. And slowly it flew away without a single sound. Something was pulling me closer to this creature. But what it was, it was a mystery waiting to be revealed.

  18. In the forest i saw,a flower blossom with rain dropping all around it.
    Its petals was as soft as doves wings.
    I poured kind words onto it.
    In the night the rose closed up and opened a shiny fire in the distance and it slowly faded away.

  19. I found love in my grave ,
    I found care in my grave ,
    I found paradise in my grave,
    that comes from when caring for other

    the white flower is a symbol of death and love

  20. I found a crystal eye in the woods.I had sparkles reflecting in my eyes.I fed it with love and cair but it changed in a strange sort of way.

  21. My symbol is Yin and Yang because its just like me and the balance is that purity should rise upon evilness ;also it describes me as calm and angry , as they are negative to each other. Thank you.

  22. The symbol that represents me is a dove because I am a very peaceful person and I always behave myself ,and I am also very balanced.

    Joyce Li
    Ambler Primary School

  23. The symbol that represent myself as is weight because weight will describe me as muscular,powerful and I work out and I’m exceptionally active.

    A strange black weight

    I’ve discovered a strange black weight in a desert.
    Think it must have come from a wild zoo
    because it is heavy and shiny but dark on the sides
    however it still makes you develop more muscles.
    I’ve eaten healthy food, I even drank raw eggs,
    nothing has changed my muscle,brain and speed,
    but it has changed my weight like everyone says,I need
    to grow.
    I have finally developed muscles and abs,
    unlikely like babies but teens can,
    I’ve tried this and
    it has transformed me.

  24. In the dark,something caught my eye
    Was it a person or a creature?
    Nobody knows.
    I strolled threw the deep dark forest,
    to see what is was with my eyes,
    but it vanished like a gggghost.
    Scared to death I looked around
    there was nothing their
    I heard a voice
    it said ‘we are coming to get you’
    i ran to safety but it was no use
    because it just followed me
    so I committed suicide .
    ….We were just going to invite you to our party .
    A voice whispered.

  25. In my pocket !!! By RAZZY : Aged 11

    In my pocket,
    I stumbled across something,
    Im not really sure where it came from,
    However its beauty and unusualness made me think that it was nothing usual !

    I tried to give it away,
    But it stuck with me,
    And at one point i decided that i HAD to keep it !!!

    It became closer to me,
    I became closer to it,
    Oh, what a lovely dog she was !!!

    ( You get the twist )

  26. The symbol that represents me is sports balls and weights because i am very fit and like sports especially football and basketball

    Junior Halley
    Ambler Primary School

  27. MY spiritual energy
    my kai is strong the strongest of all it surpasses yours and yours.
    You may think i’m weak but you thought.
    But when i beat,you were false
    my kai is strong the strongest of all…
    mistrys are bound made from a deep energy with in me.
    i felt in harmony its my kai showing don’t be laid and if you train hard enough you get the strength you seek

  28. What symbol represents me ……….. By RAZZY : Aged 11

    In my opinion I suppose that the sun represents me for i am bubbly and bouncy for sure however i am also a muslim so i think the islamic symbol ( the moon and star ) represents me aswell !!!!

    I found a small football in the in the shed,
    is flat and dirty wonce i cleand it
    and pumped it up it catched my eyes.

    I discovered its not cute
    finshed yet i also dicovered it
    had a name on it a strange
    name infuct it was written in a
    differnt languge or a mess of handwritten.

  30. A small moon I discovered a small moon
    Which was shinning brightly
    And so were the stars seeing through my window.

    Thinking if one day
    When I am older
    I want to reach the moon
    And find out what is really there.

    Deciding about what job I want do
    I will decide of what job I want to do.
    Strolling to go to sleep
    I had an amazing dream about going

  31. In the middle of the forest I was camping in the deepness,
    while I was cooking some steaks.
    when I heard rustle in the trees I took
    a look owt side WHEN A CRITURE JUMPED OUT! it starteld me when I
    relised it was a baby Grifine I was emased it steered at me and
    it whent a corner and gased at the stars . I trid to feed it grasse , nuts, flowers,vines, then I had an Idear why dont I give it some steaks. it ravenesly eat the meat and just before I whent to bed it snogled next to me and fell asleep. THE END

  32. Hi I’m going to write a poem just to let you know babyish ….


    I’ve found a rather huge rose,
    floating next to the window.
    I thought of a very bright flimngo.
    Not concerned who it was from,
    All I did was suck my thumb.

    I gave it tender love and care,
    but all it gave me was longing
    for home.

    It made lodes of roses around it,
    but it is one like no other,
    It is out of place here
    and it was puite silent.

    By Tianna

  33. small fox.

    I have discovered a small,tiny fox while making
    My cereal and he looked up at me and said
    Something however I did not understand
    I couldn’t believe it.

    He talked to me like I was his friend so
    I got really scared and shouted as loud
    As I could.

  34. A large House
    I went a large house in the city
    Think it must have been at least 50 years old
    dealapdated and rusty the smell of ancient
    reflected the room.
    I tried get used to it i tried to watch tv that had no signal
    A bed which was cold turned to me
    as if it was saying ” you will never fit in.”

    Alllured and captivated it had engraved in my mind
    not as if i liked it i just had to except it
    I was not going home
    it was quiet silent

    If you had ever felt like this i would come to you
    and share my capture.
    However, instead i will wait and see
    if you will pass my way

  35. A Small Dragosaurelianiderghostsaiyan

    I discovered a small Dragosaurelianiderghostsaiyaninn my pocket
    It caught me by a huge surprise
    Captivating my eyes, illuminating my mind
    with balls of fire and spotty stripy rainbows

    I stepped forward and growled at it,it didn’t disappear
    Hid under my bed , but it didn’t go
    It winked at me happily, catching my eye
    Quite out of place in this day and age

    Shooted electric rather startlingly
    Not unlike a ghost or a spectre
    It is out of place here ( it lives in Skylands )
    It is quite silent

    If you believed in it I would come
    Hurrying to your house to let you share my wonder,
    But I want instead to see
    If you yourself will pass this way.

    From Ambler Primary School

  36. A peculiar alien.

    I have discovered a peculiar, purple alien hiding under my relaxing bed
    I thought he was a toy because he was strangely soft
    He looked at me and I fell down shocked
    I couldn’t believe it

    It look at me,with its glittering green eyes as if it was going to attack me.
    He did a scary face,which wasn’t scary, on me.
    I started to laugh his face was rather funny.

    What do you believe?
    tooth fairy
    what ever you believe in
    don’t listen to what other say.

  37. A small cat
    i`ve found a small cat in my window it caught me
    by surprise i moved to the side
    to make it go away it started to roll
    his eyes at me… I though it was going to attack me ,
    but I went down stairs then i heard a sound then i went upstairs the cat was gone already it went the black cat …
    And i never ever seen that cat again I just heard a meow down the deep and spooky forest the cat had red eyes
    it then looked at me i went to sleep after, i woke up again and went to the toilet then i saw the cat again and it said “i will get you” in a wired voie if you believe this i will come and get you but don’t look at the window
    don’t at the black cat thank you so much.

  38. I’ve discovered a baby Phoenix in the chapel, its not supposed to be here because new , glistering fiery eyes were on its face. Its face was a muddle of hope, care and family, which sees me in a new light.

    I stare into his eyes, as I offered him food.
    Meat, dandelions, hob-nobs and grass,
    however it looked at me like it needed food
    I can not provide.

    Something extraordinary happened
    and I become a amazing person.
    I was transformed …

    Thank you

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  40. Adnan i really liked your poem i really felt the way you re-invented brian pattern poems well done.

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