Poems You Like

Please share poems you like with us here.

You can copy and paste your favourite poems here but tell us why you like them


You can share a video of your favourite poems.

Here’s one of my favourite poems. It’s by William Carlos Williams and is known as “The Red Wheelbarrow” although the poet didn’t give it this title.

It was an unusual poem for it’s time. Do you think it’s poetry?


Lillie from Rotherfield shared this poem as her favourite. It’s called the Ning Nang Nong.



15 thoughts on “Poems You Like

    1. Hi Melissa,

      Thank you for sharing your poem. I like the way you’ve taken a famous rhyme and divided it into two parts.

      In future can you share your poems in the Your Poetry section or the correct week. This area is for famous poems you like.


  1. Hello melissa

    i have been taking in your poem and your ideas of structure. Although i wasnt able to work out your fabulous poem i recieved help from yourself.

    thank you for your help.
    from Zara

  2. I enjoyed the E.E.Cummings poem. I really liked it because it was like a puzzle that you had to solve. I also enjoyed it because it was different from normal poems.


    Ruqayyah Rahman- Grafton Primary School

  3. This is my favourite poem ever, it’s by Jack Prelutsky, it’s good because it is extremely funny, I hope you like it as much as I do

    Be glad your nose is on your face,
    not pasted on some other place,
    for if it were where it is not,
    you might dislike your nose a lot.

    Imagine if your precious nose
    were sandwiched in between your toes,
    that clearly would not be a treat,
    for you’d be forced to smell your feet.

    Your nose would be a source of dread
    were it attached atop your head,
    it soon would drive you to despair,
    forever tickled by your hair.

    Within your ear, your nose would be
    an absolute catastrophe,
    for when you were obliged to sneeze,
    your brain would rattle from the breeze.

    Your nose, instead, through thick and thin,
    remains between your eyes and chin,
    not pasted on some other place–
    be glad your nose is on your face!

    Jack Prelutsky

  4. Jessie Rotherfield October 26, 2013 at 8:09 pm Edit
    I like this poem because she talks about being a bad girl.

    This is one of my favourite poems.


    Is there anything in spring so fair, as apple blossoms falling through the air?

    when from a hill there comes a sudden breeze That blows freshly through all the orchard trees.

    the petals drop in clouds of pink and white ,noiseless like snow and shining in the light.

    making beautiful an old stone wall, scattering a rich fragrance as they fall

    there is nothing I know of to compare with apple blossoms falling through the air.

    by Helen Adams Parker

  5. hi melissa,

    i really enjoyed reading your poem and trying to unravel it was quite hard.
    When i got what it was i enjoyed it even more.

    I hope you write even more poems like that as i loved it.

  6. The NING NANG NONG song is the best.
    I really like it because it’s so funny.
    5 out of 5 stars.

    From Ambler Primary School

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