Previous Poet Laureates

Every year one student is crowned the FutureZone poet laureate. They are the winners of the competition. Here are the previous winners/laureates:

The 2012 Poet Laureate was Felix Samuels from Hanover School with this poem “Bluebird’s Song”

The 2011 Poet Laureate was Drunay Marshall fromĀ Pakeman School with this poem “Journey of Life”

The 2010 Poet Laureate was Delilah Sykes from Gillespie School with this poem

“The Journey to Utopia”

And the 2009 Poet Laureate was Eileen Maguire from Yerbury School with this poem



13 thoughts on “Previous Poet Laureates

    1. I agree Issy, they are great and really sound like a poem down by a amazing poet has done them, but they’re only in year 6

  1. I really like those poems particulary divided one because it really describes the things or has good words to start the sentence

  2. I thought Delilah’s poem was really detailed.

    She sounded like a real poet and the film was eerily atmospheric.

    Gillespie School

  3. A women goes to jail
    A women goes out of jail
    A women peeks in a shop

    A women picks a strawberry
    and orange shop keeper sees,
    “halt”she runs and runs
    until she doesnt know where
    she is in the middle of nowhere

    a few days later she sees a house.
    Is she hallusinating NO…

  4. I loved the journey of life because there was my favourite park that me and my dad and brother used to go. And that you spoke out loud!.

  5. I think that all the previous poet winners are outstanding and I wonder if anyone can reach there level .
    from Issy gillspie

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