The Course

Welcome to the fifth FutureZone Poetry Course.

You will be studying a poem a week for 5 weeks in class and sharing your ideas and thoughts on this blog with one another.

At the end of the course you will be able to enter a poetry competition. Every pupil who enters will have their work published.

Each school will have its own Poet of the Year while one student will become the FutureZone poet Laureate of the Year.

Click on the Poet Laureate tab to see previous winners.

26 thoughts on “The Course

  1. We’re looking forward to reading your poems Hanover. You can share them by clicking on the Your Poetry comment button. The poems can be inspired by what you’ve studied in class or poems you’ve composed outside of class.

    I’m really looking forward to reading your work.

  2. hi Michael I’ve been looking at this poem in class by EE.Cumming and its a completely different poem to the usual one because its almost like a list. i really like the way he made a different type of poem. the poem is really interesting and its a poem for you to solve. in class we had a lot of fun solving to pattern in the poem and we solved it. we got to make our own poem like that for people to solve. The poem was a leaf falls loneliness. This is my poem.
    Or[keep the]yo
    u [pe] will
    t [move]
    i [ing] n
    [an] tro
    [d] uble
    [sta] and [rt]
    go [thin] think
    ing [king] time
    Thank you, Micheal, Maisha Begum, Grafton Primary School

    1. Nice ideas ,but at the end of the poem it didnt quite make sense grammar wise. I also liked your use of brackets.
      Robert Knight
      Hanover Primary School

      1. Hello, we have been looking at E.E Cummings poems at Hanover and i found his style of writing really interesting so i wrote my own.
        I hope that you enjoyed it
        Robert Knight Hanover Primary School

        1. I enjoyed your poem Robert. I think it’s interesting that you managed to use rhyme and the delay made it more amusing.

          Keep up the good work.

    2. Hi Maisha,

      I’m glad you enjoyed Cumming’s poem. I like your poem too. I like the way we’re left to wonder why someone would be in trouble. It also seems funny someone would be asked to keep their pen straight when the poem is so jumbled.

      Keep up the good work.

  3. In winter the nightfalls quickly
    alley unattened charity children
    play the jail sneers.

    The mother struts down
    the rough weedy streets
    she wears paint proudly
    as her stockings rip.

    as brave as can be
    she peeks in the jail
    like she doesn’t

    the wonderful
    black woman
    faces court she goes

    Gillespie primary school

  4. This is my version of Brooke’s poem.

    The streets were sick, My mother said.
    Weeds growing next to a unattended jail.
    But I deep down wish that I could play with the charity children
    down the cobblestone Street…
    Not going in at quarter to 9…
    But this is the truth.
    I honestly don’t like my mother sneering at me from the back window.
    When she sees me look at the dark black sky dreaming to do what I have always wanted to do.

    By Emma Pakeman Primary Red class Year 5

  5. The beautiful stars at night
    Twinkling stars and lovely glitter,
    and star light star bright sparkles in the night and thinking away,
    and glittering and glimmering and glistening diamonds,
    fit for the beautiful, dark, gloomy night.
    By Hayaam pakeman primary school

  6. I’ve had it all my life
    I want to go out to the back yard
    Where it’s fun and loud
    A place for me is the back yard

    I want to go to the back yard
    That’s the place I can make real friends
    My mum is fed up with me but I’ll fight to go to the back yard

    They do some fantasist things
    My life is fun but not without anyone
    How they any rules
    My head tells me I should go live with them
    I’ll grow up to be one of them

    By Elif-sue
    Pakeman Primary School
    Year 5
    Red Class

  7. This is a poem that we made it’s called I want to go to space!

    I’ve waited all my life.
    I want to go to space
    Where it’s cool and bright and colourful.

    I want to go right now
    And maybe take my friends
    To where the moon stares
    I want to live today.

    They do some training things.
    They have some rocket fun
    How they don’t have to walk
    My mother says it’s dangerous
    I will grow up as a astronaut .
    That I will be the first child on space, I’ll be taken sooner or later
    On account last week my brother thought I was crazy.

    But I say it’s fun.honest, I do
    And I’d like to be a teacher,too,
    And wear the same bag as the queen
    And strut down the streets with pride!

    By Maisha and Luke
    Pakeman Primary School

    Lovely plantain and jerk chicken and delicious dumpling for a main
    And scrumptious lasco and cherries sweet and guava pine and beautiful cookies then say good night


    Long streams and great ! And parties under
    Shiny silver stars and mystical food , smelling
    like heaven .
    And joy and breeze and people selling their juicy fruit.
    Fit for me and my African family.

  10. I’ve stayed in a tower all my life.
    I want to go home
    Where it’t cosy and warm and comfy
    A girl gets sick of a boy.

    I want to go home right now
    And maybe a little peak
    To where the big big mall is
    I want to go today.

    They do some fun thing’s
    They have some proper fun
    My mum say’s no but I say it’s done
    How they don’t have to work for everyone.

    My mum tell’s me what will you be when you grow up
    Will you grow up to be a pilot
    That which I’ll be taken to go home sooner or late
    On account banning most stuff which I wish.

    But I say it’s fine honest I do
    And I’d like to be a pilot to
    And wear pilot clothes that stink’s of poo
    And strut the street’s with a flood from the loo.

    By Ibtisam Pakeman primary school year 6

  11. Explore Explore

    I’ve been exploring the world all my life.
    I want to be an explorer.
    Where it’s lovely and calm and wonderful.
    A girl gets sick of a boy.

    I want to go home now.
    And mabe I will explore some more,
    To where the amaziness is.
    I want to go today.

    They do some annoying things.
    They have some good fun.
    My friend keeps me company,but I say it’s fine.
    How they don’t have to explore the world.
    My mum,tells me that I need to stop because I have done enough exploring.
    I will grow up to be an explorer.
    That I will be taken to an exploring trip soon or late.
    On account of this I found my house.

    But I say it’s boring exploring.Honest,I do.
    And I’d like to be an explorer,too,
    And where the amazing country is.
    And strut down the streets with a special map.

  12. Red is the warmest colour in the world.
    Red is the colour of being born.
    Red is the colour of our hearts.

    Red can look like fires and sunsets.
    Red can look like lava as well.

    Red can smell like roses and roasts.
    Red can smell like racing cars too.

    I’ve been hurt all my life I want to be free.
    Where it’s nice and sunny and bright .
    A girl gets sick of the rain I want to go and experience life
    And maybe see who is out their
    To where the rain will hide and the sun will shine everyday
    I will grow up to be a woman who has confident in who she is
    But I say it’s fine honest I do and I’d like to be a good role model too
    Were the birds sing and the sky’s bring happiness and joy!

  14. I love writing poems it’s one of the easiest thing to do when you have an creative mind
    With nature and life

  15. Growing up to be a STAR!
    I’ve been poor all my life.
    I want to make a change.
    Where it’s fun and exciting and joyful.
    A boy gets sick of sadness

    I want to go bowling now
    And maybe even swimming
    To where the birds sing
    I want to go today

    They do some inspiring things
    They have some extraordinary fun
    My mother says no but I say it’s true
    How they don’t have to fight for food
    My dad tells me to follow my dreams
    Will I grow up to be a star ?
    That smile and I’ll be taken to the road
    Soon or late

    But I say it’s okay . Honest , I do
    And I’d like to be a actress
    And strut down the street with cheers everywhere
    I go.

  16. Aisha,red class
    The city is a sinster enviourment,Broken alarms scearming viciously,
    Vicious car engines roaring furiously,
    Spite threatening crowds,
    Screaming in my ears,
    Bins fillde with rubbish,
    Sticking out,

  17. Calm,peace and serenity of a tropical sunset.
    Scrumptious pie,
    Made me grow so high.
    Favourite fruits germinating threw the terrific trees.
    buildings breathing apprehensively,
    kind city dwelers carering about children,
    Tremendous parents looking up at the bright blue sky,
    Wonderful children waving bye.

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