Week 4 Turner: A Coast Scene

Hi all,

I hope you enjoyed studying Turner’s painting: A Coast Scene with Fishermen Hauling a Boatย  Ashore.

Please share your thoughts on the painting with us here.

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10 thoughts on “Week 4 Turner: A Coast Scene

  1. i like the stormy sea.it looks very wild.and i like it how he blended all different types of colours to make a stormy sky.it makes me feel HYPER!!!!!!!!!!

  2. the stormy sea makes a real effect! the way turner used the triangle of red for effect.
    I really life the painting

  3. This picture is full of striking details and it has amazing patterns
    I am glad you chose this picture.

    written by Eray

  4. The wave is as vicious as a leopard and the sky in a blink of an eye just turned delightful and then it went like somebody past away

  5. this pic is such an amazing pic and since we have all bean learning about it i like it because of the sea, the stormy weather it’s outstanding.Now i’m beging to like lteracy now!!


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