
Please share your evaluations with us.

4 thoughts on “Evaluations

  1. Michael Walsh Post author

    Thanks so much for organising the course again, the children loved it and learned a lot about films and movie-making. This short film sparked great interest, imagination and discussion amongst the class. Some children who often have difficulty getting started or coming up with ideas had no problem with this task.

    Bob Jones, Yerbury School

  2. Arkan Aqiil

    i rely loved this writing through film project we did with other schools because we got to communicate with other teachers and students and some we know. The 1st week was cool all you had to do was do a poster for a film no prob nest was the okitipodi the second film we had to only do a title,setting,location,synopsis and character profile third week we had to do about a Manuel for the maker 4th week we did butterflies to write a factual and fantasy piece of recount writing and finally the black hole to write a letter to our beloved if you do not come out alive.This was great starting from easy then getting onto a higher and hard work this was fun thanks Michael Walsh i hope we do this type of thing in the futer again.

    1. Michael Walsh Post author

      Hi Arkan,

      Thank you for your evaluation. It’s very helpful to get a student perspective and a big thank you for your hard work and engagement throughout the project.

  3. Michael Walsh Post author

    I found this year’s Writing Through Film course to be a thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding experience. The films chosen were short, snappy and really engaging for the children. My class, who are usually not the most enthusiastic writers, were keen to engage with each of the tasks and excited to see their work published on the blog. They also enjoyed looking at other children’s work and having the opportunity to comment on it. Overall, the course has confirmed that film is an incredibly powerful stimulus for writing, and I will now go on to use the skills I have developed with my class next year.
    Kerry Ann Hyde, Ambler School, Year 5 teacher.


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