Week 2 Oktapodi

Hi all.

Thank you for sharing your La Luna posters and other work.

We look forward to seeing your Otkapodi work here soon.

31 thoughts on “Week 2 Oktapodi

  1. Shelley

    Title: Revenge of the Octopus

    Setting: Seagull lair

    Pink Octopus lands in the seagull lair. Blue Octopus spies her and instantly falls in love. While Pink Octopus is searching for Orange Octopus, Blue Octopus flirts with her and she slaps him. Then Pink Octopus spies Orange Octopus in a dungeon. They kiss through the bars. Blue Octopus gets jealous. He kisses Pink Octopus and tells her that he will kill her if she doesn’t marry him. Pink Octopus marries Blue Octopus out of fear. Orange Octopus is left sad forever… or is he?

    Character profile:
    Orange Octopus and Pink Octopus from Oktapodi
    Blue Octopus – falls in love with Pink Octopus

  2. Shelley

    My previous post (Revenge of the Octopus) was by Jack Hale, Perdie Hibbins and Ruby Graham-Rudd at Gillespie Primary School

  3. Duncombe

    We loved Sumayyah’s synopsis. The wife would have a much better chance against these creatures!

  4. Duncombe

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    We loved Sumayyah’s synopsis. The wife would have a much better chance against these creatures!

  5. Montem: Kate

    Title: Oktapodi: The Catch.

    Setting: Kitchen

    Synopsis: Pinky the Octopus slingshot herself towards her boyfriend, Orangy the Octopus, who has been sadly taken away by a Seagull. The seagull accidentally drops Orangy with Pinky and they fall into the ocean. Out of nowhere… SPLASH! The Evil Man takes Orangy and Pinky away. Later on, they hear a chopping sound…..OH NO, The Man is going to make OCTO-PIE ! When the Man leaves the kitchen for a moment, Orangy and Pinky make a dash for it ……

  6. Emily

    Here at Grafton School we have been working hard on rewriting the story of Oktapodi in our own words. We have looked at atmospheric descriptions of the setting to show how the characters are feeling. Please take a read of some of our work and let us know what you think.

    Emily’s literacy group


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