Poems you like 2015

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141 thoughts on “Poems you like 2015

      1. That is my favourite poem, Mr Carroll’s imagination and inventiveness results are hilariously inspiring!

    1. I like chocolate cake to. Michel Rosen because he if funny,espeshaly the bit where he goes mmmmmmmmmm

    1. I really like the poem chocolate cake to and I’ve got the book of all Michael Rosen’s poems and I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. I like the poem Bishop Hatto because its funny when he is on top of his tower he shouts RATS and they eat his flesh for burning the poor people

  2. I love Michael Rosen ‘s poems. He once came our school and said some of his poems. He is a hilarious poet. When ever I’m unhappy I go home and I watch some of his videos. He is the most hilarious person I’ve ever met after my family. And hopefully I will get to see him again!

    1. I really want to meet Michael Rosen, he sounds like a very interesting man. I would love it if he came to my school.

  3. My favourite poem is No Breathing In Class by Michael rosen. I like this poem because it makes me laugh. I wish I could speak to him.

  4. My favourite is poem Chocolate Cake because it is about a kid that eats a whole cake in night but his mum finds out the next day.

  5. I like Robert Southey poems because its interesting and it tells you all about the poem it is about.

    With wayworn feet a Pilgrim woe-begone
    Life’s upward road I journeyed many a day,
    And hymning many a sad yet soothing lay
    Beguil’d my wandering with the charms of song.
    Lonely my heart and rugged was my way,
    Yet often pluck’d I as I past along
    The wild and simple flowers of Poesy,
    And as beseem’d the wayward Fancy’s child
    Entwin’d each random weed that pleas’d mine eye.
    Accept the wreath, BELOVED! it is wild
    And rudely garlanded; yet scorn not thou
    The humble offering, where the sad rue weaves
    ‘Mid gayer flowers its intermingled leaves,
    And I have twin’d the myrtle for thy brow.
    Robert Southey

    1. I came across this poem just now and am transformed into this world of all five scents of a world of nature. The vocabulary in this is entrancing! I like the rhyme pattern of couplets.

  6. I like Robert Southey poems because its interesting and it tells you all about the poem it is about.

    With wayworn feet a Pilgrim woe-begone
    Life’s upward road I journeyed many a day,
    And hymning many a sad yet soothing lay
    Beguil’d my wandering with the charms of song.
    Lonely my heart and rugged was my way,
    Yet often pluck’d I as I past along
    The wild and simple flowers of Poesy,
    And as beseem’d the wayward Fancy’s child
    Entwin’d each random weed that pleas’d mine eye.
    Accept the wreath, BELOVED! it is wild
    And rudely garlanded; yet scorn not thou
    The humble offering, where the sad rue weaves
    ‘Mid gayer flowers its intermingled leaves,
    And I have twin’d the myrtle for thy brow.
    Robert Southey….

  7. I like the poem The Owl and the Pussy Cat because ever since I was little my mum always read it to me. I would always try to memorize it. We have given it to my younger cousin who loved it too and we always used to say it by heart to each other and i would read it to her at night!

    1. I know how you feel. the owl and the pussy cat has always been one of my favourite ever since i was little and i’ve memorised the whole thing (it took a long time).

  8. I love Michael Rosen’s Poems because they make me laugh! My favorite poems are bear hunt and chocolate cake.

  9. I really like all of Michael Rosen’s poems because they are all really funny and they make me laugh! I especially like the one about washing your hands. I also like the one about chocolate cake.

  10. I like granny is by Valerie Bloom because it is funny cleaver and some how gives a you real BUZ!!! : ) ; ) 😀 :O

  11. One of my favorite poets is Michael Rosen. I really like chocolate cake case I found it really funny. The first time I read it it made me REALLY hungry 🙂

    1. I really like the impossible-in-our-world-right-now element which makes it more intising because it is something that you don’t hear on a daily bases and is new. I think he based it on a parent telling children about their childhood to make them feel like they’re getting the better side of school.

  12. One of my favourite poems is called Macavity the mystery cat because the cat is so clever and sneqaky and when he does something you can not tell if he did it.


  13. Another one of my favourite poems is called Bishop Hatto because he was really mean on the poor and burnt them and called them rats so then he hided and then rats found him and killed him just like how he killed the poor people

  14. I don’t know if this is classed as a poem but I love it so I thought you had to know to!

    Betty Botter bought some butter
    But she said the butter’s bitter
    If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter
    But a bit of better butter will make my batter better
    So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter classed as a poem but I love it so I thought you had to know to!

  15. I like the highway man because it is such a basic poem. but has a massive affect on the reader. I also like how it has a really easy understanding.

  16. I like the poem chocolate cake by Michel Rossen. I like his poems because it is funny and

  17. One of my favourite poems is ‘Fleas’ by Ogden Nash. I like it because it’s funny and it is easy to remember!

  18. I like the School Trip by Micheal Rosen
    when the teacher read it to me i laughed too much i got told off

  19. I like the poem by Michael Rosen where this boy goes plane spotting at Heathrow Airport for his birthday and than he really needs a wee

  20. i like the poem chocolate cake by micheal rosen because i dont like cake i only like chocolate cake and lemon drissle cake because its nice and sweet i like it because of that it makes my heart happy and it makes me pretty.

  21. I really like the poem ‘Granny is’ by Valerie Bloom. I like it because Valerie Bloom manages to describe Granny in practically every possible way, included lots of different senses; listening, smelling, sight, and more. My favourite part is when Valerie Bloom describes Granny as the fresh smell of coffee in the morning.

  22. my best poem is my fat cat This is how it starts My cat’s name is Bod,
    He’s really very fat.
    His stomach’s on the floor,
    And he can’t get through his flap He eats and eats and eats,
    He just never seems to stop.
    And when we fill his bowl
    Not one morsel does he drop! His fur is very black
    With white bits on his face.
    But he spends most the time
    Curled up in his favourite place. He never runs around,
    Or sneak or pounce or jump.
    My big fat cat called Bod
    Really is a lazy lump!

  23. I really like Geography Lesson. It makes me want to travel the world when I’m older. I would recommend it to all people who have a slightly nutty teacher whom always talkers about he/herself!

  24. I really like geography lesson because he is really inspired by the teacher and it is quite heart worming.

  25. I like football chants I know they don’t count as poems but they sometimes bring out the same emotions!!!:-)

  26. The Poison Tree
    I was angry with my friend;
    I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
    I was angry with my foe:
    I told it not, my wrath did grow.

    And I waterd it in fears,
    Night & morning with my tears:
    And I sunned it with smiles,
    And with soft deceitful wiles.

    And it grew both day and night,
    Till it bore an apple bright.
    And my foe beheld it shine,
    And he knew that it was mine.

    And into my garden stole.
    When the night had veiled the pole;
    In the morning glad I see,
    My foe outstretchd beneath the tree.
    by William Blake
    I like this poem because it has feelings and thoughts.

  27. Touched by An Angel by Maya Angelou

    We, unaccustomed to courage
    exiles from delight
    live coiled in shells of loneliness
    until love leaves its high holy temple
    and comes into our sight
    to liberate us into life.

    Love arrives
    and in its train come ecstasies
    old memories of pleasure
    ancient histories of pain.
    Yet if we are bold,
    love strikes away the chains of fear
    from our souls.

    We are weaned from our timidity
    In the flush of love’s light
    we dare be brave
    And suddenly we see
    that love costs all we are
    and will ever be.
    Yet it is only love
    which sets us free.

  28. Grafton Primary School 15\10\15
    I really love the Jabberwocky because its made up and u get to express how much you want and have lots of fun !!!

  29. i have been inspired by my sister when she wrote this poem in a poetry slam about racism within society.


    discrimination alienation
    i am no different from you
    you no different from me
    yet you know the saying
    if your white your alight
    if your black stay back
    why do you hate me
    attack me
    misrepresent me
    the temptation to make me hurt
    your dedication to make me revert
    i am black so i must a criminal right
    i would do the unthinkable
    and it would be so bad its unforgivable and
    i would never get caught because in the dark am invisible

    i am black so i mush be a terrorist right
    no open your eyes you ignorant people and realise reality
    the voice of racism preaching your souls is devilish
    look at me long enough not to judge me
    you judge a book by its cover before you know the full story
    have you opened it
    read it
    understood it
    look at my hand are all my fingers the same no
    so why do you label and stereotype
    is it because your fairytale wont follow
    or is it because you think i wont tell

    By Fatima Aqiil

  30. i like willow tree from the film my girl

    Weeping willow with your tears running down,
    why do you always weep and frown?
    is it because he left you one day?
    is it because he couldnt not stay?
    on your branches he would swing,
    do you love the happiness that he would bring?
    he found shelter in your shade,
    we thought his laughter would never fade!
    Weeping willow stop your tears,
    there is something to calm your fears,
    you think death as you do forever part,
    i know he will always be in your heart!

  31. I think chocolate cake by Michael Rosen is really good and very funny, he also acts in his poems as well and I like that alot

  32. Like alot of other people i love Michael Rosen’s Chocolate Cake Poem and i also like Revolting Rhymes Roald Dahl as it’s VERY funny and gruesome.

  33. I also like ‘Granny’ by Valerie Bloom she actually came to our school and she was really kind and lovely and was very funny she really interacted with us, we all really enjoyed it.

  34. i really like the poem cats sleep anywere because cat’s are lovely animals and the poem describes my cat perfectly. The poem also makes me laugh.

  35. I like the poem the lady of shallot, its so upsetting but really powerfull. I especially love the paintings that go with it

  36. On a warm summers day
    I went to a pool, to relax, to have fun and to forget all of my worries.
    I saw a majestic blue fin soaring through the water.
    As I saw a mermaid scared in deep water I swam towards its watery lair.
    I swam closer and as I got closer it swam further away.
    It was like there was always miles between us.
    I put my hand out and it refused to go anywhere near me.
    I heard a sinister sound. I looked behind me, nothing was there.
    I looked back at the mermaid, it was nowhere to be seen…

  37. I like the poem ‘fast rode the knight ‘ because it shows you the different side of people . For example the knight at first is all brave and then you see the real side to the knight.

  38. this is a poem I wrote:

    O beautiful Pegasus in the breezy sky
    The handsome man took pictures of me
    Looked up, and saw me soaring in the sky
    One day it was silent the man came outside
    It was Halloween night
    He saw a Pegasus over there and over here!
    There was blood everywhere.
    The next day it was all silent..

    1. Hi Lorin,

      This looks like an interesting starting point.

      I wonder if you could make changes to this to make it more poetic?

  39. I really don’t like Fast rode the knight because it dosen’t make me feel anything but animals are humans treat them how you want to be treated.

  40. I don’t like this poem because a knight is suppose to save people and innocent animals not kill animals not stabbing 50,000 times with hot and reeking spurs.

  41. A horse blowing , staggering , bloody thing , Forgotten at foot of castle wall .
    A horse dead at foot of castle wall .
    The years has past but still years has past and I’m still in there , still in there .
    No one picked me up , only my phantom .
    What should I do , what should I do ?
    Fast rode the knight with spurs , hot and reeking, ever waving an eager sword , ” To save my lady !” Fast rode the knight, and leaped from saddle to war .

    1. Hi Julie,

      What an interesting idea to give a voice to the horse! Also I like the way you’ve changed the time scale.

  42. I like fast rode the knight because the author(Stephen crane) was trying to cause tension in the poem by making the reader think that the knight was the good guy but actually he wasn’t he left the horse behind to die.

  43. A horse,
    blowing, staggering, bloody thing,
    forgotten at foot of castle wall.
    A horse.
    As the horse rode on and on,
    dropped the knight
    and carried on.
    The blowing wind didn’t stop the horse,
    but as it kept on going and going.
    It was dead foot next to the castle’s great hall.

    As the knight was lying on the floor.
    In danger, as the enemy came charging.
    But his banner still waves in the blowing wind.

  44. I like the poem Fast Rode The Knight because it changes the mood of the knight and he is kind in the first half of the poem. whilst he was riding the horse, he was digging his shoes into the horse. the five dots separates the poem. in the other half, the horse drops dead at the foot of the castle due to the rider digging his shoes into the horse.

  45. I like to write poems about Michael Rosen because he is really fun to watch and also he is really funny!! Also Michael Rosen is really fun to watch because he is enjoyable!!

  46. I like the poem by Michael Rosen called ‘No Breathing in Class’ because Michael Rosen uses action which are really funny and they never get boring. I also like it that it is really laughable and funny.

  47. No breathing in class by Micheal Rosen is my favourite because I like how he takes quick breaths and always gets away with it and the teacher is also very strict. It says that classmates always get away with it and plop plop’ plop’ plop’ plop ‘all around him its very funny and that’s why I like it.

  48. I live the poem “Say This City Has Ten Million Souls” by W.H. Auden because it tells you how the jews from world war 2 felt.

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