All posts by Michael Walsh

Maamulaha Poet Laureate 2020

Congratulations to Kade Hammond from Robert Blair on their winning entry.

Hope is like a bird,
Flying fast and free.
Hope is like the wind,
Blowing endlessly.
Hope is like a cage,
Waiting to be opened,
And let it’s contents fly out and be free at last.

Hope is like a bird,
Sitting on a nearby bench,
Waiting for COVID to end.
So that it can finally,
Be fed.

Hope is flour,
Waiting to be made,
Into a cake of happiness.
Hope is like an acorn,
That has just dropped off a tree.

Hope is like life,
Lot’s of adventures.
Hope is like a person,
Trying to guess the right thing.
Hope is like a feeling,
That perches in the mind.
Dreaming of things,
That it might find.