16 thoughts on “Writing through Art Course

  1. this morning on my horse ride i saw people putting has on bird called a hawking and birds were ripping birds feathers off each over.a bird leaked out lots off blood but massive bird was getting chased by a smaller and they were clawring each over.but i felt sad for the birds and i saw a knight on a horse and it looked like the knight was going to help the injured birds.

  2. The sea is a big dog scary and mean.

    The sea is cold as ice berg in the artic.

    The wind is fling as hard as a plan crashing in the clouds high above heads.

  3. the men where scarde and the bots where beaking becase of the tunder the . the waves as bbig as a bot farlling from the sky .water splashing like a wale bell floping. sea howling like a wolf. a borrloe at sea .

  4. a dark dark sea with a dark dark sky the sea is a hungry dog the scariest thing might be a spider and thunder lightning the water was up to the sky. The ships is heavy like a bus and the weather s cold as my frezzer.

  5. the wave was strong as the volcano erupting . seas being cold as winter. people being scared with fear. the shark is an hungry shark he doesnt like winter. the waves crashed like a car crashing into a buliding .the men on the small boat are really scared . the men on the big boat was watching as if it was a men watching a tv

  6. the air was howling like a hungry wolf.
    the sea splashed the men away the storm gets bigger the men get more scared
    and the boats crashed with thunder .
    on the seaside It splashed with thunder
    Then the men started to wonder
    in the dark sky the clouds break and it started to rain
    then thunder and lightning rolling, through the sky rumbling and tumbling

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