Week 1 Old London Bridge

Hi all,

We hope you enjoy studying Old London Bridge.

Please post your writing, thoughts or any other work inspired by the painting.

Old London Bridge_De Jongh

126 thoughts on “Week 1 Old London Bridge

  1. I like the right side but I still think the bridge would be best for me! Too bad I can’t go swimming when it gets hot‍♂️

  2. I don’t know why but in the olden days the called old London Bridge but now we call it tower bridge so why did they have to change the name? It was totally fine for me

  3. Hi we have enjoyed the work we have been doing as estate agents and if we were to give someone the chance to buy a house we would tell them to buy a house on the right side (the better side) because they have better working pipes and there houses are more modern then on the left or the bridge. So that is our reason why you should buy a house on the north side. Choose your side. 😀

  4. HI all & year 4 ,
    I LOVED learning about this painting. And my most liked side was the north side because it is more healthy & clean.

  5. I loved this painting. I liked each side of the bridge and how it was separated into different parts. I liked in winter when they held fun fairs and ice skating on the Thames.

  6. The south side looks lovely because it has so much entertainment like the Globe
    theatre and houses are cheaper and so much fun.

  7. In year four this week, Grafton have been trying to advertise John Joseph Merlin’s inventions. I have chosen the gouty chair because I thought it was really cool how he made things for your joints, you should definitely do something like this at home because I personally thought it was absolutely amazing to learn about. We didn’t really advertise this, it was just for fun!

  8. I found this piece of art very interesting,if I could go back I would definitely do it again.
    I would live on the South side because it fun and its always good to has entertainment.

  9. In Jade class, we pretended to be Grafton Estate Agents and we were persuading people to live on a certain side of the river. So you tell me?
    What side of the river do you want to live on? The side the promises a better life and riches, or the Side that ❤️ cheaper housing and fun?

  10. In class we made estate agent sheets. I chose the right side because I like to have fun and open green spaces.I also made 1 for the left side .

  11. I would love to live on the south side of the river because there is lots of entertainment and lots of great fun.

  12. I really liked this picture because it shows a quiet and peaceful London. It looks very fun. I prefer the right side because it has lots going on and is more fun, it would be a great place to start a family out.

  13. We pretended to be estate agents in our school and did some persuading work.

  14. In year four we have been learning about old London Bridge we even done a assembly about it . In our work we’ve been pretending to be estate agents and we had to decide the left side or the right side i chose the left side . I’m so happy that this is organised for year 4, I’m so grateful THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  15. In our opinion the left side is better because it promises better life!in our class we pretended to be estate agents and we tried to sell a house in our favourite side.

  16. Hi,in our class we have been pretending we were estate agents! I would rather live on the left side because I could get a good job and have a good life!

  17. In year four Grafton, we have been learning about Old London Bridge. We have pretended to be Estate Agents and told people what side is best for them! If I were them, I would live on the North side because it’s more hygienic and I would have less chance of catching a disease. I enjoyed doing this piece of art and can’t wait to do the next piece!

  18. I really like Southwark but the bridge is better in my opinion! You get both sides which is cool! You also get the view which I also thought was clean. Nice for a panting!

  19. I would like to live on the right hand side because it is a quiet town and there would be less pollution. Also, there would be less criminal activities.

  20. I would prefer to live on the right side because it has less pollution and it is more calm and quiet. As well as that, you could buy objects for less money.

    1. I love the picture and I would like to live on the south side because it’s more fun,kind and more friendly.

  21. I would prefer to live on the right hand because it has a smaller population and it’s safer.

  22. London Bridge separates the right hand side from the left hand side. The left hand side is known as the city and is where affluent people live. However, the right side will have a better community spirit.

  23. I would prefer to live on the left hand side because there are many local and historic landmarks, such as: Tower Bridge, The London Eye and Big Ben.

  24. I like left because there are big , big houses and no rubbish on the streets.
    Also you can enjoy a luxurious boat ride on the clear ,shimmiring , diomond warter.

  25. Left is best because it has beautiful view’s. It also has some scenic boat rides that comes with fresh air, less crime and clean water unlike the right side. The right side Is stinky ,degaussing and it has dirty water. If I was u I would live in the left side because left is best!

  26. i understand there is theaters but you don’t deserve to live in a crime and dirty city how about take a enjoying boat ride to the theaters than walk across the london bridge.

  27. Left is best ! Left has all you need shimmering water , clean streets and fresh air the house are nice and stable people made them for you deserve you don’t desever living in a polluted and crime ridden place Do you? No

  28. I like the left side better because it more cleaner and the lake is fresh. I understand that the right side has theatres but you don’t have to live there. no I think the right side is better because its more cheaper and you can help poor people.

  29. I would recommend that you live on right side because it is not polluted. Also it is not smelly or has human waste in the lake.

  30. I would like to live on the right side because its peaceful and it has really huge houses. Also it does not have smelly lakes and small houses. I wouldn’t like to live on the left side.

  31. I would live on the left of the bridge because that side has fresh air, dazzling waters and clean streets. I would also live there because of the amazing view.

  32. I love left the best because you could take the most luxurious ride on a dream taking boat. And also you could go for a walk in the clean environment with fresh air. There are the most incredible houses in the world! Would you rather live on the bright side or hell? London bridge leads you to a lucky London life! So remember you will not regret that left is the best!

  33. The left side is better because the fresh air is clean and because it smells nice. Left is best!

  34. I would live on the left side because you can have majestic homes and fresh air which the right side doesn’t have. By the way you have a transport which is a boat while your on the boat you can put your hand in the fresh blue swaying water, you don’t have to walk on the London bride to get to the other side the boat will take you there in a more peaceful way. The right side is polluted with human waste you don’t want to live somewhere smelly or dirty do you?

  35. I think the left side is the best, because the houses are clean and bright. The people are happy and kind.

  36. If you live here on the left side you will never want to leave. There is so much space! You can even choose the colour of the house for free! You can go anywhere any time.

  37. The left side is very clean and rich so that is why it has clean environment and good hygiene! Remember left is best!

  38. If I was you I will choose the left side because it has fresh air and clean water. There is easy transport so you don’ t need to worry!

  39. Chose the left side because Firstly, you get a clean area to live in and secondly people who clean the area are caring people is beautiful on the left side.

  40. Left is Best! Affluent area, clean waters , spacious houses. I would live on the left side as it has a higher level of hygiene. It has more quality and has transport. I would prefer the left side as it is safe, it has way more space and to live in one of those houses would be like living in a dream.

  41. Hi!
    We want you to come to the left side.
    We announced not to long ago that Slavery To Royalty STOPS!
    We now prevent clean water, spacious houses and luxurious boats.
    I’m sure you are sick of your rat-infested and unfashionable house, aren’t you?
    Then surely you should be treated like all people on the left side.

  42. Heya!
    I would like to tell you about the left side.Picture this-wake up, see the golden ray of sunlight over the glittering sea(river Thames) ,sensational, mouthwatering food
    sweetening your taste buds.
    Slavery to Royalty stops now!
    We prevent clean water,spacious homes and luxurious boats

  43. I would live on the left because it’s more posh and even though the right has cheaper shops you can enjoy a scenic boat ride with the lovely veiws

  44. I would live on the left side because it is more safer for you and your family to live in.It also has an amazing view for you to see.So if you live on the left side you wouldn’t have to worry about anything.Thank you for listening.

  45. The left side is better because you get to enjoy an lusturous boat ride from the left side! Its more cleaner and richer.

  46. I like the left side better because the
    houses are humongous and it has a lot boats
    so we can go on it any time also they are clean water

  47. Hi. You might think the right side is better but actually the water is nasty. If you come to the left we will prevent clean water for you.The house are not crowded like the the right. The place is peaceful, spacious and modern. The boats are like beyond anything that you can imagine. The pillars are made from the finest marble.The walls are so shiny it can reflect just like a mirror. Are you sure you are gonna miss the luxurious time? If yes then i think you need more info!

  48. I think the left side is better because it looks richer and cleaner than the right side! Even though the left side costs more money than the right side it is worth it. Trust me you do not want to live on the right side. It has grimy air and filthy water!

  49. I like the North side for the houses are nicer. However, the South side is more fun because there is more space and more things to do. Perhaps I should live in the middle of the bridge?

  50. I think the right side is better because you wouldn’t have to spend a lot of money a and if spend loads of money you wouldn’t get to buy children food and clothes

  51. I would like to live on the right side because it is cheaper and it is more social and there is a lot of people to talk to.

  52. Something that I like about the right hand side is that people on that side people want to get more money as they are poorer members of society and impoverished so therefore it will be more relaxing, peaceful and quiet.

  53. As much as I love the south side for all the entertainment and cheep food but I also love the north side because of the posh stuff and nice houses.So i guess there are bad and good things about both sides so I would live on the bridge so i could go to either sides when ever.

    1. just imagine you and your family waking up and seeing London bridge with all its beautiful boats

      on the left side

  54. I like the silhouette of the arches in the water because it’s so detailed and precise and they have captured the bridge so well.

  55. I like it because it’s rather bright.In my opinion the south side is better because the food is cheaper and less posh.

    1. I believe that the bridge shows an awesome view on both sides and shows separation on the rich and poor.

  56. I like that the two sides are like army’s and the bridge is the ref

    I would live on the north side because of the money and the rich and posh houses and people

  57. From what i’ve learnt from the lesson I think it would be nicer to live on the south side of the river because there is more entertainment on that side.

  58. Hi I like the picture because it really showed London in the olden days.I picked south because the foods are cheep and it’s fun .

  59. I like this painting because it really shows how London was back in the day with the North and the South .I think that the North side is kind of the rich serious side and the South is more a relaxed poor side.

  60. Hey I am Nancy and I like this peace of art because it looks victorian witch I like. I would live on the south side because there would be nice FFFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD

  61. We like this painting as it’s very interesting to see what life was like 400 years ago.We would’ve liked to live on the south side because it was more entertaining and less posh than the north side. 😀

  62. hey guys were Ottie and Hester and we love art !! The reason we like this peace of art is because its like two army’s facing each other . we would like to live in the south side because it looks calmer and there’s less crime.

  63. I like the houses on both sides because they look quite nice and I like the shades of the sky and water.

    1. I think that the right side is better because the left is less posh and noeone likes
      something that is too posh

  64. this pictctureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is cool. there are three sections of the painting… there is the rich side , the poor side and the bridge in the middle………

  65. I like this painting because it shows how old the London bridge is. And I would live on the north side because of the fancy buildings. The London bridge got knocked down and now we have this one.

  66. I adore the shading of the sky , water and the detail of the houses on the north and south sides 😀

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