Week 2 Landseer

Hi all,

We hope you enjoy this week’s painting. It’s “Hawking in the Olden Times” by Landseer.

Please share your thoughts, writing and responses with us here.

KENWOOD THE IVEAGH BEQUEST “Hawking in the Olden Time” c1831 by LANDSEER Sir Edwin (1802-73) IBK 911

109 thoughts on “Week 2 Landseer

  1. I’m gutted people did this in the olden days! When I saw this I was like what is going on?! Now I realise it was two birds fighting and I’m super sad they trained Hawks to do it. What do you guys think? Is it cool or cruel?
    -Poppy Grafton
    <3 🙂

  2. I think Hawking is brutal! I can’t believe people actually did this! I feel sorry for the heron that would Tauren my stomach. I do really like the picture there’s so much detail!

  3. This just looks creepy like you wouldn’t wanna see birds fighting its disgusting

  4. I feel like hawking is a bad thing because it’s like five against one which is not fair because you know who’s going to win because the prey has no chance of surviving

  5. This must of taken years to paint this even decades it has so much detail they must of token there time

  6. We enjoyed looking at this picture and so did our peers. But when I saw the bird getting hurt I didn’t like it but I still like the picture. 😀

  7. I love the scene and the birds fighting also the prince shouting to his Hawk. I also liked show they blended the colours together.

  8. Ashmount Year 4 – A letter about Hawking Day – Inspired by Landseer

    Dear Father,
    Early this morning, I arose to the thundering sound of horses hooves outside my window. Then I remembered, of course, it was hawking day! I hastily pushed open my window only to see a troop of five jet-black horses. I hurriedly pulled on my clothes and ran frantically out the door.

    I jumped onto my horse, her mane was mercury and she was the silkiest pony I had ever seen, We started to ride up over the moors causing the wind to race through my hair , whipping my plaits around wildly. About halfway up, we spotted a lone heron anxiously flapping as the wind roared around it like an angry lion.

    Trust me, you do not want to be near a hawk it is an absolute mean machine. I found that out the hard way when I flung out my arm to release the beast. It felt as if it took hours to start, but then everything seemed to happen in a blur. The hawk’s eyes narrowed and then it dived for the heron. The two birds intertwined with each other. The hawk’s talons punctured the heron like a pin in a cushion. Sundenly, the heron dropped to the floor. BOOM!! We had one! So exciting.

    I cannot wait to see you again soon.

    Lots of love,
    Anne x

  9. I like this picture (art) because they added a lot of detail. It must of taken them days and days to finish it.

  10. I liked this painting because they used a lot of detail. It must of tooken him days and days for them to finish the picture(art).

  11. I liked this painting because it looks like the artist spent loads of time even doing the backround! I think Hawking is a bad sport because you’re killing innocent birds!

  12. I think that the fierce boy is going to save the poor, small bird from the big, scary angry hawk.

  13. I like the Landseer painting because he took a lot of time to create and use details and the bit I didn’t like in the picture is when he killed the bird.

  14. The horse is amazing because of the detail on his body and also the whole of the picture looks realistic.

  15. I really enjoyed learning about the hawk and the heron fighting, our class also named one of the men when we started to learn about it. It was a really good surprise to all of us when we found out it was a sport.

  16. Something I like about this painting is that the horse is protected by Charles so the villain couldn’t kill the beautiful, huge creature.

  17. This picture is amazing because it has a lot of detail and the artist has probably spent a lot of time and effort on it!!!!!

  18. You can see the man in the background with the white horse. It looks like he is trying to save the hawk from the other birds.

  19. i think the man in Armour is doing hawking with his hawk and there trying to kill the heron and but then he relies that bird is having a baby so now he trying to save

  20. I think the artist spent many days producing this amazing work , Man I wish I could draw like him.

  21. Something I thought about this painting is that the man that we called ‘Charles’ on the horse was protecting the huge creature and if you look very closely, in the colossal bird you can see an eye.

  22. I think the man is trying to kill the heron with his power full hawk and then he is trying to save because it has a baby with

  23. I think that the artist is showing you that he really didn’t actually like hawking because he has shown how gory and mean it is.

  24. Wow the painting is so detailed.
    I wonder what kind of tools he used to Paint it?
    This is such an interesting and intriguing painting

  25. I think the painting of the birds was painted well but i don’t like that the birds are fighting and hurting each other and the people find it entertaining.

  26. I think it was painted well but I don’t like the painting because the two birds are hurting
    each other.

    1. Hester, that’s interesting. I sort of like the painting. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like this painting?

  27. Hi, my name is Hana and i like this painting because it’s so strange and every character is so different 😀

  28. I don’t think Landseer liked Hawking as he painted this painting in a way that probably wouldn’t attract people. If Landseer did like Hawking he probably wouldn’t have painted blood because blood isn’t very attractive.

  29. Interesting observation by the artist he spent a lot of time and used lots of detail. I like prince Charles.

  30. I do not think that hawking is a very good sport because you are basically just killing birds.

  31. The hawk looks like its killing a heron In a dramatic way. And It looks like the man is saving the herons by killing the hawks.

  32. I like the Lanseer painting because the Heron has so much structured detail on its body. In addition, I really liked the different shades and hues he used.

  33. I like how Sir Edwin didn’t just focus on the birds. He focused on everything from the people’s clothes to the trees in the background.

  34. We really like this painting because Sir Edwin added a lot of detail.It must’ve taken the artist days to make this piece of art.Also we like the way the Sir Edwin has also added a very advanced background.

    1. Interesting observation. When you see the painting in the House you might be able to better guess how long it took to paint.

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