Caged Bird

Dear all,

We hope you enjoyed Dr Maya Angelou’s poem “Caged Bird”.

Please share your thoughts and responses with us here.

You can listen to the poem again below.

27 thoughts on “Caged Bird

  1. Hello my own version the caged bird tell me did got trapped by the cage by the doctor

  2. I really love this poem it is very beautiful , calm and emotional.❤️

    Here is my own version,I hope you enjoy it.

    A free bird leaps
    On the gigantic cyan sky,
    And floats above the glimmering water
    Till the sunset ends
    And dips his wing
    In the lush grass
    And dares to claim the land.

    But a bird that stalks
    Down his down his narrow cage
    Can seldom see through
    His home jail
    His wings are tired
    And his feet are doomed
    So he opens his throat to sing.

    The caged bird sings
    With a heart-broken trill
    Of the undiscovered
    But longed for still
    And his tune is heard
    On the tall hill
    For the caged bird
    Sings of freedom.

    The free bird thinks of another stream
    And the windy wind flys through the magnificent tree
    And the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn
    And he names the land his own.

    But a caged bird stands on the crushed dreams
    His shadow shouts on a rusty cage
    His wings are tired
    And his feet are doomed
    So he opens his throat to sing.

    The caged bird sings
    With a fearful trill
    Of things unknown
    But longed for still
    And his tune is heard
    On the other side of the land
    For the caged bird
    Sings for freedom.

    Thank you

    1. I’m really pleased you enjoyed the poem Molly. I think you can tell from your own poem which has some stunning images in it.

  3. A free bird leaps
    On the enormous blue sky
    and floats above the dark blue water
    till the water ends
    and dips his wing
    in the bright white clouds
    and dares to claim the wild
    But a bird that stalks
    down his narrow cage
    can seldom see through his anger
    his wings are a dark black shade
    and his feet are dark orange
    so he opens his throat to sing.
    The caged bird sings
    sings with a thrilling trill
    of things anonymous
    his long for still
    and his tune is heard
    on the radio
    for the caged bird
    sings of freedom.
    The free bird thinks of another bird
    and the nests through the dark green trees
    and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn
    and names the sky his own

  4. Dear, Micheal Walsh I really love Caged bird we did it on 12/10/20 Violet class have made they’re own versions Year 5 & they are amazing I can show my version. A free bird leaps
    On the ground
    And floats in the clear blue water
    Until the water ends
    And dips his wing In the Violet sky
    And dare to claim the free sky as his territory

    But a bird that stalks
    Down his narrow cage
    Can seldom see through
    His clear dark see through cage
    His wings are a dark shad of grey
    His feet is as fluffy cloud
    So he opens his throat to sing

    The caged bird sings
    With a tingly trill
    Of things he will do
    But longed for stilled
    His tune is heard
    On the green mountains
    For the caged bird
    Sings for freedom

    1. Hi Yahya,

      I’m so pleased you enjoyed Dr Angelou’s poem. I really like it too.

      Your poem is wonderful too with lots of memorable expression. I hope you feel proud of it.

    1. Thank you for your poem. It’s interesting to reduce the length of your poem and make it shorter. Your poem feels more like a short glimpse like an observation.

  5. I really liked this poem Because that the author doesn’t only talk about the caged bird the author talks about the surroundings and the free bird.

  6. a free bird leaps on the thin grass and floats the light air and dips her wing in the stream and dares to claim the nest above

  7. Hope is the thing with joy that perches in tree and sings the tune without the bell and
    never stops anymore and the sweetest bird is heard and sore must be the honey that
    could help the little bird,that kept so many loved ive heard the bird flap in the distance.
    sleeping on tree but no longer to heard the bird is alone with no sound and no tune no
    heart but soon the the little bird will become free

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