25 thoughts on “Sacred Heart

  1. HOPE

    The hope faded away
    turning into a pile of dust
    ever human being stepping on it
    not realising what it is

    But a glimmer of hope can be seen
    hiding behind a corner
    it is super tiny
    but would be really helpful

    you don’t know what this can do
    would I be able to see me family
    will COVID disappear
    will isolation be over
    will I be able to go Christmas shopping
    It will be a dream come true

  2. The hope for the future

    The free rabbit leaps
    from grounds to the grounds of grass
    for the end of the fluffy, bushy tail
    when it dances like an elegant ballerina

    However a cute rabbit that keeps fighting
    trapped between a cage that weighs more than ever,
    that is frightened
    his freedom has lost touch
    trying to bring hope
    his hopes and wills have been taken away

    But the trapped rabbit may have hope that comes before it
    the brightness glimmers in the eyes of it
    as memories fade into the past as the future comes nearer.

  3. Free deer

    The free deer racing through the woods
    As his little tail dances behind him

    But the deer that struggles under the heavy , grey bars
    Balancing upon his back
    Every move hurts
    His freedom stolen
    His hope lost
    His dreams crushed right in front of him

    But trapped the deer is
    Hope peaks above the horizon
    The light of freedom pulls him in
    As the darkness of the shadows slowly disappears
    Hope has been found
    The deer now prancing all around
    As happy as he’s ever been before
    The deer is free

  4. The trapped Nut-Cracker

    The free Nut-Cracker walks by
    Already dreaming about the day ahead
    Walking smoothly along the floor playing with his friends
    Who adore him very much laughs of laughter now ends
    Till dear Nut-Cracker goes to bed

    But the lonely Nut-Cracker waits near the window wishing one
    Day someone will make him free
    Days after days losing hope while the Nut-Cracker
    Is being hurt by his shop friends
    Till it’s the end of the day the shop is closed the Nut-cracker
    Rests his head on the wall

    Still the Nut-Cracker hopes
    Coming closer and closer day by day people come
    Spot his innocent face nearer and
    Nearer watching the shops till come
    The Nut-Cracker keeps dreaming full of hope.

  5. Children

    A child happy playful peaceful
    A free child especially
    Joy and endless imagination
    And full of hope

    A child in isolation
    Is locked up trapped from the world
    His freedom stolen
    And nothing left but a sea of emptiness
    Hopes and dreams crushed

    But as much as the child
    In isolation may be there’s light at the end
    Of the tunnel
    a glimmer of hope
    A vaccination
    Children and adults can be
    Set free from their cage into the hopeful world

  6. The free dog barks happily
    From barks to grass
    As his sharp teeth
    Shine like a glimmering star

    But a caged dog calls for help
    His helpless whines heard from afar
    Can barely move
    His soul gone
    His legs trembling
    All his dreams and hopes are shattered

    Though it is trapped,hope shines in the distance
    The light of freedom consumes him
    As the shadows disappear
    Hope arrives again

  7. The isolated people.

    As the free people roam
    they travel through major city’s and towns
    driving and walking place to place to stay

    But many people that struggle for freedom
    have their hope beaten up by the shadows and thrown away
    as their eyes catch every glimpse but
    as they think, they remember the lives that despair has taken and
    the pile of souls that lies under my hopeless body
    and I think of my dreams, GONE.

    But in a corner I see hope glistening,
    very small but insanely powerful
    and as I reach for it, it inflames me
    and I sense hope coming back
    my greatest dreams are retrieved.

  8. The bunny’s hope shines through

    The free bunny pounces and hops
    Around in the vast fields and plains
    As the tip of its pink nose
    Turns into a rose colour
    In the incoming of spring

    But the bunny that struggles
    In a dark gloomy cage
    Is where it lays, feeling trapped and alone
    Its freedom fading away
    And can barely see a glimmer of light

    But the bunny trapped as can be
    Hope still shines in
    Freedom pulling it in its gloomy cage
    while the light shone through the shadows
    And could feel the warm sunlight, through its cage bars

  9. A dog isolated from the outside world

    A dog that runs
    In the forests green,
    Splashing in the clear waters
    Till the sun falls
    The dog knows of an early morning walk
    and with shining eyes glistening in the moonlight,
    he goes to his family,
    with a face so bright as the dog happily runs

    But a dog that’s enclosed
    In a kennel so dark
    Shadows cover the dog
    As he watches the sun fall,
    through the bars of his kennel
    he slowly looks and waits
    His feet are tied,
    he pulls for freedom,
    and whines to leave.
    He barks all day and cries all night.

    But the dog, enclosed in the kennel
    Still watches, he can still see the light at the end of the tunnel, pulling harder than ever,
    As the shadows fade away
    and the dog watches a figure walk in,
    He knew that he would never lose hope again

  10. HOPE

    The happy memories come back to mind
    and rewind itself from time to time.
    The joyful faces and never ending laughs
    all of that was in the past.

    But a figure that’s fed up and tired
    stays under its roof like a sleeping lion.
    Looks through its pictures, looks into the past
    then they ask themselves “how long will it last?”

    They wonder and wonder for such a long time
    soon they realise hope is on the line.
    They rapidly jump in glee
    hoping they’ll see their family.
    They dream about what will happen in the future
    when it is finally over.

  11. The people need hope

    The free people play all day
    enjoying the fresh air at the beach
    the vast grass so tender
    all the people having fun
    they don’t think of the danger that awaits them

    Later all the people trapped wondering what happened
    looking from their window
    all they can see is the vast grass so tender
    just as always but no one can play on it
    they need a saviour .

    Now a person having to be inside won’t always stick
    but a glimpse of hope hides at the horizon
    this could be the saviour that the people need
    as hope starts to fill the land
    the Christmas vibe comes back
    and maybe the people can enjoy the snow
    all because the vaccine we needed has come.

  12. Hope

    The free squirrel pounces
    from tree to tree
    as the tip of his furry tail
    hop’s on leaves and dance’s

    But another squirrel struggle ‘s
    under the bar that weighs atop
    can barely move
    his hope gone
    his leg’s lost
    his dreams are crushed

    But the trapped squirrel
    see’s a little light shineing
    that give him hope
    and pull’s him up from the cage
    as the shadow fade’s away.

  13. The hope awaits

    The free fish eats his seaweed
    In peace as it’s baby is
    Whining as it is hungry

    But in another world there is
    A fish which is suffering
    ,who can barely move
    His fins are lost his family is gone
    All his hope is gone

    This fish may be
    Trapped but he looks
    Over the window cill
    Into the horizon as he
    Realises there is still
    Hope to seeing his
    Family and friends
    For Christmas

  14. The Beauty Of Hope

    The tree branches sway from side-to-side,
    The birds perch on roofs to watch the Sun rise,
    The tine, little mouse squeaks as it runs,
    The strong, bold eagle squawks as it hunts.

    But as the window dirties,
    Our vision fades,
    And isolation takes all the beauty away,
    The sky loses it’s beautiful blue tint,
    And at sunsets, it is grey rather than orange and pink.

    But trapped we may be,
    And caged we may feel,
    Devastation and dismay are no longer at our heels,
    Hope does still here thrive,
    And it is creeping back in to our hearts,
    The light of freedom is visible,
    Happiness is not very far.

  15. Hope

    The free eagle fly’s away happily to freedom
    and party’s like it never has before,
    Hums happily and excitedly fly’s around the hill of freedom

    But a eagle that peers
    Over his massive cage that weighs double his weight
    and sees the light of freedom
    through the bars of his cage
    Where he wishes to be freed,
    His dreams and hopes are nearly crushed
    But if only he could get saved out of this horrendous cage,
    He would be happy
    for now he would be miserable
    as his hopes get destroyed.

    But however the eagle may be trapped,
    there is tiny hope for this caged eagle
    he sees the light of freedom
    and keeps this powerful hope he has
    and try’s to use it
    To make sure he can get helped by somebody

  16. The Nature of Hope

    The free monkey leaps
    From vine to vine
    As the tip of its furry tail
    Dances like a ballerina

    But a monkey that struggles
    Under the cage
    That weighs atop his head, like a burden
    It seldom moves
    Its freedom lost
    It’s heart shattered, with no hope

    Though being trapped, the monkey believes
    that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that hope is coming soon,
    as its life feels more hopeful.

  17. FREE DOG
    The free dog wanders
    Under the mammoth cars
    As the end of its fluffy ears
    Running like a wolf

    But a dog thinking about its last walk
    THEN…BOOM the dog gets trapped in a wooden box
    Its feet trembling and voice fading into the glimpse of the galaxy

    But the dog still tried
    He knew his hope was near
    He could feel it
    as the nightmares of giving up left his body
    As he finally escaped the wooden box

  18. COVID-19 vs HOPE

    It is hard to believe
    hope is round the corner.
    That covid-19 is going to fade.
    That everyone will be happy and merry
    when a vaccination is made.

    Whoever is reading this, I hope you agree
    that lockdown has killed us all.
    Not going out, being so dull
    has almost made my hope fall.

    I really hope this virus will leave
    so we can live a normal life.
    I wish that hope will save us all.
    So we can see our friends and family
    and celebrate with a festive feast,
    to a vaccine that saved us all.

  19. Hope will never fade away

    Some say that hope for 2020 is lost
    That this year has defeated us and will go down as one of the worst
    But hope can’t be lost no matter how far away you think it is.
    This virus has trapped us we feel like we’re in some sort of cage.

    With hope just over the horizon
    One day we will do back to our normal lives
    And lift some of the pressure of the shoulders of our amazing key workers
    If everyone follows the rules and listens to the government
    The virus will be killed and we will all be jolly and thankful to the ones who saved us.

    Christmas can be saved As long as everyone knows hope is coming to brighten up our lives,
    We will soon enjoy a cheerful future and once a vaccination is found we may all become immune
    So to anyone reading this then please just know that hope and love are coming to enlighten your days.

  20. The people in Isolation

    As the free people roam,
    they travel through major city’s and towns
    driving and walking place to place
    like an animal searching for a place to stay

    But many people that struggle for freedom
    have their hope beaten up and thrown away
    as their eyes catch every glimpse but
    as they think, they remember the lives that despair has taken
    and the pile of souls that lies under my hopeless body
    I think of my dream GONE.

    But in a corner I see hope glistening,
    very small but insanely powerful
    and as I reach it, it inflames me and
    I sense hope coming back
    my greatest dreams are retrieved

  21. Hope
    The free monkey leaps from tree to tree
    feeling the soft breeze
    as its fury feet
    stomping wildly like a deadly beast

    But a monkey that crouches
    around his small cage
    can barely move
    his freedom has been taken away
    his arms crushed
    his dreams and hopes have drowned

    But trapped the monkey can be,hope is never lost,
    the glimmer of freedom pulls on him
    the shadows have been banished to a place where no one can find it,and hope rises again.

  22. HOPE

    A lion pounces, catching its prey
    But the deer feels utter dismay
    And when all is lost
    A pillar of hope
    Helps it the most
    With this new found hope
    It wriggles fearfully
    From captivity
    And darts freely
    No where to be seen

    But as the lion returns home
    A pillar of hope appears once more
    And with hope on its side
    It goes hunting
    And comes back
    With lunch to eat

    And both are happy
    No danger awaits
    With hope on their sides.

  23. HOPE

    A trapped man looks upon his shadows that covers the light to freedom
    From the moment the door is shut, people hang on to their dreams but are forced to let go
    Hopes have gotten low and the future is unknown

    A free man climbs up his drams, higher than ever before
    A free man looks to the future with a bright light pulling him above his limit
    A free man leaves his struggles behind and finally achieves his goals

    A trapped man finds a light through the shadow that stops him from hanging onto his dreams
    His shadow is left behind as the doorway to freedom shines at him
    As shadows can no longer hold him back

  24. Hope and Isolation

    Isolation keeps me trapped inside,
    Preventing me from seeing my family,
    Working and thriving.
    She makes me miserable and desperate.

    Stuck inside, losing all communication,
    No signs of festiveness or joy.
    And with no pay, many more struggles appear.
    Shops closing, nothing more can go wrong,
    Her rules hold me down.

    But Hope is peaking through the window,
    She is here to help.
    Teaching Isolation to end her wrongs,
    And begin her rights.
    Shops open up, hope takes over.
    And families met once again.
    Hope is a saving grace…

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