Week 1 Old London Bridge

The first painting you are studying is “Old London Bridge” by Claude de Jongh.

Please share your thoughts, writing and creative responses to the painting below.

KENWOOD THE IVEAGH BEQUEST “Old London bridge” 1630 by Claude DE JONGH (active 1615 died 1663) IBK 952

150 thoughts on “Week 1 Old London Bridge

  1. Looking for a cheep house to buy? Do you want to live in London? Why live on the South side it’s the best! You can have a short view of the sunset, lovely rooms and a nice cup of hot tea. You can go to the lovely theatrers right next to your home! And you can visit the spikes with heads. why choose North? Buy now!

  2. want a new house? well come over to south side,its sunny, and cheap! so come over to get a new house, it has a theatre! so come on over now!

  3. want a place to live?
    the north side could help you see the beautiful sunset and enjoy the boats going past the bridge

    want to go on the south side? the south side has cheaper houses and if u ask for money on the north side they might say ok

  4. want a place to live?
    the north side could help you see the beautiful sunset and enjoy the boats going past the bridge

    want to go on the south side? the south side has cheaper houses and if u ask for money on the north side they might say ok.

  5. i will coes the nrso sidei giue my neginbours some food and money and you can see your hous rich hous y can see the vinand bueron and suss like y can see the best vinin the toue richhous

  6. Are you looking for a good place to buy? I think you should live on the South Side of old London bridge so you can afford houses and you should still have enough money for food and a Shakesphere play in The globe theatre! If you live on the North Side you will run out of money when you purchase a house. On the South Side you will have more sunlight and you will have the best view of the heads of criminals. Well? Buy before it’s to late!

  7. Do you want new living arangements?Well come to the north side of old London bridge were you can enjoy the beutifull sun set from your bowkinee and your window and enjoy a nice lay down in your 5 star bed .Plese By Now!

  8. Do you want to live live in London but don’t no where we;; you should live on the south of London you can enjoy the sun every day (that is if you like the sun) but you can enjoy the thearters with Drama,emotion that will fill you with joy . you can lounge on the river Them’s(es) bank mabey even have coffe or tea mabey even meet up with a friend and have some food . and that’s the end of my suggestion to live on the south side of old london bridge

  9. Are you looking fora house?I think you should live on the south side of old London bridge you can be closer to the theaters and your house would be cheaper with more sun light from the windows.you can see a view of the rich peoples houses on the north side of the river.You can just go outside to the sandy river bank and you can see the river as you walk down bank.

  10. I would live on the poor side because if i was poor no burgelrs would want to rob me.
    i would live on the poor side because i get a view of sun,rich house, and see the river and closer to theiters.
    i would live on the poor side because even if i was poor i could cross the bridge carfuly cross the bridge and beg for money food and clothes.

  11. Looking for a cheep house to buy? Do yo want to live in London? why live on the South side of Old London Bridge its the best! You can go to the lovely theatrers right next to your home! And you can visit the spikes with heads. why choose North? Buy now!

  12. maybe it will be better if you get a house on the south becuase u can enjoy looking out people ride on boats do you need somewhere to live maybe it will be better living near the london bridge your closer to the shops and were you can work to get richer and roads to drive and toy shops maybe the house might be cheaer becuase there will be people who work to clean the river south and buy there own boats to ride with and freinds and if you have family you you can its very sunny ask your freinds and neigbours to have sleepovers with your family that you know but you can use the the bridge to the north side to go to the shops and aford more money to get some more stuff to buy and decorate your new home.

  13. do you need somwhere to live we can ask are neighbour for some money to get food some more we can ask are neighbour to come to the move fiter with us we ask are neighbour to come see the sun set we can buy food to eat we can run in are old garden to exsasis to be helfey and rilly fit now

  14. Are you looking for a beter sun set if so? You shood live on the north side of old london bridge. The bildings are tall so you can see a wondfol sun set . You wood be closer to the river to get a Quick river bot to the south side where you can enjoy the theyters. and meat new friends and nice nabers and no sem of smel.

  15. I going to london I am live north london 5 year”s later I see london bridge and tower bride. I see boat hes people clean the river he empty drink milk am in water juice plastic cardboard am in paper.1 year”s later tower bridge he fall in down and london bridge fall in down 10 year”s later I see shop”s hes and I see aperment houses river bank better views of london move money to do things better views un taller, bigger house

  16. Are you looking to live in a house? i think you should live on the south side because you can see more sun light from your window .you can see better view from the rich houses and its more cheaper to live and you are closer to the theater

  17. are you looking for a home? i thick you should live on the north side you can see the river thamas easy access to the boat your nighber we be azsome
    ! and love nicer and your coat

  18. Are you looking for a house ? I think that you should live on the south side of old London bridge because the houses will be cheaper to buy and you will be able to watch the theatre .plus there is beutifull sun shine to relax in sun all day.

  19. are you stuck for somwhere to live mabe on the south side becaues if you had a garden you will be in the sun If you where on the south side you will get to go to the thieter if you go on the south side becaues your houes will be a cheper houes the noth side if you are on my side you wil get to bilue your your home more biger houseis you can see the sunset . i what to live on the south side becaues where are poor so the rubers cant get are stuf

  20. do you wanna move south or north i wanna move because the house mite be alot cheaper.And you can the best!!!!! sunlight on the south because you will be very lower.But you would not have a great view.And you will be close to the theatre than the north would be and no people would’ent to steal from you but you would be far from the river bank .Do you want to move hear i do yesssssss!!!!

    1. Thank you Harry. You make a convincing case to move to the south. Can you think of downsides to living on the south in this period?

  21. I like the design of the houses in the bridge. I like the fact how the house has pikes, with heads sticking on! I find the photo really amazing!

  22. The really really scary thing is the peoples heads on the pipes because you broke the law it will definitly stop you from breaking it!

  23. The river is so disgusting the poo inside the river if you were to go swim in there you will come out very sick or not come out.

  24. Hi my name is Methaq and by the way the picture was so good you added lots of good details I was fascinated to see them you are really a good painter .

  25. The thing I really like about it is that it’s very realistic and detailed but I don’t agree that the colours are a bit plain and bland.

  26. I honestly had mixed feelings about the “Old London bridge” ,even though it is probably the #1 most detailed painting I have ever seen the severed heads were severely GRUESOME !!!!!!!!!! (Poor people!)

  27. You are the best painter in the universe everyone must like your painting I wish i was a great painter like you

  28. Hi my name is Faris and I am really amazed how good this art is and it made me interested because there are buildings on top bridges

  29. Hi I really like the painting.It was really scary when I saw the heads on pikes! It taught me a lesson not to go in there..but overall it was really good!

  30. Hey did anyone see on the left hand side on the burnt big looking building theres’s a balcony, There’s a pot with plants on it

  31. I didnt like the grusome heads on top of the spikes my favourite part is the london tower did you now it was built as a defence system

  32. did u see the shiny gold boats with a bright big cover there is dead wealthy people in there i bet your wondering what wealthy means it mean your very rich.

  33. This artist is really talented! They even did it before paint brushes were invented. My favourite part is the water because i think it brings a really important part to the painting and it really makes me imagine it in real life. 🙂

  34. I love this picture it shows me all of London in really good detail and the guy that made this does not even live in London

  35. did anybody notice were boats and a red box on top of it and there is such a big difference of the london bridge before and now

  36. Did anyone notice there was a tower behind the bridge and the buildings? Did anyone notice that the buildings where on top of the bridge? It REALLY scared me when I saw the heads on top of spikes.It’s horrifying! It’s scary! Did anyone notice that the funeral was on the boats?

  37. did you know that on the paritning there was poniting thingson the house so why pepole were wakning in londen so it woud scareqr them sio they would do crimes

  38. did you know there is a house with spears to make people scared so they never do crimes again there is a a jail behind the panting that is so terrified ahhhh. i would never do a crime becaus i never want to go to jail .

    1. That’s right Kaneiss. It’s a funeral barge carrying a dead body across to city of London for burial.

  39. I love how you made the painting so realistic, it’s feels so real. I love how the bridge houses have gaps because the houses caught on fire.

  40. I was surprised when with the heads on spikes to warn people to not to brake the law and i like your painting.

  41. I was surprised that on top of London Bridge there use to be houses and that there are gap because some burned down. My favourite part of the painting is the boat with the red cloth.

  42. This painting is really beautiful. I like that there is a reflection of the bridge in the river and I am also surprised that there is heads on spikes! I love that the boat has only colour paint on it too. The bridge has arches that I think is very nice.

  43. The painting is amazing! It looks really realistic! I was fascinated when I first saw it. I love the fact you painted London Bridge and my favourite part of the painting is London Bridge because houses were built on top of it. And the water was reflective! WOW!

    1. Hi Mason. Yes it is shocking but it was a warning to anyone entering London that crimes would not be tolerated.

  44. The painting is amazing! And it looks so beautiful. The boat was the only colour I saw. My favourite part was the water. It looked so amazing . It filled up my heart . It was brilliant . I bet everyone will love so much and fill there heart up.

  45. I was surprise when there were houses on top of the bridge. Also, I liked it when the barge had lots of colour and the colour was very pretty /cool.

  46. I love how the painter has made it very detailed and realistic and he made only the barge that was coloured and I didn’t know there was a side for the rich and a side for the poor people and I didn’t know there was squashed houses.

  47. I found the picture satisfying because it had so much detail about burnt down house’s . it has beautiful boats coloured. I love the spikes to warn criminals not to rob or they will be punished the same . My favourite part of it was to see that the boat had colours .

    1. Thank you Abdurahman. Yes the boat really grabs our attention. How do you think the painter achieves this?

  48. Come and live in the affluent and safe City of London. Since this side of the River Thames is better and more safe, you should come live here . Why wouldn’t any one live here?

    As well as this, the City of London is full of entertainment and in Southwark you will only see chopped heads on spikes . If there is a fire in City of London, you will be safe but in Southwark you will be burnt to ashes.

  49. Wouldn’t you love being in the city of London? You should, because you would love being in a nice big building and not being chopped up if you commit a crime. If a fire appears you will be safe but in Southwark your whole house would dissolve. Southwark has theatres but the City of London has the globe! For all these reasons, we want you to be in the City of London.

  50. ​Come and live in the affluent City of London because when you see the Globe it is amazing and I’m sure you will love William Shakespeare’s plays.

    You should see their powerful resources that will keep you very safe in a fire at City of London!​

    As well as this, the houses are made of strong, comfortable stone and very, very well constructed and handmade.​

    Why don’t you want to come to City of London?​

    1. Thank you Fowzia. Remember the Globe was in Southward and this wasn’t actually in the City of London at the time. The City of London was the walled area on the right of the painting.

  51. It would be wonderful if you come live in the City Of London​, no more worrying about fire hazards or limited resources. Our incredible, inflammable cobblestone house will keep YOU safe no matter what!

    I’m sure you like entertainment, although you may be thinking ”But Southwark has lots of theatres” and you’re correct, it does, but the City Of London has the fantastic Globe, where all diffrent types of preformers perform.

    As well as this, the very affluent City has lots of landmarks such as the Tower Of London​, which you can visit TODAY!!!

    Why wouldnt you want to move here​?

  52. You should live in The City of London. Due to the greater resources there are​ much more money and houses are constructed better. And the area is more safe and cleaner with lots of food. Wouldn’t you want to live in The City of London? We have lots of beautiful tall buildings and areas to explore. The City of London has fun entertainment and less creatures sneaking into your home. Because your home is made from strong stones while the other side has wooden homes and could easily get caught alive in a fire and that’s why YOU should live in The City of London.

  53. The Cit​y of London has amazing land marks and is more populated and nice and you have more food and water. We have more nice buildings and people. You will be safe in the City of London. They have many jobs to offer like guards and bakers and teachers.

  54. I dont think, I know, you would love to come live in the city of london.​ Due to the greater resources on this side of the River Thames, you would love to live here. There will also be no food loss and buildings that are safely constructed with very safe and strong, suitable materials.

    As well as this, in the city of London there is a theatre called the Globe where people from all around the world come to peform fantastic plays that are a great use of entertainment. Also in the city of London there’s better sanitation and it is harder for fires to start since the buildings are made out of stone. On the Southwark side the buildings are made out of horrible materials like wood. As well as this, in the city of London there’s the fortress which is the Tower of London. Since this is on this side you might feel a bit safer because of the importance of it.


  55. you should live on the left side because you get higher views! and more nicer furniture and less crime so why not? thats better right?

  56. want to have bigger houses then come to the north side besides if you got to the south theres only a theatre and you have to stay there 2 4 7 and get bored of it and bigger balconies so what are you waiting for come buy Now!

  57. You should live in the middle of the brige and let me tell you why.First you will be near to the thearters pubs and other things . Seacond why would you not? Also you can see your friends. . . . . and you will have so much fun! Is safer because you are on a brige at the same time you will play out all the time also you will have a beautifull view

  58. You should live in the city of London because there are rich buildings, which are professionally constructed and safe. There is the amazing landmark the Tower of London, not far away. If you take a quick walk over the bridge there’s the William Shackespear’s play, which is the best thing in the world. If you like rich and fancy houses, well come on over here. Do you want the best house in the world? If you are rich then come over. The south side is where the poor people live. The city is fantastic and you will get a fancy living if you buy a house in the city. Why don’t you purchase a house in the north/the city of London, you are missing out on a very fancy house, a fortune and the best life ever?

  59. you should live on the richer side because the houses are made out of stone so that means its wont catch on fire easily and on the the poor side the houses are made out of wood do you want to live in a house that doesnt catch on fire easily?And on the richer side you can see the tower of London wich is so cool.And you would not like to live in the bridge because when theres a earthquake the bridge might fall and the water freezes the water so on winter its really cold.Do you want to live in a place where its hot and cozy?! And thats why you should live in the richer side its may not have a theatre but its nice,hot and cozy!

  60. You should live in the southwark because they have tavens and theatrer. It is good to have a theatrer because you can see funy plays and it is also good to have tavens because you can meet people . It is good to make friends at the taven so then you can meet them again. Why not try the southwark you will have an extraordinary view!? Do you want to watch the beautiful sunset?

  61. You should live in th Soutwark youcan make friends and to make community. you can mover things inside. You get agood view of it the water is not near to you but you have small room but is good to have the city of London the water is near to it but the the soutwark and it cheep to buy it near to go to overst house

  62. You should live in southwark because even though this part is poor you can meet friends theres more of community and you have theaters .In fact there are pubs also on this side houses are cheaper!Do you want to seethe spikes head and its esyer to go to the bridge.On the other hand(city of London)you dont have a door but you can see tower of London.So why dont you travel now?Theres lots of light. So why dont you see the sunset?

  63. You WILL like the rich side because you will get lost of money near to the poor side you will not like to live on the poor side

  64. You should live in the City of London because you feel more secure with the tower of London so near to you! In addition you wouldn’t have walk on the so narrow bridge all the time. You would probably be rich too! Your house would be made of stone so worrying about fires would be less your thing than the south side people, not only are the houses are made of stone but are constructed especially to stop fires spreading. Also on the south side you would probably be robbed all the time do you really want that to happen?

  65. You should live in the Southwalk because it is not directly on the water and you might meet more people like you.You could also get a boat right out side your house! Do you want a cheap house?Why not come and live at the Southwalk. If you like the sun and having lovely food then this place is the right place for you. You and your friends can come and enjoy the lovely sun and come and have a lovely picknick and it is great for the famaly. Althow the houses are made out of wood you can still have a great time!!!

  66. you shold live in the south walk becuse we have theaters and tavans and were a comunity .the houses are so cheep and the peapole are so nice. the peapol on the ofer side are rich and greedy and youl never get borde.

  67. You an the city of London because you can live safer than other place’s and you can ride boat’s every time you go out. If you live on the bridge you will fall into the river Thames and if you live in the city of London you can relax.The rich side is good so you children don’t have a bad influence by seeing dead head’s on spike’s. Have a good influence buy now for only £100.99 when you buy this house you will be warm drinking hot choclate watching movies so do you want this kind of life? buy now.

  68. Undoubtedly you must live on the city of London.it has an unbreakable structure made out of stone.You,customer will have the view of your life.Why choose not.Because you Sir/madam are near the streets of the seventh bridge to cross over Thames. All you will hear is music that make the nerves stress free . so what do you think? 5P(buy now)

    1. Thank you Bille. Yes the city of London houses were made of stone which was very important given the Great Fire of London.

  69. you should live on the cheap part of London, garrente you! It has a cozy home and glistening water! unlike the unlikeable and unworthy house. and instead of waisting a bunch of money you cand save money and have a path walk so you don’t have to row a boat and stuff like that! So what are you waiting for? buy the best house! totally worth the wait.

  70. hello there

    i heard that you were looking for a place to stay,? well i got just the thing for you. Do you see that bridge over there. At the bridge,you will see..some spectacular views of… birds singing and while they are singing you can relax and look at the window and meet friendly people.But before you say booorrriingg hear me out!!! you can get your friends to be your roommate if you want to!!! together you can listen to streat mucic . Oh let me tell you about city of london is horrible because thats were the rich people live everything is soo expencive and south soutwark is soo cheep and evreything breaks and the bridge is cheep but barly breaks!!!!

  71. Hi my name is samara and i really like this because it interesting and butiful this most of took a very long time

  72. You should luiroe the city London because wen you need to go to the shop you can just get on a boat because you can go on a boat ride. The bridge doidig strgs .

  73. This morning i went to a ride through the very masive country side.When i was riding on my horse i went across and i saw so many birds.they were having a big fight there was a hawk that started to drip some blood beacuse they were ripping the birds skin.i was so confused how it could of started.

  74. “Old London Bridge” by Claude de Jongh​
    Come and live in the affluent and safe City of London. Since this side of the River Thames is better and more safe, you should come live here . Why wouldn’t any one live here?

    As well as this, the City of London is full of entertainment and in Southwark you will only see chopped heads on spikes . If there is a fire in City of London you will be safe but in Southwark you will be burnt to ashes.Would you like to live in the affluent side or destitute?

  75. The old London Bridge is very dark and lost many bricks. There are gaps between the house that are there because the roofs of the house are made out of straw and fire catches on to it and burns the houses.

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