39 thoughts on “Creative Writing 2: Wolf Wilder

    1. Thanks Toby – how about the girl in version 1, who lived in the burnt out castle. Did she seem different?

  1. A is the beginning and b is the end because a is describing her room and it is like they are going to be describing more.

    1. So, you think she starts in the burnt out castle and ends up living in the wooden house in the forest. What happens in between, do you think?

  2. she is like a princess who is full with a dark heart but instead if living in a castle eating royal food, she livs in a ruined tower eating stews.-this is abit like rapunzel without a dark heart.

    1. How interesting, Anaiah. What do you mean by a ‘dark heart’? I like the analogy you make with Rapunzel who was trapped. Is this girl trapped in her tower? And why does her story end in the wooden house in the forest?

  3. She is a girl that is Russian that lives in a wooden house made out of timber taken from the surrounding forest and haves a temper that is dark and stormy .

    1. Thanks Dylan. How is the girl in Version 1 different, do you think? And which is the beginning and which the end of the story?

  4. I think that A is where she used to be and B is where she is now. In the middle, maybe her family or the people who live in the castle with her were treating her badly, and she could’ve been happy and joyful before but now when they treat her bad, it made her dark and stormy. I also think that she wanted to run away, but her family found out and kicked her out, that’s why she is out in the forest.

    1. Thankyou Andrei. I wonder how you reached the idea that she ‘could’ve been happy and joyful.’ Maybe you could share the clues you used to make this inference? Are there similar clues in version B that she will be happier in the forest? You really should read the book now you have mapped your one story arc!

    1. Thankyou – is there any suggestion of a change in her character from one passage to the other?

  5. i feel that b is the beginning and a is the end as to me b tells me more about her life whereas a is more describing where she is

    1. Thankyou – that is an interesting way to think. Do you think the description of the setting in A suggests she is happier than the life she has in the forest?

  6. B is the beginning and A is the End because at the start she lives in a Timber house and gets sad/ stormy easily because of her situation. She turns things around and perhaps becomes a princess living in a castle but it still close to her roots when she lived in the Timber house

    1. Interesting – so you see signs that she is happier and calmer in her castle in Passage A – even though it is black on the outside? I love the idea she is still ‘close to her roots’ What were the signs in the passage that suggested this?

  7. I think that b is the beginning and a is the end as in passage b it talk more about her background and about what got her into this mess

    1. Interesting logic, Yousef. So what is it in passage B that got her in to the mess of the burnt black castle, do you think?

  8. I think b is the start because with an opening paragraph to a book it gets described more also if a was the start then she would have a massive down grade on her house, this story also seems to be a bit like a fairy tale because it start once upon a time and in fairy tales it always and better so she would end in a castle even though it’s burnt it would also keep the winter air away if not better considering a castle is made for royalty who live in perfect conditions

    1. Thankyou. So you see to be suggesting this is fairytale like – but the burnt castle infers an imperfect kind of fairytale?

  9. I think that the story is about two girls that are kind of the same but kind of not and have a dark stormy temper but only when necessary

    1. I would love to hear how you think they are different from the details we are given. Both dark and stormy but the difference is…

  10. At first I wasn’t sure but then I thought that B was the start and A was the end because at the start of the of it the girl and her mother had a really small house and not such a happy life but in B they live in a castle and have a lot more things and in the middle something good might happen and change there lives

    1. I’m interested that you see the castle as a happier place for them to be, even though burnt black on the outside. Also that you can sense the story in between is life changing. I wonder what has led you to that?

  11. I think B is the beginning and A is the end because maybe she started off in the log cabin and her adventures eventually lead her to the castle which she then claims as her home. The story is called ‘Wolf Wilder’ so maybe she follows a pack of wolves to the castle?

    1. Interesting – this idea of a move away from the wooden house to some transformative adventure, then life in the castle seems to be a gathering momentum on the blog. Thankyou, Tom. And you think the wolves help her or guide her in this?

  12. I think that B is the beginning and A is the end because firstly: in passage B, it states that this happened “hundreds” of years ago. And the second one said it happened “many” years ago, implying it was quite a few years back, but not TOO far away that it doesn’t deserve to (or have a significance of) have clarification about how many years it really happened. Secondly, it is just like “From Rags to Riches”! At first – although it may not be considered rags, just normality – the girl does not live a lavish life. In passage A, she had an ostentatious life of luxury – although there are curious aspects to her life (considering she ate stew and lived in a burnt castle). Both lives weren’t perfect, but they were unique in their own ways.

  13. Thankyou Aman. I can hear your careful and evidenced reasoning in your writing here. I love the way you can see the core ‘rags to riches’ story arc but can also see this is not as simple or straightforward as a fairytale.

    Thank for sharing your thoughts. Do you think you will read the book?

  14. i think neither of them come first because i think the girl likes to use her imagination and think she is living in a castle not in a small wooden house and she is stormy because she wished she did actually live in a real castle and she is lonely so she thinks negitively.

    1. but im not that sure so if i had to i would have b first and a after because she mabye saw wolfs and then found the castle so she let the wolfs live with them in the castle and that would make sense because of the smell of drying amimals

    2. Thanks Lola – I have never heard that possibility before. Two world can exist at the same time, one in the outer world and one in the imagination.

  15. i think a is the beggining as its present tense and b is past tense. maybe her castle burnt down more or she was kicked from it and thats why she has to go to the forest cabin.I think she is moody,angry and gloomy just like a storm.

    1. Thanks Poppy. Do you think there are clues that she will be less gloomy and more happy in the forest cabin, then, if this is where she ends up?

  16. I think it goes from [B] to [A]. The girl lived in the cabin and while doing something (collecting fire wood or food ect.) she finds the castle, tells her mother, and they spend some years making the inside into a good living condition, but they didn’t fix the outside incase they received unwanted attention. The animals they had brought in from the forest, as they could use them as livestock or as pets.

    1. Thanks Sophie – yours is a tale of building your own new beginning. It made me wonder who might have given them that ‘unwanted attention’? Intriguing. Could this leave a degree of threat in your story? Have we not yet reached the end?

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